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Support the Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff


Added on  2023/05/30

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This article provides tips and techniques to support the recruitment, selection, and induction of staff. It covers legislative requirements, job description, advertising, shortlisting, and interview process. The article also includes a general plan for the interview process and sample questions to assess candidates against the agreed selection criteria.

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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Table of Contents
Assessment Tool 1.....................................................................................................................2
Assessment activity 1:................................................................................................................2
Assessment activity 2.................................................................................................................4
Assessment Activity 3................................................................................................................6
Assessment activity 4.................................................................................................................7
Assessment activity 7.................................................................................................................9
Assessment activity 8.................................................................................................................9
Assessment activity 9.................................................................................................................9
Assessment activity 10.............................................................................................................11
Assessment activity 11.............................................................................................................12
Assessment activity 12.............................................................................................................12
Assessment activity 13.............................................................................................................14
Assessment activity 14.............................................................................................................15
Assessment Tool 2...................................................................................................................16
1. What is a selection report, how is compelled, what is included in a selection report and
why is it an important piece of documentation in the recruitment and selection process?......16
2. Recruitment is one of the functions that HR practitioners are responsible for. What is
recruitment and what does it involve? How does recruitment fit into the HR life cycle?.......16
3. How does an interview panel assess each applicant and select the preferred candidate?.16
2.Write a letter of application and resume for a job being advertised that you are qualified for.
Explain why you think the letter and resume would ensure you were shortlisted for the job. 17
3. Should we take previous experience into account when shortlisting candidates for a job?
When is previous work experience not used as a selection tool?............................................19
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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Assessment Tool 1
Assessment activity 1:
1. How can an organization identify the need to make an appointment?
The organization management should conduct a regular planning and assessment for the
available needs of the organization. After that, the management should proceed for evaluating
specific needs of all the departments in the company and select for the appointment according
to specific needs (Posavac, 2015).
2. What impact does recruiting have on an organization’s resources?
Recruitment process have various impacts on the organization’s resources. For example,
recruitment process needs management to modify their internal costs related to entire
planning and appointment process, all the human resource planning should be modified as per
the current recruitment needs (Bailey, Mankin, Kelliher & Garavan, 2018).
3. An employee in your organization is five months pregnant and has informed
management that she intends to take twelve months maternity leave. Management has
told you that you can start advertise for a temporary replacement one month before the
employee goes on leave. What would you tell them about the timeline for recruitment?
The timeline for recruitment should be right after sanctioning leave for the employee.
On the other hand, as instructed by the management, advertisement for the temporary
replacement should be done one month before, therefore the recruitment date will be after
one month. For instance, if the employee intends to take leave from January then the
advertisement should start from December and the employment date should be from January.
4. What is discrimination? What can organizations do to ensure that they comply with
anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation in the recruitment process?
Discrimination suggest treating an individual unfairly as of who they are of because
they have certain characteristics. On the other hand, changing cultural and gender diversity in
the organizations have obliged workers from various backgrounds, ethnicity to work together
to achieve the objectives of the organization. According to Fiske (2018), differences among
employees have a tendency to develop misunderstandings as well as result in conflicts.
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There are various steps that could be implemented strategically in order to avoid any
type of discrimination regarding recruitment process. According to the Anti-discrimination
law, under federal and state regulations, this is against the rule for employers to distinguish
workers along with job applicants as well as harassment to happen with their companies.
Employers should avoid discrimination of applicants based on their age, disability, race,
experiences, sex and others (, 2018).
According to equal-opportunity laws in Australia, organizations should clear out the
funding and incentive policies available for several responsibilities, which will be supporting
employees with indigenous Australians, mature-aged employees and employees with
disability as well as workers without these discrepancies (, 2018).

