
(PDF) Trait Approach to Leadership


Added on  2021-04-21

7 Pages1707 Words145 Views
Running head: REFELCTION ON LEADERSHP SKILLSREFELCTION ON LEADERSHP SKILLSName of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
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1REFELCTION ON LEADERSHP SKILLSLeadership can be defined as the art of motivating a group of people for achieving a setof common goals fixed by the organization (DuBrin, 2016). The traits mainly focus on capturingthe essentials of being able to be based upon ideas, communicating the ideas among thesubordinates. It also includes engaging the subordinates into their objectives and encouragingthem to perform beyond their capabilities (Tjosvold & Tjosvold, 2015). Individuals with properleadership skills can set and achieve challenging goals and at the same time take swift anddecisive actions out-forming any competition that comes on the way (DuBrin, 2016). Leadershipmainly inculcates showing subordinates the different ways by which they can effectively performtheir responsibilities and supervise completion of the tasks (Flynn, Smither & Walker, 2016).This assignment will mainly include the traits of the leader whom I consider as my role model.Following the traits, I would also reflect the skills that I possess or lack and the leadership traitsthat I want to develop for my future.Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Industries is my role model. He is one of the mostsuccessful as well as the most influential entrepreneur in the world of business. He is a renownednamed in the arenas of leadership because of the extraordinary transformational and charismaticleadership skills. He had fought with dyslexia at a very young age and had a tough life at school.However, all such barriers did not affect his zeal to lead people (Branson, 2015). Therefore, hebecame successful in exhibiting his leadership prowess at the early age of 16. Today, he has beenable to build an empire of 400 companies under Virgin group that includes bank, mobile phones,music, hotel chain, airlines, bridal wears and many others (Hyde, 2018). He was listed in one ofthe Forbes eligible billionaires 2012. Just like the traits of transformational and charismaticleaders, he is funny, humorous, anti-establishments, war, friendly, risk taker, opportunist, fast,competitive, workaholic and hard negotiator (Williams, 2017).
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2REFELCTION ON LEADERSHP SKILLSOver several phases of reflection, I have realized that I am quite introvert and cannotopen up myself in front of my team members. Because of this, I cannot engage myself ineffective sessions of feedback giving and sharing which is very urgent for implementinginnovations and creativity at work. Moreover, it also helps the subordinates feel respected andaccepted in the organization that tends to develop their dedication and enthusiasm. I do not haveproper social skills for which I am not able to establish effective relationship and bonds with mysubordinates for which the work output of the team is never achieved as expected. I need tofollow the skills of Richard Branson as he had been able to maintain a healthy leader-memberrelationship with all his employees. He treats them like family and his social skills are quite high(Burns, 2016). He goes out of his way and invites juniors to his parties in his own home. Inaddition to this, he welcomes feedback and suggestions from his employees giving them afreedom to be creative (Niphadkar, 2017). As I cannot take the risk of giving freedom to mysubordinates and follow a traditional style of safe working, profits are limited and employees areseen to burn out. He believe that motivation and praising capabilities are enough to bring out thebest from the employees which encourage them to work beyond their capabilities. Since mycommunication, skills are not effective and since I am introvert, such praising capabilities are notpresent in me. I should try to adopt this leadership trait as Branson has experienced himself thatby praising generously, people are seen to flourish. Researchers have stated that if leaderspromote people more than what they expect, they are seen to show excellent performance. Thisis because the leader’s trust males them more confident in their respective tasks helping them toachieve goals easily (Noke & Mosey, 2017).However, one of the skills that I have learnt and is gradually working on is my delegatingskills. Just by following the steps of Richard Branson, I had developed the ability to recognize
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