
Gibbs Reflective Cycle for Evaluating Reflective Journals


Added on  2023-01-12

7 Pages2121 Words37 Views
Professional DevelopmentTeacher Development
Gibbs Reflective Cycle for Evaluating Reflective Journals_1

INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................3
Reflective Journals.......................................................................................................................3
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................6
Gibbs Reflective Cycle for Evaluating Reflective Journals_2

Gibbs reflective cycle is the model which helps to inspire group of people to think
systematically about their experience which they have during specified situation, activity and
event. This model plays significant role because it supports people to understand and analyse
what they did and how they can do better in the future. This cycle is based on the theme
'Learning by Doing”. It is applied for various situations and improves proof of practices. It helps
people to determine their weaknesses and strength which they can improve over the period. This
report includes Gibbs reflective cycle to evaluate journals reflective cycle.
Reflective Journals
It is proposed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 who offers a model for evaluating experience
and encourages people to repeat experience itself by giving its cyclic nature, permits people to
learn new things and overcome their weaknesses by improving their skills. This framework is
completed into six stages such as description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusions and
action plan. I will use Gibbs reflective cycle to examine my employability skills. Generally, this
framework is covered into six stages such as:
Description: This stage explained situation in detail and helps them to know about what happen.
While doing presentation on corporate social responsibility (CSR) I included my skills such as
communication skills, ICT skills, research skills, numeracy, team work skills, time management
and problem solving skills (Vicary, Young and Hicks,, 2017). There were some skills like
research skills and team work skills and numeracy which I learned because it was required for
CSR presentation. While other skills i.e. problem solving skills, communication skills which I
had included because I wanted to improve to perform well. Even several skills like time
management and ICT skills were my weakness which gave negative impact on my performance.
Overall experience was quite interesting for me because most of the thing was new for me that
initially leads complication to learn but later on got desirable outcomes.
Feeling: This stage explains about public experience which they felt while handling situation. I
was happy when I saw my communication skills and problem solving skills because they were
coming in excellent grade while preparing corporate society responsibility (CSR) presentation.
Even I got good feedbacks from senior authorities and staff about my problem solving and
communication skills (Donyaie and Afshar, 2019). Some senior authorities gave good comment
Gibbs Reflective Cycle for Evaluating Reflective Journals_3

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