
Reflective Report on Learning and Analytical Thinking


Added on  2022-12-30

8 Pages2502 Words30 Views
Reflective Report
Reflective Report on Learning and Analytical Thinking_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................1
Reflection on learning ................................................................................................................1
Reflective Report on Learning and Analytical Thinking_2

Reflective writing is used by the individual for learning from a particular personalised
and practical experience. From perspective of reflective writing persons try to write some
essential skills that are carried out for performing some particular activities. In this model,
reflective report is generated to perform all task by considering actions that are practical to
implement (Brous, 2017). From perspective of this reflective research, analytical and critical
thinking, writing a cover letter, SOWT and CV will be included in this report. This all aspects
are related with model of Gibb's reflective cycle to understand respond and importance of
Reflection on learning
Gibbs reflective cycle was given by American sociologist Graham Gibbs in 1988.Gibbs
reflective cycle determines the experiences in a systematic way during a specific situation. The
reflection cycle makes the person thinks about the experiences and feelings. The positive and
negative impact of the experiences and things and they can learn from it and can take the action
plan according to it. It refers to a practice based learning. Gibbs reflection cycle can be explained
in six step that are:
Action plan
In context to an individual in different stages the model can be explained as:
Description- In this stage an individual can determine the answers of question that arises
with work like what happened, when it occurred, who was there at that time. In this stage no
conclusion can be drawn by the individual (Dressler and et. al, 2018). This is the where
individual can determine the situation in detail. According to the descriptive stage, an individual
identify and set action that are happened with motive of understanding and analysing perspective
that is related with critical and analytical thinking. Persons perform their work according to skills
Reflective Report on Learning and Analytical Thinking_3

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