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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Assessment activity 2
1. Draw up a competency profile for your job, a colleague’s job, or other job you
are familiar with that which accurately reflect the role requirements
Job Description: The organization is looking for an assistance human resource manager
who is competent in recruiting skilled talents, offering the staff an exceptional working
Manager: Date: 21.11.2018
1. Effective knowledge in the field
2. Commitment towards ongoing human resource learning process
3. Excellent communication skills
4. An analytical approach towards changing organizational situations
5. Critical thinking and HR organizational competencies
1. Multitasking capabilities
2. Communication skills
3. Negotiation skills
4. Problem-solving and change management skills
The HR manager should have a knowledge and experience in compensation plans,
employment laws, planning for the organizational development, regulations and steps for
the recruitment process along with the knowledge about employee safety, engagement and
workers’ development process.
Performance Standards
The performance standards for a human resource manager are accountability for the
responsibilities assigned to the person, managing and understanding ethical behaviours
properly. Along with these standards, the responsible person should have the performance
standard of team working spirit and the time management capabilities as well as creative
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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
2. Use the competency profile from the previous question to complete a job
Item Description
Job Title Assistance HR Manager
Reports to Reports to the general manager and HR manager in change
Remuneration As per the payment standards, average salary for the position
is around $62,308 to a basic $ 65,000 per year.
Job Title: Assistant HR Manager
Job Purpose: The main purpose of the job purpose is to execution of effective
communication and quick resolution for different queries.
Accountabilities: The assistant HR manager should exhibit concentration on the main job
responsibilities and should be always ready to assist the HR director and other manager to
achieve HR-related operations.
Qualifications: Minimum qualification or graduation in management studies, Business or
HR studies.
Experience/skilled required: A minimum of 1-year experience in the related field is
Key working relationships: Key working relationships will be surrounded within HR and
Work team purpose: The work team purpose of the position is to assist HR managers and
other specialists by corresponding to different administrative tasks like arranging incoming
job requests, time management for interviews and others.
3. Explain the importance of consulting with relevant personal when preparing job
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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Consulting with responsible personal at the time of job descriptions is important to know
the right way to arrange all the relevant information that will reflect the main purpose for
preparing the job description (Granovetter, 2018). Consulting is helpful in developing a well-
constructed job description that reflect responsibilities and will help in catching the eyes of
the potential applicants.

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Assessment Activity 3
1. What legislative requirement apply to job description and advertising?
The legislative requirements are listed below;
The section 86 of the federal “Sex discrimination Act” job descriptions and
advertisements should not content any information that will reflect discrimination based on
sex, gender, potential pregnancy and others (, 2018).
2. What type of people might a diverse workforce be made up of?
A diverse workforce should contain people from different cultural backgrounds as well as
there should be equal male and female employees as per their competency level. Despite
these, disable persons could be apart of diverse workforce, if they have the potential skills for
the respected job positions (Harvey & Allard, 2015).
3. What event makes the completion of the determine job description cycle?
A complete assessment of the needs and value for the job position in the organization
along with the evaluation of resource potential is the last stage to determine successful
completion of the job description cycle (Zhu, Wanberg, Harrison & Diehn, 2016).
4. If any management specified that the person as a salesperson in a car yard needs to
be male, are they contravening legislative requirements? Explain
According to the section 86 of the federal “Sex discrimination Act”, it is unlawful that
any organization is advertising for a job position that is indicating to sexual and gender
discrimination (, 2018). In this respect, it could be said that advertisement
for a salesperson in a car yard is contravening legislative requirements.
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Assessment activity 4
1. Select a job you are familiar with and write an advertisement for the job, aiming
to attract a person with the necessity skills and abilities to be successful in the
A highly progressive and dramatic company needs the services skilled and
professionally sounded candidates for the following position
Assistance HR Manager
Qualifications: Graduation in HR course or business studies as well as
MBA holders are also welcomed.
Main Responsibility: With effective knowledge in critical thinking and
analytical assessment power the individual needs to accompany the HR
director in several projects in the future.
Experience: Minimum one year working experience in the HR department
or has an internship certificate.
Candidates meeting all the above criteria are requested to apply for the
positions and send their CVs with cover letter with seven days from the
publication of the advertisement on the official email address.
Assistant HR Manager
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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
2. What channels would you use to advertise the position? Why?
Both the online and offline channels would be used to advertise for the job position.
Online channels are effective to gather mass attention and it is according to the current trends
of the market. Traditional offline advertisements through emails help to provide assurance
about the organization and build trust among candidates and organization (Lopez-Cotarelo &
Nicolini, 2015).
3. Is it a good idea to ask individual candidates different questions? Explain
Asking individuals different questions may help to judge them critically as well as
this process will help in identifying individual capabilities effectively and how each person
acts in front of critical situation.
4. The selection panel wants to ask female applicants what they will do if their
children get sick and cannot go to school /child care. Does this type of question
breach legislative requirements? Explain
Asking these types of questions are not illegal. These questions will help to maintain
future relationship between the management and the employee (Lopez-Cotarelo & Nicolini,
2015). On the other hand, these types of questions will help both the to maintain their
organizational regulations in a clear way.

