
Reflection on Personal Development Plan | Assignment


Added on  2021-01-02

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Reflective personal development planjournal
Reflection on Personal Development Plan | Assignment_1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe present study states my four major skills; negotiating skills, team work skills, publicspeaking skills and conflict resolution skills. The study is about the analysis of my strengths andweakness regarding my four core skills. It shows the betterment required in the areas of theweaknesses I have in my skills. A development plan is prepared in the present report whichhighlights the problems areas, what needs to be done to improve those areas and what time isneeded for the desired improvement. My major weaknesses are; poor public speaking due to lackof self confidence and nervousness, lack of patience when working with the team and ignoringsituations all the time to avoid conflicts and not taking stand for resolving the disputes. Thereport described that public speaking can be improved through attending public speakingcourses, by being more presentable in the classroom. Patience level can be improved by takingguidance from the experienced mentors and senior for becoming an efficient member in theteam.
Reflection on Personal Development Plan | Assignment_2

Table of ContentsEXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................2REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY................................................................................................3SUMMARY AND ACTION PLAN................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................121
Reflection on Personal Development Plan | Assignment_3

REFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRYREFLECTIVE JOURNAL ENTRY PRO-FORMA 1What is the core skill to develop? I want to furnish my negotiation skills. Negotiation skills is the capability of discussing andcoming to an agreement, the outcome of which is beneficial for all the parties involved in thenegotiation. Negotiation skills includes various attributes such as good vocal communicationabilities, rational decision making skills, focus and active listening skills. Though I am good innegotiating with others, however I want to develop some other attributes which will make mypresent skills more polished.Why is this core skill important? Why did I select this skill to reflect on? Negotiation skills are important for me because good negotiating skills will help in avoidingconflicts with my peers, colleagues. Negotiation skills leads to respect for others. It helps inbuilding the confidence in oneself as good negotiation provides satisfactory agreement to theparties in the negotiation process.This is an important skill because it would boost my confidence level, it would help inimproving my communication skills and would make my decision making process morerationale.Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess yourcompetence? By closely observing and reviewing myself, I discovered my present level of competence skill.My negotiation skills are satisfactory now as I am continuously working on it and askingdifferent groups like peers, tutors, colleagues so that I could make my skills more effective. Iassessed by current competence level by taking the feedbacks from various groups in mysurroundings and most importantly my inner feelings about the competence I posses.Feedback from peer groups: I have asked about my present skills effectiveness from my peers2
Reflection on Personal Development Plan | Assignment_4

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