
Assignment Managing a Successful Business Project


Added on  2020-01-28

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Professional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big Data
Assignment Managing a Successful Business Project_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Task 1...............................................................................................................................................1LO 1: Establishing aims, objectives, and timeframes (P1, P2, & P3).............................................1Task 2...............................................................................................................................................7LO2 Conduct small- scale research, information gathering and data collection, generatingknowledge to support the project as specified above: (P4).............................................................7Task 3 ............................................................................................................................................13LO3 Presenting the data collected and communicating recommendations based on conclusionsdrawn from the findings made (P5, P6).........................................................................................13LO 4: Reflection on undertaking the assignment..........................................................................16CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................19
Assignment Managing a Successful Business Project_2

INTRODUCTIONThe term corporate social responsibility refers to the myriad business practices thatinvolves the initiatives which falls for the benefit of the society. It helps in maintaining thebalance between the ecosystem and the economy of the country. In addition to that, it helps inthe growth of the nation and in relevcance to that; it helps in the upliftment of the organization.In other words it can also mentioned a typology of ethical framework that aids or assists in thepromotion of an entity. A business corporate social responsibility constitutes a wide range oftactics, which ranges from rendering a company’s portion to the charity to implementing a moregreener and environmental friendly atmosphere. In this report, the corporate social responsibilityis elaborated vividly and the importance of its usage in the attainment of sustainability andcompetitive advantage is explored. A complete research process is adopted and the data analysisis analyzed in detail in this report. In addition to that, the recommendations are also suggested tomitigate the various issues that have cropped up in this report.Task 1LO 1: Establishing aims, objectives, and timeframes (P1, P2, & P3)Corporate Social Responsibility is an age old concept in United Kingdom. This conceptof CSR was first established in 19th century in Britain as opined by Heagney (2016). CSR scopewas widened when corporate objectives were introduced with social responsibilities and due tothis inclusion organization has a responsibility towards environment, employees, and socialeconomic structure. Globalization also helped in highlighting the importance of corporate socialresponsibilities. The term CSR has very wide and complex meanings. According to Jeong, Baeand Jeong (2015, p.832) generally when corporate or business organizations have a aim forwelfare of the society then such activities is called CSR. By attaining CSR an organizationachieves its balance in economy, environment, and social imperatives. Sustainable development concept is based on organizational system thinking. Sustainabledevelopments have various meanings. For determining sustainable development there are fewthings that needs to be focused on, such as, meeting needs, ethical values, environmental, social,and economic, human rights, cooperation. Corporate social responsibility focuses on social andenvironmental relationships, stakeholder approach, ethical behaviors, and volunteering. 1
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For our scenario of employee engagement to achieve long term sustainable developmentwe have taken Ades cash and carry whole sale retailer. This organization is based in UK and itsyearly turnover is 4 million to 7 million. It has almost 115 permanent employees and 40temporary employees in their retail business. For efficient employee engagement there should besustainability in corporate social responsibility in their business structure. Employee engagementconcept is believed that inspire employees to increase their productivity and profitability of thefirm. This in return helps corporate to be work friendly and individuals to be better responsiblecitizens. According to Kelley et al. (2016) sustainability in business provides integrated lifestylevalues with satisfaction in work. As majority of annual spending of organization or corporate areon employee improvement thus employee engagement has a huge impact on corporate economicbottom line. In Ades current employee engagement programs requires many volunteers foradopting sustainability plans. Such as establishing of green teams which will plan for earth dayevents, and establishing sustainable practices in the organization. Generally many organizationsimplements sustainable activities without proper strategies and thus lack in maintaining efficientemployee engagement. There are various aims that are required to achieve to maintain employeeengagement in a organization, such as, to understand the value of employee engagement in Ades.In addition to that, also to analyze sustainable development of Ades, to understand the value ofemployee engagement towards sustainable growth, to analyze the different factors related toemployee engagement. It also helps to find the objectives of social responsibilities of Adesregarding employee engagement, and to find out the interrelationship between efficient employeeengagement and sustainable development. The objective of sustainable development is to encourage organizations to preserve andconserve resources. For sustainable employee engagement in requires maintaining a social andeconomic stability in the organization. For proper employee engagement a company needsapproach towards proper workplace by maintaining proper conditions to its employees, andwhich is committed to organizational objectives and values as opined by Snyder (2014). Efficientand proper employee engagement enhances organizational success and also enhance employeeswell being. The various objectives that Ades needs to follow to attain employee management aresuch as objectives to meet sustainable growth through employee engagement, how differentfactors of employee engagement related to sustainability does, how social responsibility helps its2
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business to grow, and what is the interrelationship between employee engagement andsustainable development of Ades’s corporate social responsibilities. Project management plan for Ades employee engagement can be divided into five phases. Thesephases are as follows:Initiation of the research: In this part we define goal of the research in a broad level.This part generally starts with various businesses cases of employee engagement. In thisstructure we get to know whether the research is feasible and whether it can be undertaken. Ifresearch is doable then it needs to be done in this stage only. Stakeholders of this research haveto do their diligence so to start the research. In this stage for employee engagement, projectmanager needs to produce research charter and research initiation. Planning of research: In this stage we focuses on research management and developingroad map of the research so that everyone can follow that path. According to Aartsengel andKurtoglu (2013) this part begins with setting up of goals. There are two methods of setting up agoal, which are S.M.A.R.T. and CLEAR. S.M.A.R.T refers to specific, measurable, achievable,realistic and timely approach. As opined by Kerzner (2013) to set specific goal for employeeengagement we need to follow some questions such as who are related to this employeeengagement and why it is related. It also helps to measure the different criteria that is requiredfor attaining the goal, to see important goals and how to achieve such goals, realistic willingnessto work towards employee engagement, and timeframe of achieving employee engagement. Herein our case of Ades, we require meetings and communication with various employees in theorganization, management bodies and their attitude towards employee sustainability. Accordingto Martinelli and Milosevic (2016) for C.L.E.A.R method we need collaborate engagement ofemployees and higher management to work together, emotionally it should affect employee’spassion, appreciable of breaking bigger goals into smaller task so that it can be achieved,refinable to handle all situations and be flexible enough to attain employee engagement. In thissection, scope of the research is being defined and research management plan is formed. Itincludes cost, quality, time, communication, scope, resources and risks involved in the project. Ageneral baseline is needed to determine the research is on correct path or not. Roles andresponsibilities are defined and also everyone’s accountability. A work break down schedule iscreated for visual representation that identifies different scopes of the research as opined byOlson (2014). Communication plan is important as this research requires intensive interviewing3
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of employees and management members. There is also requirement of risk assessment planwhich identifies all the foreseeable risks involved in employee engagement. Execution of research: According to Urban (2016) this section we get variousdeliverables and often it happens during these sections, like meetings and reports, performanceupdates, etc. This phase includes development teams, feedback system, resource assignment,status meetings, and modification in research plan. Monitoring the performance of research: It involves measurement of projectperformance and progression to ensure that all things are aligned according to research plan.Project manager uses key performance indicators to examine a research progression as opined bySnyder (2014). Generally KPI include research objectives, deliverables quality, tracking of cost,and performance. Research closure: Completion of research is represented in this phase. During this phasevaluable team workers are appreciat6ed and project manager organizes small events aftercompletion of effective employee engagement. Work Breakdown StructureWORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE DIAGRAMTEMPLATEPROJECTTITLEManagingsuccessfulbusinessprojectCOMPANYNAME Ades Retailand WholesalePROJECTMANAGERDATE :21.03.2017PROJECTMANAGING SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSPROJECT4
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