
Applying Motivational Theories to Workplace


Added on  2020-02-03

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Professional Development
Applying Motivational Theories to Workplace_1

TABLE OF CONTENTPART 1............................................................................................................................................31. Introduction to the business topic of leadership and management.....................................32. Exhibiting the relationships and linkage between the concepts, theories and best practices inthe selected business topic of leadership and management....................................................43. Critically analysing the obtained data by building an evidence that indicate the currentdebate and best practices from a broad range of sources.......................................................84. Recommendations and justification of practical business solutions for leadership andmanagement............................................................................................................................95. Proposition for a befitting strategy of communication and stakeholders engagement.....11PART 2..........................................................................................................................................13INDIVIDUAL REFLECTION.............................................................................................13Description:..........................................................................................................................13Feelings:...............................................................................................................................15Evaluation:............................................................................................................................16Analysis:...............................................................................................................................16Conclusion:...........................................................................................................................17Action Plan:..........................................................................................................................17REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................18APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................20Career Development Plan (CDP).........................................................................................20
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PART 11. Introduction to the business topic of leadership and managementLeadership and management are defined as two utmost important concepts in each andevery organisation where both the terms are largely related to one another. In context to which,the success of the establishments is entirely dependent on a hand to hand approach of both theseterms. With reference to which, it is important for both the leaders and managers to maintain asteady relationship with their respective staff members where they can collaboratively worktogether in order to achieve the set targets and goals of their enterprise (Adzei. and Atinga,2012). Both these concepts despite of their enumerable differences relies upon a basic agenda oftaking care of their employees. This will in turn influence the quality of the operations carriedout by the workers where they will significantly refer to operate in a much productive manner. Itwill consequently benefit the supposition of entire organisation where they will be able to make atimely completion of their aimed objectives.The current report is based on an analogous theme of leadership and management with amajor consideration of retaining the efficient staff members in the enterprise to continue theiroccupational term for a longer time period. It is basically in association to an envisioned state oflower motivation level in employees that is subsequently resulting in augmenting their turnoverrates by together raising their absenteeism ratio. Such work associations often tends to degradean apt positioning of an establishment where the employees are continually supposed to operatewith a discontented sense of accomplishment (Bratton and Gold, 2012). It is therefore importantfor the managers and leaders to understand such prevalent situation of their workplaces byconstantly interacting with their subordinates. It is basically to address the developmental needsof the employees that could encourage them to work in a standardised way by together meetingtheir level of satisfaction. A profound hospitality firm named Nadler Hotelhas been taken intovalid consideration for determining their opted methodologies of leadership and management.Nadler HotelHotel is referred to be a flagship brand of Nadler HotelWorldwide where it iswidely knowing for its large base of hospitality services at a global level.With a foundation year of 97 years, it has extended its business with over 570 hotels allaround the world. In context to which, it is dealing with near about 165, 000 number ofemployees with a strict procedural for hiring proficient individuals. Leadership and management
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are thus referred as a vast consideration of the appointed set of employers over here where theyare always thriving towards a successful attainment of their organisational goals and targets(Dörnyei, 2001). Though, there exists a conceptual difference among the accredited norms ofboth these terms with a distinct set of leaders and managers at the workplace. Both of themhowever operates with a similar acquisition of accomplishment with a distinguished perspectivetowards handling the workforce. Leadership is however referred to be a less authorised role withthat of the managerial position who are more bound to utilize their influential orientation. Incontext to which, leadership is demonstrated to be an ability of influencing their allotted groupmembers towards a prior achievement of organisational goals.In negation to which, management describes a mere usage of authority that is inherited intheir deputed position that signifies a formally ranked position at the workplace. With referenceto which, they are hereby required to acquire the compliance from their respective members inthe organisation. In relation to which, it has been referred that a managerial position exists withan immense formulation as compared to the concept of leadership. It is where the leaders arehereby allocated with some definite teams to handle and manage the respective work relatedagendas of their group members (Guha, 2010). Another vital point of differentiation is where theleaders being in a similar position of employer is needed to report the upper administrativebodies. In contrast to which, the employees directly reports to their respective set of leaders withno direct interaction with the managers. A leader is thereby required to make greater contributionin assimilating the workers to timely achieve their respectable goals and objectives by togetheroperating in a standardised format of work. However, the mangers are also required to makesuch compliance that largely support the leaders to work with a prior sense of collaboration. 