
Business Strategy and Implementation


Added on  2020-01-16

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Business Strategy and Implementation_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3ASSIGNMENT 1.............................................................................................................................3Rationale behind cultural change process....................................................................................3Stages involved in change process...............................................................................................6Challenges, if any, threatened to derail the change process?.......................................................9Solutions....................................................................................................................................10Result after change process........................................................................................................12Assignment 2 ................................................................................................................................13Assignment 3.................................................................................................................................17CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................19REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................20
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INTRODUCTIONThe strategies are a set of some tactics that are employed by managers of an organizationso as to perform with higher efficiency within a business. The strategies are applied so as tosustain within a competitive environment. As per the present environment which poses a numberof challenges within its business surroundings, require from all industries to be able in adoptingchanges that are occurring in external environment. All organisations are necessary to be flexiblein modern era as it will help in accepting the changes coming in technologies, demand patternsand also in choices or preferences of customers. Keeping all such requirements up to date as perthe situations help in satisfying clients top a great extent (Sedereviciute and Valentini, 2011).The present report is based on strategies that have been focussed on change processes. The reportwill be focused upon Uber company which is a well known organisation that provides cabfacility on demand through app. In UK, this firm has made a tremendous success with the help ofits strong strategies and ability to accept various changes that are occurring in businessenvironment. As per this, a consultancy report has been prepared which contains detailsregarding the cultural change process that is applied by a company. Here, the major focus hasbeen laid on the stages that are involved in process of change. Further, the report will have acomplete discussion over challenges and threats that can be faced at the time of change processwhich disturbs this entire procedure. Besides this, the literature review based on these studieswill be presented along with a solution of challenges that are faced in the change processes. Inaddition to this, a reflective report will also be prepared that will help in making an analysis overthings that have been learned as a result of following report and study process. ASSIGNMENT 1Executive summaryThe current report is a consultancy report which is based on Uber company. The report ismainly addressing the client so that change process which mentioned organisation is intending tobring within firm has been discussed. Besides this, the report has information regarding majorissue which is currently creating issues for the said business. As per this, the report has talkedabout the change process that has been followed so as to execute change process successfully inthe enterprise. In addition to this, it has pointed out an issue which is currently posing a major
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problem within business related to poor leadership. Accordingly, the report has made adiscussion over those issues and their solution as well with the help of certain models likeenneagram and balanced scorecard method. Rationale behind cultural change processUber has been a very successful brand in its industry since the time of inception becauseof its ability to sustain the frequent changes that use to come in its way (Su, Wu and Lin, 2016).In all these years, there were many ups and downs as well which moved the position of firm in anegative way, still it managed to face all such downturns and made a good success over the pastyears. It has been noticed that the major strength due to which mentioned enterprise managed tohandle different negative situations was its ability to adapt changes as soon as possible. Manyscandals were registered in the name of this organisation, but it took a series of steps that made adramatic turn in this field. As per the studies, it has been found that, in management of such asituation, culture plays an important role. Though it is generally seen as a soft side inmanagement sector, but in reality it is a complex task to manage as it involves changes that mayoccur in attitude and behaviours of individuals. To resolve the issues related to frequent changescoming in environment and demand patterns of customers, cited enterprise moved towardscultural change processes. Apart from this, the major issue which has been faced by the companyat current stage is poor leadership. According to this poor leadership many marketing practicesthat were adopted by leaders of Uber lead to some unethical practices due to which imageofmentioned enterprise became negative (Tang, Murphree and Breznitz, 2016). Therefore, Uberturned towards making a reform process by bringing changes in leadership styles and itsmarketing tactics so as to transform negative image into positive one. This focus helpedmentioned entity in understanding the needs and requirements of customers on the basis of whichits strategies are developed because of which it becomes easier to attain positive response fromcustomers. Some of the major elements that compose entire culture of Uber are as follows:Culture within organisation has been developed in such a way that everyone is able torealise expectation of company with them. As a result, their behaviour is shapedaccordingly. All of its processes and systems have been designed in a systematic manner so thatexperiences of customers can be enhanced to a great level.
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All people of organisation are rewarded for their valuable contribution.The inception of such culture within stated entity helps in fostering the positive workculture that puts organisational goals over the personal objectives. Besides this, an inevitable partof this culture is 'encouragement and empowerment' (Vance‐Borland and Holley, 2011). Thesetwo elements are essential part of Uber's culture which was incepted so as to give all itsemployees power and authority to make a change in their rulebook as per the requirements andneeds of situations. Therefore, while rendering services to clients, it always place them at higherlevel so as to provide them with greater satisfaction. This has also helped in reforming itscultural fit into practice. The inception of organisational culture or a change process does not happen by chance. Ittakes a long time and require a thoughtful planning that can help in development of values. Themajor rationale behind this cultural change process are following: Improved business performance: Most of the times, it is noticed that to handle situations ofdeclining profits and sales volume, companies adopt change process so as to match with requiredeffectiveness (Slack, 2015). In case of Uber, the firm was not able to match the standard qualityin providing services to its clients. As a result, to resolve such issues, it took steps for inducingchanges in its cultural processes. This inability to match the standard of services was resultinginto less returns on investments. Thus, the need of inseminating the cultural change processwithin mentioned enterprise was felt. To respond towards important changes: There are a number of changes that take place in abusiness environment. In these changes, major role is played by competitors and need forgrowth. Further, there are political and legal environment as well which makes surrounding of abusiness threatened with various factors. Apart from this, there may be the situation of merger ortakeovers by other firms due to which it becomes necessary to have changes within culture of anenterprise. Apart from this, there can be a situation where a CEO or other senior official oforganisation is changed (Waddington, 2014). Moreover, in an economy, there are variousdownturns due to which firm may get affected. The stated venture also faced situations of changein CEO, economic downturns and political factors of various countries in which it operates dueto which cited enterprise has to adopt the cultural change process within firm.
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To address unethical activities: In modern times, the necessity of cultural change processwithin a company has been noticed so as to identify any type of unethical activity or behaviourwithin workplace. The present time of business environment is more based on innovations anduse of differentiated strategies so that a competitive advantage can be gained. As a result, thereare various situations in which it has been found that concerned parties involve in some unethicalpractices as well so as to exist at leading position in the competition. Cited company used someof the tactics to gain more market share which was considered to be of unethical nature. As aresult, the aforesaid venture needs to start a change process culture so that it can make a limit tillwhere it can extend its reach for attainment of success. Besides this, by developing a rightbehaviour which is ethical, the organisation can move forward towards the right strategicdevelopment (Boxall and Purcell, 2011).Thus, the rationale behind insemination of cultural change process within a companyhelps in development of better strategies for organisational success.Stages involved in change processThe change process is related with making a systematic process of introducing alterationswithin a company so that a firm can have the advantage of all its activities in an efficient manner.Broadly speaking, the change management process refers to an approach where entiremanagement involves in a function of redirecting different resources, allocating of budgets andother similar operations of a company so as to give efficient results. Thus, the processes involvedin the change management help in reshaping entire company into an ideal firm. The changemanagement process involves a number of steps which must be followed completely so as toattain an ideal process of change within a company. This entire process in context of Uber can beunderstood as mentioned below which includes 11 steps:Creation of awareness: The major step for advancing towards the organisational changeprocess is to build awareness among all the staff and other concerned people so that theycan be made to realise the need for changes (Ward and Peppard, 2016). It is obvious thatorganisation makes planning for changes so that it can handle external pressures and existin an ideal way. There is a fierce competition within business environment wheredifferent companies in similar industry use to compete with each other. In such situations,for getting success and defeat the rival firms, sometimes it become essential to adopt a
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