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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Assessment activity 7
1. How would you select criteria for shortlisting candidates?
The selection criteria for shortlisting candidates will be based on the experience and skills
that are underlined in the job advertisement. If the skills and experience match with the job
advertisement then the candidate should go through written tests and interview for the
respective jobs (Bovens, 2016). Performance in these steps will also be counted for final
Assessment activity 8
1. You have been asked to schedule interviews for shortlisted candidates. The
interview panel suggests that interviews should take place every fifteen minutes.
What would you say?
I would suggest that interviews should take at least half an hour estimating the time need
for the written tests if there are any, reviewing the test results and a face to face interview is
good to conduct within 15 minutes.
2. What should you do to notify candidates of an interview time, date and venue?
Sending mails for the selected candidates is the best way to acknowledge them with the
time, date and venue.
Assessment activity 9
1. Write down a general plan for the interview process
Activity Time allocated
Shortlisting candidates Three days
Screening interview Ten minutes
First round interview (written test) Fifteen minutes
Second round interview (face-to-face
Fifteen minutes
Job offering and background check Five minuets
2. Chose a job that has been advertised or a job that you are familiar with.
Construct two each of open, direct and probing questions, that could be asked at
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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
the interview to assess candidates against the agreed selection criteria.
Experiment by asking other people each of the questions and see what type of
answers you get to each.
Open 1.What makes you interested
to apply for the position?
2. Why should the
organization hire you as an
assistance HR manager?
Direct 1.what challenges are you
expecting for in this job
2. what according to you are
the main responsibilities for
the job?
Probing 1.Describe a work-related
problem and how a HR
assistant manager should act
2. what should the response
of Assistant HR manager to
resistance to change in the
3. The HR manager in your organization says that they do not feel that the person
who will be supervising the candidate that is being employed should be involved
in the interview process. What would you tell them about the need to discuss the
assessment with the supervisor and to involve them in the negotiation for
preferred candidate?
A meeting should be arranged before the interview process and in that meeting
importance of supervisor should be pointed out. In the meeting it should be exhibit that
supervisor needs to know the candidates’ skills as well as weaknesses so that guidance could
be effective (Baird, 2015).
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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Assessment activity 10
1. Create a form you can use when contracting a referee by phone.
Applicant Name:
Position Applied for:
Reference Checked by:
Contact Person:
Contact Phone:
Was the candidate a worker of your company?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
What were the candidate's dates of employment?
Start Date:
End Date:
What was the candidate's salary?
Starting Salary:
Ending Salary:
Would you rehire this candidate?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]

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Assessment activity 11
1. Create a form suitable for use as a selection report.
(Form is referred in the Appendix)
Assessment activity 12
1. Draft a letter to be sent to unsuitable applicants.
Date: 21.11.2018
Name of candidate:
Candidate’s Address:
This letter is to notify you that you were not designated to undergo a
screening test or an interview for the job position you applied. We
appreciate your concern and interest in our open position as well as
that you took the time to send us our IDs and an application.
Again, thanking you for applying for the role of Assistant HR Manager.
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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
2. You have been selected a candidate who you wish to employ. As a part of
securing their agreement to fill the position, you need to decide how much they
will be paid. How would you do this?
Deciding on the salary structure of the candidate should be decided on the base of
organizational resource potentiality as well as the experience of the candidate (Bratton &
Gold, 2017). If the candidate has enough experience in the specified field then, the basic
minimum salary level should be developed.
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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Assessment activity 13
1. What documents might you need to provide the successful candidate?
The successful candidate should be provided with the employment contract, where each
detail of the job position and responsibility as well as the compensation, incentive scale, leave
information should be enlisted. Apart from this, an offer letter should be given to the
candidate assuring that the job position has been assigned to the candidate (Brewster, 2017).
2. You have provided a candidate with an employment contract. When the contract
was drawn up it was decided that the candidate would only be given five days
personal/carer’s leave a year. The minimum entitlement is ten days. The
candidate agrees to the contract and signs it. Does this mean that legally they can
only have five sick days a year? You might need to conduct your own research to
answer this question.
The candidate has five official sick leaves per year along with the privilege to apply for
more ten days of leave from work. This means legally the candidate could apply for leave
from work due to urgent reasons for fifteen days a year.