2. Exhibiting the relationships and linkage between the concepts, theories and best practices inthe selected business topic of leadership and managementDespite of so many differences, there exists some vital similarities among both theseconcepts of leadership and management where both of them persists under a commoncircumstance to timely achieve the framed aims and objectives of their establishment. NadlerHotelenterprise is also based upon a correspondent environment of work where their appointedleaders and managers are required to work with an obligatory sense of incorporating with theiremployees (Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman, 2011). It is however with another mandate senseof fulfilling the liable needs and demands of their workers where a contented worker is evident to
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responsibly carry out the delegated assignations in a standardised form. This will in turn resultinto enhancing the productive nature of Nadler Hotelby which they can also tend to escalate theirprofitability scale by covering tremendous shares and revenues in their functional marketplaces.Nadler Hotelis recently operating at a worldwide level with large number of workforces tohandle their enlarged work operations. This necessitates their employers in both managerial andleadership positions to precisely address the preferential requisitions of their subordinates. It ison referring to the set composition of management and leadership, it has been ascertained thatmanagers and leaders are required to work with similar sort of roles.It is where they are hereby required to make continual alignments in their opted tact ofdirection. This is basically in context to the leaders where they are hereby required to adopt anamiable measure for directing their group-mates in such a way that only tends to boost up theirconfidence level. In regard to which, the managers are hereby required to control their resourcesin such a way that tends to attain the oriented tactic of leaders. This proves the interlinkedconcoction of both these percepts where management is a part of leadership and leadership isalso a vital portion of management (Kremer and Hammond, 2013). Thence, it is infeasible towork with a single constituent out of both and as a result to which, Nadler Hotelis also requiredto inculcate both these practices in their day to day operations. It is with a leading deliberation oflowering the occurrence of employee turnover ratio by together reducing the rate of absenteeismat the workplace. In relation to which, there exists distinct styles of management and leadershipthat can be adopted by the appointed set of managers and leaders to aptly handle their respectiveworkforces in a most feasible way that also tends to fulfil their identified level of gratification.It is with a prior assumption of an intact theory of leadership where the appointed leadersof Nadler Hotelcan hereby refer to opt for a profound theory of situational leadership thatcorresponds with the transactional style of leading individuals in a guiding way. This leadershiptheory has been evolved in the late years of 1960's by a famous researcher named Paul Herseythat tends to enable all those individuals who depicts a leading position at the workplace(Maslow, 2013). In context to which, this can also be referred by the administrative bodies of theenterprise where this model is based upon three conceptual frameworks. These are referred tosome common situations of a leader or manager where they are often envisioned to face threedistinct type of situations at the workplace. These dimensions are-
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The magnitude of direction and counselling that is required to be given to thesubordinates. It is along with a proper ratio of societal and emotional support that is needed to berender by the leaders and managers (Noltemeyer, Bush and et.al., 2012).It is with an eventual consideration of the leaders and managers where they are herebyrequired to determine the readiness level of their employees that they are displayingwhile performing their respective assignations.It is as per the stated clause of a Paul Hersey where a situational leader is a person whoaddresses the factual concept of influencing an individual's behaviour as an event rather thanstating it to be a mere procedural method (Williams, 2008). It is where almost all sort of leadersare primarily required to possess some vital abilities in them to position themselves at suchresponsible position of leadership. Wherein, a situational leader is especially needed to comradewith four core competency levels that are as mentioned below-1.Diagnose- It is a foremost consideration of a manager and leader where they arehereby required to make a primary identification of the pertinent situation at theworkplace. It is basically to analyse the requisite change in their existent format ofoperations by together analysing the situation that they are attempting to influence.2.Adapt- It is yet another mandatory attribute of adjustment where both set of leadersand managers are hereby required to align themselves as per the changing modes ofbusiness that they are referring to bring into their workplace. It is with afundamental concern of reacting as per the contingent situation at the workplacewhere they are also required to convince their respective set of subordinates for thesame (Chand, 2016). 3.Communicate- It is yet another indispensable step in which the leaders and managerare hereby required to make a substantial interaction with their teammates and othergroup members to communicate the situational context of their workplace. It isbasically to implement vigorous strategy of change management where all of themcan cooperatively operate as per the changed criterion of work. Both the leaders andmanagers are hereby required to choose some effective measures of communicationby which they can easily refer to convince others to accept the modified work trend.
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