
Organizational Behaviour and Motivational Theories


Added on  2020-02-12

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Organizational Behaviour and Motivational Theories_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4TASK 1............................................................................................................................................41.1 compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture...................................41.2 Relationship between organisational structure and culture and its impacts on businessperformance ................................................................................................................................61.3 Discuss the factors which influence Individual behaviour at work.....................................7TASK 2............................................................................................................................................82.1 Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations.............82.2 Organisational theories underpinning the practice of management within Pfizer................92.3 difference between scientific management and Japanese style management approachesand advantages and disadvantages of different management approaches................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................113.1 Impact of leadership styles on motivation..........................................................................113.2 Comparison of mcGrego and Herzberg motivational theories...........................................123.3 Usefulness of motivational theories...................................................................................14TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................154.1 the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations. .......................................154.2 Factors which may promote and inhibit the development of effective team work ............164.3 Evaluation of the impact of technology on team functioning ............................................17CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................19
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INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour means the way to interact in the organisationwithin the group with all individuals to work efficiently and achieve the desiregoals of the organisation. It signifies the individual and group performanceswithin the organisation influenced by the culture, attitude, emotions, valuesand ethics which ensure the efficient objectives of the organisation andsmooth functioning of the activities within the organisation. This studydescribes the working scenario of the GlaxoSmithKline Healthcare companywhich is the well known pharmaceutical company in London, requires theefficient business organisation to sustain its viability in long run in cut throatcompetition market(Agarwal and 2012). This study explains the humanbehaviour and its impact on the job structure, performance, communication,motivation , leadership, etc which decides the final outcome of theorganisation objectives. This report also specifies the organisation structureof the GlaxoSmithKline Healthcare Company. Different Leadership styles andmanagement styles are evaluated to assess its impact on the functionalactivities of the organisation. The various management theories and theirapproaches are also evaluated in this report to study their positive andnegative impact on the functional activities of the organisation.TASK 11.1 compare and contrast different organisational structures and cultureOrganisation structure defines the responsibilities of the everyindividual directed towards the achievement of the organisation objectivesand goals. Every organisation has its own organisational structure based onits objectives and goals. The basic objective of every organisation is toachieve its goals with best utilization of available resources keeping in mindthe dynamic and competitive environment where they operates.GlaxoSmithKline Healthcare Company, sixth largest pharmaceuticalcompany in world have adopted the horizontal structure to manage itsorganisation(Alfes and 2013). This structure do not allow the lower and
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middle level organisational employees to participate in the decision makingand every decision is taken and forwarded by the top level management.This organisation structure have one manger and many subordinates underthem which increases the responsibilities of the one manager who need toorder and look after the work of every subordinate under him i.e. everysubordinate is fully dependent upon the manager's direction, help andsupport. Now, being creative GlaxoSmithKline Healthcare Company decided tochange its organisational structure from horizontal structure to verticalstructure. Senior authorities in vertical form are responsible to frame thestrategies and delegate the responsibilities to its subordinates. Thus, thisconcept is also known as Top-Down management which allows every mangerto handle five to eight subordinates. The horizontal form increases theburden of the manager and thus increases the risk of chaos,mismanagement, mistakes and even conflicts due to inefficient outcome ofthe organisational objectives(Ashby, 2013). Whereas. Vertical formeliminates such chaos and problems of miscommunication as every managerhas few subordinates to deal with. It results in long chain of command. Everydepartment and branch has its own manager as per their working scope thusthis form of structure has many mangers and many ranks with small area ofcontrol. Economic and efficient business performance and accountabilityalong with coordination across the business can be achieved by the properstructure of organisation. Organisational culture is the set of values, beliefs and rules andGlaxoSmithKline Healthcare Company has adopted task culture form . TaskCulture form allows the company to form various teams to resolve the criticalissues and problems of the organisation. Individuals with common interestsand specialization form a team. Each member of team gives its best toachieve the objectives and goals of GlaxoSmithKline HealthcareCompany(Bird, Saalfeld and Wüst, 2010).
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1.2 Relationship between organisational structure and culture and itsimpacts on business performance Organisation structure and culture are directly interrelated to eachother. Organisation structure determines the roles and responsibilities of theindividuals and groups within the organisation. This helps the managementto continuously monitor the performances of the individuals and effectivelycommunicate all the necessary information at different levels of theorganisation. Whereas organisational culture defines the values and beliefsthat are shared by all the individuals and leads to development of thepositive environment within the organisation and this together results inefficient final outcome of the organisational goal. The organisational culturedefines how the people relay with one another and share principles andideas to reach a common goal(Blacher and 2014). GlaxoSmithKline Healthcare Company follows the formal structure thatensures that every individual perform their own task effectively to achievedesired output. When every employee is free to work informally with theirown attitudes, perceptions and behaviours it gives rise to an organisationculture. Thus, culture dictates how the company should be structured andGlaxoSmithkline Healthcare Company have adopted vertical form oforganisation which has direct impact on the culture of the company. Invertical form of organisation, there are five to eight employees under themanager of company, having same kind of perceptions and beliefs. Managerof each team assigns tasks to them and they are supposed to reportmanager. GSK Healthcare Company is following task form culture, which isbased on the formation of team on the basis of tasks allotted to a teamhaving same interests and beliefs(Bocchi, and 2010). It has both positive and negative impacts on the business performanceof GSK. The positive impact of the vertical form of organisation that all thedifferent policies, rules and regulation could be effectively communicated toits employees thus enhance the performance of the organisational goals. Thedrawback is the organisation culture of GSK is too complex and sometimes it
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leads to centralised decision-making, in which the lower level employees arenot entertained. 1.3 Discuss the factors which influence Individual behaviour at workOrganisation is the group of individuals that contribute collectively toattain common goals of the organisation. Individual behaviour is dynamic innature and thus there are various internal and external factors that influencethe individual behaviour which are as follows:Leadership: Managers and leaders of GSK Healthcare Company playan important role in influencing behaviour of the employees in the workplace. Mangers make their employees comfortable so that they feel likeworking in the organisation and gives their best(Einarsen, and 2011).Leaders of GSK should have specialise skill of guiding and motivating theiremployees to improve their efficiency and should also appraise them for thesame. Perception: Perception means to be aware of the surroundings andinterpret it accordingly. Every individual has its own thinking capabilities andsenses to interpret the things thus, the employees in the individuals shouldhave clear vision about the organisational goals, structures and culture sothat they do not perceive wrong ideas and perceptions which could results innegative outcome and even build negative image of the company in themarket.Work Culture: Work Culture of the organisation should be such thatemployees are comfortable and motivated to work in. The work place shouldhave positive and friendly environment without any chaos andmismanagement which could harass the employees and force them to quit.Negative environment in the work place demoralise the employees anddirectly affect the progress of the health care company(Farndale, Hope-Hailey and Kelliher, 2011).
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