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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Assessment activity 14
1. You are starting a new job. What information would you want to be included in
your induction?
In the context of applying for a new job, information about the job responsibilities, skills,
capabilities need to be added in the induction. This means, initially, perspective of the job
needs to be understood and all the related responsibilities as well as skills for the job. On the
other hand, there is a need to identify the weaknesses also and required to reduce them.
2. What role can supervisors perform in an induction program?
In an induction program, a supervisor should take care of the candidates, their personal
preferences should be considered along with all the ongoing training needs to be fulfilled so
that each candidate could understood the working process and working environment of their
new organization (Mitchell, 2018).
3. An employee is changing jobs within the organization. They do not fell like the
need an induction. What would you tell them about the advantages of an
induction for existing employees placed in new jobs with the same organization?
Despite the fact that employees are applying for the new job positions within the same
organization, they also need an induction program. Existing employees with an effective
induction process could be able to identify exact needs of the new job positions. On the other
hand, induction for the present employees will help them to be more competent and
recognizable face within the organization.
4. How would you include addressing an employer’s legal obligations in an
induction program?
The legal obligations for the employer include work safety and health training so that in
future all the work-related hazards could be reduced. The employer should ensure Anti-
Discriminatory laws and gender equality while providing training to the employees
(, 2018).
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Assessment Tool 2
1. What is a selection report, how is compelled, what is included in a selection
report and why is it an important piece of documentation in the recruitment and
selection process?
A selection report could be suggested as an entire report where all the information is
enlisted. Selection report is important for providing all the legal and necessary information to
the individuals who are going to select candidates for specific job positions.
The selection report should involve information regarding referee checks, other
information gathered that supports the recommendation, short-listing list, copy of all the
interview questions and others (, 2018).
2. Recruitment is one of the functions that HR practitioners are responsible for.
What is recruitment and what does it involve? How does recruitment fit into the
HR life cycle?
According to the HR management, recruitment process should be addressed as the
procedure of finding and hiring best and skilful candidates for job opening, within time and in
a cost-effective manner. It involves job description, job advertisement, interview process,
selection procedure and hiring of well apt candidates.
The entire HR life cycle involves steps such as evaluation of organizational potentialities
and resourcing capabilities, sourcing of candidates from internal and external sources,
fundamental screening process, interview, selection and onboarding process. In this way,
recruitment process gets enlisted in the HR life cycle process (Bailey, Mankin, Kelliher &
Garavan, 2018).
3. How does an interview panel assess each applicant and select the preferred
All the panel members should take adequate time for reviewing the “Candidate interview
assessment form” and rank all the candidates according to their competencies. Then a
meeting should be arranged to discuss performance level of all the enlisted candidates. When
taking decisions regarding a disable person, control panel members should evaluate what are
the capabilities present in the company to resource the disable candidate (Bailey, Mankin,
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Kelliher & Garavan, 2018). After that all the final shortlisted candidates should be judged
according to their skills and at last, final decision should be taken.

