
Sustainable Practices in the Hospitality Industry


Added on  2020-02-05

14 Pages5191 Words33 Views
Contemporary Issues
Sustainable Practices in the Hospitality Industry_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................11. Current driving contemporary issues in hospitality and tourism ...........................................12. Evolving consumers expectations in hospitality and tourism industry ..................................23. Reasons of changes in customer's expectations .....................................................................34. Expectations of consumers in relation to different types of services .....................................55. Recommendations...................................................................................................................7CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
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INTRODUCTIONHospitality and travel & tourism industry are very broad in size and are continuouslydeveloping with the time. These industries play an important role in country's economy bygrowing employment and GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Both these sectors are linked witheach other because the reason is that people travel from one place to another to enjoy theirholidays and special occasions. To stay long at one place, people require the accommodationsfacilities (Brotherton, 2012). In this context, hotels and resorts are mostly preferred by thetourists and local people to enjoy their quality time with friends and family. But in present time,both these industries are facing new issues and challenges that affect the operations and practicesof both. These are known as contemporary issues which describes the changes in current affairsand trends. The present report will help in understanding the concept of contemporary issues inhospitality and tourism. The report will further focus on the evolution of customer's expectationsthat act as a challenge for both hospitality industries. Lastly, it will feature several issues andreasons related to current contemporary issues. 1. Current driving contemporary issues in hospitality and tourism There are several types of issues present in both hospitality and tourism industries. In thiscontext, issues are related to safety and security, technology, services, complaints, food quality,transport services, evolving customer's expectations, economic or environmental changes etc. Inpresent time, According to Sloan, Legrand and Chen (2013), customers and tourists wants andexpects the high quality of customers services and facilities. The reason is that they become moreaware about the various types of luxuries facilities that are offered all around the world. In orderto attract more number of customers, hoteliers are highly required to increase their standards inall areas such as food quality, queries handling, customer’s services and technology (Sloan,Legrand and Chen, 2013). As per Kusluvan, Kusluvan and Buyruk (2010), Further, in presenttime; people are becoming more conscious about their health In this context, problems arearising related to food safety because; most of the customers demands for hygienic and freshfood. In respect to this, customers are concerned about the freshness, nutrition value, preparation,handling, storing and serving. In this regard, customers demand high quality of food withattractive presentation. To handle these types of issues, government develops various policieswhich are related to food safety and customer's health (Kusluvan, Kusluvan and Buyruk, 2010).1
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Verma, Stock and McCarthy (2012), hoteliers and tour operators have to ensure that customer'ssafety and security are maintained in effective manner. In addition, the other issue is related totechnology. It occurs due to the advancement and modification of expertise. With theadvancement in technology, the expectation of customers related to technology also increases(Verma, Stock and McCarthy, 2012). According to Crick and Spencer (2011), The consumersexpect the high quality of services related to booking, query handling, online reservation andsurveillance camera for security purpose. Further, the issues are also related to economic changesand environmental issues. In this context, if climate changes or natural disasters happens likeflood and earthquakes then, it develops a major challenge in front of both hospitality and tourismindustry (Crick and Spencer, 2011). As per Bilgihan, Okumus and Joon-Wuk Kwun (2011), thereason could be current history of natural disaster in country then in this situation traveller willless prefer to visit and stay at this type of place. In same manner, if transformable disease createslike swine flu then it gives negative impact on people and they will less prefer to visit hotels,resorts and travel at new places. The changes in tax rates also creates problem for tour operatorsand hoteliers because; tourists have to pay high prices for air tickets, transport facilities and rentcharges (Bilgihan, Okumus and Joon-Wuk Kwun, 2011).2. Evolving consumers expectations in hospitality and tourism industry According to Bernsen, Dybkjær and Dybkjær (2012), it is evaluated that majorcontemporary challenges and issues are created just because of changes in consumerexpectations and their buying preferences. In present time, with the changes in factors like socialand technological, expectations of customers also increase. In this issue, internet facility plays animportant role because; with the help of this service, customers became aware about luxurieswhich are offered in other countries. Customers get the information about any type of facilitiesand after that their expectations increases (Bernsen, Dybkjær and Dybkjær, 2012). As perNielsen (2010), They start to expect more from hoteliers in respect to various kinds of serviceslike attractive reservation system with online facility, multi cuisines offering, open kitchenconcept etc. It is analysed that customers develop the high expectations which are related to fastand quality services. They want the high quality of customer’s services anytime, anywhere andwith fulfilment. With the advancement in technology, customers expect from hoteliers and touroperators that they provide rooms where they can access internet and use their electronic gadgets(Nielsen, 2010). Syaifudin, Mukhopadhyay and Yu (2012), It can be said that if delightful2
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