
Operations Management in Various Industries


Added on  2020-02-05

16 Pages4460 Words473 Views
Operations Management in Various Industries_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................3TASK 1.......................................................................................................................................................3(a)Define and compare different roles and characteristics of leader and manager............................3(b) Role of leader and function of manager.............................................................................................4(c) Theories and model of leadership.......................................................................................................5(d) Different between role of leader and functions of manager................................................................6(e) Strength and weaknesses of different approaches..............................................................................7(f) Different theories and approaches of leadership.................................................................................8TASK 2.......................................................................................................................................................8(b) Importance and values of operation management to achieve goals and objectives............................9(c) Factors that create impact on operational management....................................................................11(d) How leaders and manager can improve efficiency...........................................................................11(e) Analysis different factors which affect to business environment......................................................12(f) Critically evaluate application of operation management and factors that create impact on the company................................................................................................................................................12CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................................14
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INTRODUCTIONManagement determines very important roles through signifies roles and responsibilities.There are various member within the company, who are participate to achieve goals andobjectives. Operation management covert raw material into finished goods through organizationcan maintain revenue and profits (Cooper, Dowsett and Rogers, 2013). Present report focusingon Metcalf’s which food business is and operating functions in different part of the world. For gaining insight knowledge of the company, present report covers roles andcharacteristics of manager and leader. Furthermore, it also includes theories and models ofleadership. Moreover, it also covers strength and weaknesses of different approaches to dealingwith situation. In addition to this, it also involves key approaches to operation management androle of leader and managers are play within the enterprise.TASK 1(a)Define and compare different roles and characteristics of leader and managerManager and leaders both give effective participation and outcomes through business canachieve their goals and targets. Manager manage business operations and outcomes whereasleader possess quality to take initiative within Metcalf’s. They both has different role andcharacteristics that are as follows:BasisLeader ManagerCharacteristics Leaders are possess qualityto take initiatives to makedecisions and effectivethings within the chosenorganization.On the other hand, managerdemonstrate same things forevaluating business resultsand outcomes that assist tomake proper decisions andresults Pei, Deng and Qi,2016).FocusIn the cited firm, leadersalways focusses on newstrategy trough can createManager of Metcalf’s hascrucial duty to focus onprofits and revenue of the
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creativity and productivityfor enhance business profitsand results at workplace(Cooper, Dowsett andRogers, 2013). company. In this context,they are measuringperformances through createplanning of budgeting andtime scale to accomplisheach activity. VisionLeaders of the chosenorganization has quality tomotivate employee andother members who areparticipate to accomplishdesire outcomes andeffective results. In this way,they are targeting tocustomer in positive way. Manager of the cited firmhas vision to create variousopportunity which assist todevelop profits and revenue.(b) Role of leader and function of managerWithin Metcalf’s leader and manager has effective role and functions through they can easilyachieve market share and maintain profitability at workplace. Following are different role ofleader and function of manager at workplace:Functions of managerPlanning: In order to achieve goals and objectives, planning is the main role ofleader through they can make strategy to formulate plan. In this way, Metcalf’s setactivities and actions which assist to create effective food products. Hence, theOrganizing: After planning, the company need to organize various activities through theyare able to demonstrate quality products and services (Chaouachi, Kamel and Nagasaka,2013). Further, functions that are measure at workplace determine high monetary benefitsand earning foreign currency in various part of world. Thus, strategy is make by theMetcalf’s for attaining effective results and operations.Leading: For attaining with different element and profit, the cited firm has responsibility tomake positive and the better results at workplace. In this aspect, managers are motivating to
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