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2.Write a letter of application and resume for a job being advertised that you are
qualified for. Explain why you think the letter and resume would ensure you were
shortlisted for the job.
The letter of application is listed below;
Olivia Donaldson
52 Moruya Street, New South Wales
November 21, 2018
I am writing to apply for the position of an Assistant HR Manger. As requested, I encircle a complete job
application, my CV and certification.
This is to inform you that the job position is very appealing to me and I believe my previous knowledge,
experience and skills will help to achieve all the tasks and future endeavours. All the key capabilities of
mine that will help me in getting assurance regarding the job position are;
I have effective experience and participation record in live assignments and projects
I support and strive continuous knowledge development process
I have strong communication skills
With a degree of MBA and bachelors in HR management, I have effective understanding of the HR life
cycle process and its importance to the organization. Please review my resume carefully and resend
Thank you for the time and consideration.
Olivia Donaldson
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Olivia Donaldson
52 Moruya Street, New South Wales
Personal Summary
A skilled and organized person who has the capability to work as per a significant part of a team and able
to manage priorities. With positive attitude towards change and analytical understanding about work
related problems do not fear to face the difficulties.
Skills and capabilities
Time management and team working spirit
Communication skills
Analytical skills and critical thinking power
Multitasking capabilities
Professional experiences
Have previous work experience as a trainee HR associate in a multinational organization. Have one-year
experience as a junior HR associate in a global organization.
Educational career
Passed bachelor with 70% marks from The University of Western Australia
Hold a certificate on HR management from Australian HR Institute
Passed MBA course from ANU College of Business and Economics
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It has been evidence that all the skills and personal experiences matching with the job
requirements and responsibilities needs of the company as well as the organization, therefore,
there is a chance of selection for job position.
3. Should we take previous experience into account when shortlisting candidates for a
job? When is previous work experience not used as a selection tool?
Previous job experiences always matter when shortlisting candidates for a job. This is
because skill and competencies for a specific position along with understanding of the
responsibilities will be helpful for achieving all the organizational objectives. On the other
hand, if the candidate is applying for a new job in a completely different industry then the
previous experiences could not be counted.

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References (2018). Retrieved from
Bailey, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C., & Garavan, T. (2018). Strategic human resource
management. Oxford University Press.
Bailey, C., Mankin, D., Kelliher, C., & Garavan, T. (2018). Strategic human resource
management. Oxford University Press.
Baird, B. (2015). Internship, practicum, and field placement handbook. Routledge.
Bovens, L. (2016). Selection under uncertainty: affirmative action at shortlisting
stage. Mind, 125(498), 421-437.
Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2017). Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
Brewster, C. (2017). The integration of human resource management and corporate strategy.
In Policy and practice in European human resource management (pp. 22-35).
Routledge. (2018). Retrieved from
Equal opportunity and diversity. (2018). Retrieved from
Fiske, S. T. (2018). Controlling other people: The impact of power on stereotyping. In Social
Cognition (pp. 101-115). Routledge.
Granovetter, M. (2018). Getting a job: A study of contacts and careers. University of
Chicago press.
Guidelines for writing and publishing recruitment advertisements | Australian Human Rights
Commission. (2018). Retrieved from
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Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. (2015). Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases,
and exercises. Pearson.
Legal obligations when training staff | Business Queensland. (2018). Retrieved from
Lopez-Cotarelo, J., & Nicolini, D. (2015). Achieving consistency: a practice-based approach
to HRM. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2015, No. 1, p. 12518).
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Mitchell, D. (2018). 50 Top Tools for Employee Wellbeing: A Complete Toolkit for
Developing Happy, Healthy, Productive and Engaged Employees. Kogan Page
Posavac, E. J. (2015). Program evaluation: Methods and case studies. Routledge.
Zhu, J., Wanberg, C. R., Harrison, D. A., & Diehn, E. W. (2016). Ups and downs of the
expatriate experience? Understanding work adjustment trajectories and career
outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(4), 549.
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To (Delegate)
Agency Work Unit
Job Title Designation
Job Type Duration
Salary Location
Position Number RTF Closing
Name Position
Details of Special
Measures Plan

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Special Measures
Reason for vacancy
Date of approval to fill vacancy
Redeployee action
Date vacancy was advertised
Date advertisement was closed
Number of applications received
Additional information
Brief Info about Applicant and Basis for not
Considering Further
1 Applicant A
2 Applicant B
3 Applicant C
4 Applicant D
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The shortlisted applicants are:
Summary of the Claims and Information Gathered About Shortlisted Applicants
1. Applicant’s Name:
Summary of Referee Information: (If referees for this applicant are contacted)
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2. Applicant’s Name:
Notes regarding previous work history, level, experience, education, qualifications, work
samples or performance reports obtained, other information gathered:
Summary of Referee Information: (If referees for this applicant are contacted)

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___________________ ___________________
***Panel Chair Name*** ***Panel Member Name*** ***Panel
Member Name***
***Job Title*** ***Job Title*** ***Job Title***
Date: Date: Date:
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________________________ _____________________
Director HR (If an agency requirement) Delegate
Date: Date:
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