
Relationship Between an Organizations Structure and Culture


Added on  2020-01-23

13 Pages4115 Words121 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organizational behaviour
Relationship Between an Organizations Structure and Culture_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1Comaparison & contrast of different organizational structure & culture...............................11.2Relationship between the organization's structure & culture & its effect on performance....21.3Various factors that influences the behaviour of the individual at work................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1 Comparison of effectiveness of different leadership style and its impact on theorganizations................................................................................................................................32.2 Linkage of organization theory with the management style of both organizations...............42.3 Evaluation of different approaches to management and leadership theories.........................43.1 Impact of different leadership styles on the motivation of City College and Enterprise......53.2 Motivation theories that both organizations might adopt and their impact on the workforce.....................................................................................................................................................53.3 Application of motivation theories and their benefits of chosen theory................................64.1 Nature of groups & group behaviour within the workforce of City College & Enterprise...74.2 Various factors which promote the effectiveness & factors that threaten the success ofteam..............................................................................................................................................74.3 Evaluation of impact of technology on the team performance of City College & Enterprise.....................................................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Relationship Between an Organizations Structure and Culture_2

INTRODUCTION Organizations are those bodies which follow the perspective to induce an effectivebehaviour within an individual with the help of the appropriate styles and skills. The structure ofthe organization and culture plays a very important role in determining the behaviour of theindividual at the workplace. The present report discusses about the effective relationship betweenan organization's structure and culture. Various factors are also identified which influence thebehaviour of the individual with different learning styles and theory that are linked with theorganization. Comparison of the different motivational theory is done by proper evaluating theimpact of the theory and technology over the workforce of City College and Enterprise. With theeffective formation of the group the behaviour of the individual can be influenced for theeffective team performance.TASK 11.1Comaparison & contrast of different organizational structure & culture The organization structure and culture determines the appropriate aspect to performeffective functioning of the organizations. The culture and the structure assist the organizationsto ideally identify different aspect and effectively accomplish goals and objectives. Organization Structures:The organizational structure is the appropriate framework for the organization to performdifferent functions and tasks in an effective manner by adopting an appropriate behaviour. Thestructure of the organization encompasses of different work group with respective designation tocarry out the entire functioning. The organization structure and cultures of City College andEnterprise are discussed below:The organization structure of City College is tall and centralized. It comprises of differentdepartment to carry out various operations and the power to make the decisions lay in the handof the single individual this help in effectively managing various operations. On contrary, theorganizational structure of Enterprise is flat and decentralized. It encompasses of single layer ofthe management which helps to carry out all the operations. The employees are given power tomake the decision which helps the Enterprise to carry out operations in an effectual way.Organization Culture: 1
Relationship Between an Organizations Structure and Culture_3

The organization culture provides the clear picture about different integral part of theorganizations. It basically refers to the norms, value and the behaviour which the individualinherit during the working. The culture of City College is power culture which helps them to follow decisions in anappropriate manner. The power remains in the hand of the single person to manage the work inan effective manner. This is very favourable aspect as it helps the individual to manage work inan effective manner. Enterprise follows or adopts the task culture that dictates the team workapproach to carry out the entire working in an effective manner. This clearly motivates theemployees to carry out different operations because they are empowered to make certaindecisions at the lower level.1.2Relationship between the organization's structure & culture & its effect on performanceThe relationship between organization's structure and culture are dependent on oneanother. In the present era, the functioning structure of the City College and Enterprise are quitedifferent as it comprises of different polices and procedure to manage entire work flow in aneffective manner. Properly forming policies helps in effective accomplishment of the task byadopting appropriate strategies (Mowday, Porter and Steers, 2013).In order to carry out communication, proper techniques is followed as the span of controlis very complex which determines the flow of information in the entire work environment ofEnterprise are skilled and effective and take the decisions which prove beneficial. This aspectmotivates the employees of enterprise to make proper efforts to accomplish tasks which areassigned to them. On the other hand, in City College the entire working is controlled by thesingle individual and the employees are not delegated to make the decision as the framework isvery complex and it affect the performance of the employees to a certain extent.1.3Various factors that influences the behaviour of the individual at work There are various factors which influence the behaviour of the individual at the workplace and determine the effectual ways to perform the work as per the requirement. Properplanning is required to carry out the operations in an effective manner (Glynn and DeJordy,2010). The factors which influence the behaviour of the individual are stated below:Abilities and skills: This aspect ensures the potential aspect of the individual to performthe task. The behaviour of the individual is highly influenced by the abilities and theskills of the individual. The employees of City College and Enterprise are competent2
Relationship Between an Organizations Structure and Culture_4

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