
Social Networking Sites and Marketing


Added on  2020-02-14

12 Pages3886 Words218 Views
Social Networking Sites and Marketing_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Social Media Approaches adopted by companies.......................................................................1Comparison between two companies..........................................................................................4CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7Implications for the development of a social media marketing..................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTION Advancement in technology has made the communication between people faster. It hasremoved the boundaries between people living miles away. With the increased popularity ofinternet, use of social media has also become popular. In the initial time, social media was usedas an informal platform for sharing user generated content. But with passage of time, the domainof social media increased. Along with promoting connectedness and participation in communitydriven activities, it encouraged the opinionated discussions. Apart from socializing, it became aplatform for communication, relationship development and locality programs, e-commerce, salespromotions and discounts and marketing research (Ryan, 2011). Popular social media sites areFacebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr and many otherswhich are in trend. Business entities are leveraging the benefits of using social media in differentforms. There are many benefits that social media accrue to business organizations such as byenhancing company’s branding, it can provide an effective way to promote the company’sculture and detailing of products and services offered by it. It boosts the sales and credibility oforganization through better enhanced customer relationship and employee engagement. Further,it is a lucrative way to reach at a large number of customers. Present report is prepared to study different approaches used by companies to utilizesocial media platform for enhancing the business efficiency and productivity. For this purpose,online shoe and clothing company, Zappos and South Korean multinational conglomeratecompany, Samsung is taken into account. This report focuses on the ways that are used by theorganizations in context of social media. It further makes a comparison between mentioned twocompanies by evaluating their effectiveness and areas in which they are lagging behind. Reportthrows light on the inferences from study along with the recommendations made to leverage theuse of social media. Social Media Approaches adopted by companiesSocial media being the wide domain of working is utilized by the users in different ways.Business organizations with different business goals and objectives frame strategies and policieson the basis of their principles and approach towards market (Zarrella and Zarrella, 2010). Incontext of benefiting from social media platform, there are four basic approaches that are brandMaintenance, community building, influencer marketing and big splash.1
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Brand Marketing: Use of this approach is focussed on having the presence of their brandat large number of places and on wider area. Organizations cater to adopt different measures tomake them available where there is high traffic of people. It plays a vital role in having a largecustomer base. Organizations in this approach uses platform like Facebook and Instagram byposting the details of company, its culture, working style and other facts and information. It hasthe confined objective which is limited to build a brand image in the minds of people andcreating awareness about their products (Burton and Soboleva, 2011). Selected organization,Zappos retail shop is using this approach and making its connectivity and networking wider.Community Building: In this style, selective approach is adopted with an aim ofattracting consumers with similar interests and choices. Organization is focussed on providingproducts and services for the particular target customers who use this approach. In this,consumers and groups share opinions and views with respect to their choices and preferences tothe organization.Influencermarketing: This refers to the engagement of organization with the existingand potential customers on social media. In this, they monitor the activities of their customers toseek their needs and wants with respect to the products and services provided to them andaccordingly make offerings.Big splash: It is an integrated approach inculcating both the components that are buildingconnections and spreading attention (Byun and et.al., 2013). It enables an effective use of socialmedia with the spike in socialization and creating the rigorous brand image. This is an effectiveway to utilize the social media platform. Samsung which is counted among companies benefitingsignificantly from social media by using big splash approach.Zappos retail firm is using brand marketing in which it is leveraging the benefits ofutilizing social media networking sites that are Facebook, twitter, YouTube, link acquisition andblogging.Twitter: With the wide presence on twitter, Zappos has large number of followers. Withfrequent small messages posted on the site, Zappos conveys the events that are occurring in theirorganization. With the adoption of this approach, company is able to prove its authority. Thismakes it an organization with high degree of transparency and legitimacy as customers are awareabout the working and strategic plans of it. Twitter is further utilized for updating the customerswith their future plans and strategies.2
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