
Effective Communication in Business


Added on  2020-05-16

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Running head: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONEffective Business CommunicationName of StudentName of UniversityAuthor Note
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1EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONTable of ContentsDiagnosis and Reflection...........................................................................................................2Literature review........................................................................................................................6Concept of communication and its issues..............................................................................6Models related to communication..........................................................................................7Conceptual and behavioural skills needed...........................................................................10Action Plan...............................................................................................................................12Reference..................................................................................................................................15Appendices...............................................................................................................................17Appendix 1...........................................................................................................................17Appendix 2...........................................................................................................................17Appendix 3...........................................................................................................................18Appendix 4...........................................................................................................................19Appendix 5...........................................................................................................................20
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2EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONDiagnosis and ReflectionThe purpose of the report is to analyse the different communication skills that can beused by individuals for improving the level of communication. The focus of the report is onthe set of skills that are required for gaining success at a professional level. The reportanalysis certain tools that help an individual to understand own flaws and make rectificationsbased on those flaws. Apart from this, the report provides a literature review that highlightsthe possible solutions to the issues related to communication. Models related tocommunication are also discussed that provides a detailed analysis of the methods ofcommunication. The report provides a self-reflection of the researcher that deals with ways toimprove the communication techniques.I have taken the assistance of five diagnostic tools that can help me to determine thelevel of communication that I possess. These tools can help me analyse my communicationskills and make rectifications based on the results. As stated by Cardon (2015)communication tools is essential in order to identify any type of error of an individual. Therating given while solving the questionnaire provides an understanding of the areas ofimprovement that is required. It helps in understanding the personality of the people bysolving questionnaires that help in identifying the level of confidence that an individualpossesses. The five tools that have been used in this case include:1. The Non-verbal Immediacy Scale Self-report (NIS-S)2. Self-Perceive Communication Competency Scale (SPCC)3. Confidence level while making presentation4. Soft skills test
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3EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION5. Verbal Communication testThese skills are essential as it helps me to understand the areas in which I need todevelop myself and the style of communication that is adopted by me. Every communicationtool has a different set of questionnaires that help in the assessment of these factors and makerectifications based on the results of the questionnaires. For example, the Non-verbalImmediacy Scale-Self-analyses are used to understand the positive nature of the individualsand the manner in which they perceive other people. In similar fashion, the Self-PerceiveCommunication Competency Scale is used to analyse the communication skill that is requiredin various situations. It has been seen that the reaction and the communication style of peoplechanges in every situation (Argenti, 2015). The third tool is used to assess the confidence level an individual possess whilemaking presentations. This tool helps in understanding the confidence and the relaxationlevel of an individual while making a presentation. The fourth tool that has been analysed isknown as the soft skills test. In the modern days, it is one of the most important tools as ithelps in assessing the level at which one can analyse people (Shwom & Snyder, 2015). It isimportant in every profession to have a skill that can help in the conversation with people foreffective purposes. The fifth tool is the verbal communication test that helps to understandthe ease with which a particular task can be carried out without the help of other people.The tools that have been used have produced different results that have helped in aproper analysis of my skills. The clarity of the analysis has helped me to understand thecommunication level that I possess. For example, after conducting the test on Non-verbalImmediacy Scale-Self it has been seen that my positive feeling towards people is low. Thescore that I received that is 78 indicates the low level of trust that I have on people. Thus, itcan be concluded that I have a tendency to not trust people and feel that they may not
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4EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONinfluence me in a positive manner. This is one of the reasons behind my low score in this test.As suggested by Tuna, Gulez & Gungor (2013) trusting people or feeling a sense of positivitytowards the people is an essential factor particular in a professional field. The test suggeststhat I need to improve this skill (Refer to Appendix 1 for test result). The second test that I undertook is the Self-Perceive Communication Competencytest. This test is used to understand the competency level required to communicate at everyaspect of life. These aspects include public, meeting, group, dyad, stranger, acquaintance andfriend. My test result varied in the competency level after every aspect. The lowest rating thatI got was in the meeting aspect while my overall rating was 65.8. This indicates that I have amedium competency level and that other people can easily distract me. A higher value ofcompetency level indicates that the self-perceived communication of the individuals is strong.In my case, I need to be guided by other people but at the same time, I can be competentenough to make decisions in any of the aspects of life and profession (Refer to Appendix 2for test result).The next test that I undertook included the understanding of my level of confidencewhile making a presentation. This is an important aspect in a professional field as mostbusiness meetings and deals are done with the help of making a presentation. In this test, thescoring pattern ranged from 14-70. My test results showed that I secured a score of 48. Thisindicates the fact that my presentations will be appreciated for only a brief moment. I have atypical average presentation style and people can appreciate with at the same time criticisingit due to lack of clarity of the messages (Refer to Appendix 3 for test result). The next test that I had undertaken is the soft skills test. This test helped me tounderstand the level at which I can manage people. This is important particularly for applyingfor jobs at the managerial level or being a leader of a group. The skill level in this test ranges
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5EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONfrom 16-80 and my test result was showed to be 54. This is again an indication of themediocre nature of my communication skills. This indicates that I tend to remain underpressure in critical situations by like to work and collaborate with groups (Refer to Appendix4 for test result).The fifth test is the verbal communication test that indicates the level at which I needto depend upon my co-workers for carrying out a particular task. The test scores range from20-110 and my score was 104. This indicates that I am willing to work with other people butI have to refine my skills to match the skills of my co-workers. The areas that I need toimprove include paying attention to non-verbal cues, accurately paraphrase work and abilityto remain calm during challenging situations (Refer to Appendix 5 for test result).After analysing the results of the tests, I can analyse my drawbacks and work onimproving the skills. For example, I need to work on three aspects of the verbalcommunication that can help me to be more successful in future. The ability to remain calmduring challenging times is important to ensure that I can handle the situations smoothly.Apart from this, I also need to improve my NIS-S level, as I need to trust people more often.This can be considered as a contrast as based on the analysis of the verbal communicationand the soft skills test I tend to work well with other people. Hence, I need to ensure thatcontrasting characteristic of my communication level is solved effectively. In this regard, twoincidents can be described that failures of my communication.The first issue that I encountered was my inability to understand the non-verbal cues.The incident occurred during a programme in which my companion was asking me to movean object by providing hand signals as verbal communication was inaudible at the time. Thesituation occurred about a month ago in which I was to move a stray nail that was left onstage due to some casualness. My inability to understand the gestures made to me had a
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