
Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses


Added on  2020-02-12

11 Pages2898 Words461 Views
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1ASSIGNMENT................................................................................................................................1REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTIONThe report is based on Major Tech Corporation for checking the feasibility of the strategywhich they had made. They are trying to expand the existing clientele with the ClientManagement System (CMS). The present report includes current CMS trend, risk analysis,research approach and its methodology, marketplace of product, financial projections, marketingapproach, organizational requirements, staff requirements, technology considerations,description of product under review and the findings with recommendations. With the help offeasibility study company can take decisions regarding the implementation of strategy.ASSIGNMENTCMS TrendsThe top recent trends have found in client management system which can be explored areas follows:Cloud-based CMS – The continues rise in cloud computing services and CMS has not been leftbehind in this area. For gathering customer data, cloud-based software is a cost efficient datawhich can be proved profitable to the company(The top 6 Trends in Customer RelationshipManagement (CRM). 2017). Cloud-based applications are continue progressing, therefore cloud-based CMS will gain momentum.Social CMS – The power of social CMS is very wide in the market. Companies are payingattention on the social media marketing which is still remain in trend. Customers are empoweredby the social networking sites to influence product. Companies can expect feedback to reachpotential markets. Now the vendors of software are responding to social CMS needs.Mobility – Now a days mobility has turned into a critical business component. The PCs are nolonger in use for accessing data by the customer(Soltani and Navimipour, 2016). The perceptionof the customer not only build by the real-world involvement, but also by the mobile and onlineexperiences.Risks and issuesThe customer care or customer service is growing fast in the last few years.This coversunder the client management system (CMS). Its main focus on retention of customers bygathering data from them either through phone, mail or web. But there varioustypes of risks and1
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issues are associated with implementation of CMS system into the organization like Major TechCorporation(What are the risks involved with Customer Service?. 2014). Company has to analysethe risks and should try to overcome from them. The risks and issues are as follows:Client Management System may be go fail or fragmented, if the implementation iswrong.The new methods may not work in customer service and the cost which is related to it.Lack of interpersonal skills for the interaction with customers and make them embarrassand frustrate. Due to the lack of coordination among the order-entry system or the infrastructure, thenthere may be chances of not responding the market demand.Inefficient staff for handling the CMS system that may be dissatisfy the customers orclients.Customer needs and demands are not respond correctly due to the static (not timelyupdated) web pages.Research approach and methodologyThe Inductive research approachhas followed in this research. This approach starts withthe final stage of scientific research, observation and the work which is done before developingthe hypothesis(Navimipour and Soltani, 2016). It is also called as inductive reasoning. In thisresearch there are no theories applies at the starting of the research. And the researcher is free tochange the direction of the study after the commencement of research process. Learning fromexperience is the basis or inductive reasoning. The researcher of this approach use observationsfor building an abstraction which is being studied. The primary and secondary data collection methods have been used in the research. Theprimary data collection includes first hand data which is directly taken by the customers throughthe questionnaires(Anshari and et.al., 2015). This gives more appropriate information from theside of customers and company can easily use this data. The targeted customers can be addressedand the interpretation of data is much better. The data is reliable and more appropriate. However,it is time consuming and high cost involvement. But it is followed by most of the companies.And the secondary data involves the information which is collected through internet, books and2
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