
Renewable Energy Business Models


Added on  2020-02-12

22 Pages7227 Words438 Views
Issues of Global Business andStrategic Concept
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe technological developments and advancements in methodologies for operations bybusinesses have enabled organisations to develop their businesses in different parts of the world.Siemens is one such company which works an aim to provide technologically advancedequipment and devices by achieving sustainability. Renewable energy is the new source whichcan help business organisations to achieve a position in markets which cannot be overlooked bycompetition. This position is sustainability. The use of renewable resources by Siemens and itsfuture strategies and directional decisions help in understanding the possibilities which can beexplored by other organisations. From the above analysis, it has been identified that there aredifferent elements in which renewable energy can be expands in different areas. It assists todevelop performances and outcomes to analysis business strategies as per the requirement. Inorder to conduct this research, it has been find that there are various elements which createnegative impact on the performance of renewable energy. It includes pollutions, global warmingand up coming of new industries. In this aspect, it could be recommends that Siemens policyneed to expand their operations and outcomes as per the international market strategies. Whenorganisation started their operations in international way, they can easily enhance their outcomesand performances. Global production systems assists to make organisation international thatcreate opportunity for exporting the business operations. In addition to this, ethics are alsodetermines that create positive impact on the operations of renewable energy.
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2COURSEWORK 2...........................................................................................................................2Analysis modern day scenario which are based on an international business ...........................2Energy production and consumption..........................................................................................2REFERENCES................................................................................................................................5
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INTRODUCTIONWhen the organisation operates in the global market, there are various issues occur atworkplace. It is important to eliminate it carefully so that the business can achieve their targets inan effective manner (Shields, Brown and Plimmer, 2015). It determines new opportunities forgrowing company that creates profits and expansion of enterprise. Hence, various challenges arewitnessed which is associated with legal, language and cultural issues. In this context, presentreport is based on Siemens green port that deals in global engineering and technology to serveservices in different areas. In addition to this, different types of strategies are take place such asdiversification, globalisation, strategic alliance and many other elements. They are also providinginnovative solutions which helps to tackle major challenges in the areas of electrification,automation and digitalisation (Green port hull, 2017).For gaining insight knowledge of the company, present report covers research ofrenewable energy strategy and gives advise to future direction. Hence, the cited company isrequired to concentrate on strategy that can be support to power and increase annual growth ofthe enterprise. In addition to this, it also focuses on recommendation for future improvements. COURSEWORK 2Analysis modern day scenario which are based on an international business From the help of natural resources renewable energy can be produced at workplace that isdetermines wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat (Spieth, Schneckenberg and Ricart, 2014). Inpresent case study, it is based on renewable energy from wind power so that demand is protectswhich keep high annual growth of Siemens green port. It can be channelised as follows:Capitalizing on offshore potential: Demand of global energy is understood with core aspectsthat creates high growth in different areas. It increasing sources of renewable energy whichcreate development of offshore to enhance wind power in the future (Barkemeyer, Holt andTsang, 2014). Global onshore growth: Critical needs are demonstrates different source of energy which serverenewable services of wind energy. From the last few decades, onshore wind power is emergedas the solution which can be developed as the valuable sources of renewable energy. Critically evaluates Siemens strategy2
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AS per the view of Bengtsson and Kock, (2014)., Siemens strategy refers as action whichtake by manager to attain goals of the enterprise. They are pursues strategies which enhanceprofitability and profit growth which are increase new profits within the time. However, Spieth,Schneckenberg and Ricart, (2014) stated that For increasing profitability and profits growth theycan use different elements which are as follows:Adding values: In this way, the organisation creates values which taken through products. Itincreases competitive advantages within the market. The chosen organisation has high profitswhen they are create values. This can be done in Siemens, by differentiation strategy. In theorganisation values are creating with primary activities and support activities. Primary activitiesare includes R&D, production, marketing of products and services and customer services. Inaddition to this, supportive activities are includes information system, logistics and humanresource. Political economyPolitical is branch of knowledge or academic discipline which is used for studyingproduction and trade. It determines relations with law, custom s and government. Distribution ofnational income and wealth is demonstrates in this aspect at workplace of Siemens. Classicdefinition is considers that political economy it is the widest sense which govern science of thelaws that includes production, exchange of many material which includes subsistence in humansociety. Energy production and consumptionIn Siemens green port, gas is provided around 44.4% for generating electricity throughpower generation. In this aspect, renewable energy is taken at 19.5% from all resources (Roach,Griffiths and O'Callaghan, 2014). In April 2016, coal consumption is mainly taken throughelectricity generates at low level. In addition to this, it is also reduces capacity which creates highcarbon within the business environment. Although with generation, major power is produced atdown level from 0.7% with offshore up 12.8% due to increase capacity in Siemens. On the otherhand, due to lower average wind speeds Siemens green port is also adversely affected atworkplace (Bengtsson and Kock, 2014). From 2015, Siemens wind had increasing 63% market share as with European offshoreturbines. It is the second largest company which deals in wind energy all over the world. Historyof this company is started from 1980 to 2004 in which they are serves their services across the3
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world. After this, in 2004 activities are serves with establishing diameters all over the 10 meterthat generates more power of 20 to 30 KW (Biscop, 2016). In addition to this, new nameSiemens green port is established. From 2004 to 2011 Siemens enhance their power from 0.5%to 5% in which they are increases turnover with employee of 800 to 7,800 from Denmark andGermany. Hence, the growth includes expansion of production, warehousing and offices whichserves wind energy in different areas. In mid 2008, the company is started to test of theirdevelopment through drives on wind turbines. Thus, they are replacing gearbox and alternatorfor successful operations for development of new production (Kim and e Mauborgne, 2014). In addition to this, Siemens wind power strategy is also acquired 49% of A2SEA fromDONG energy on the price of DKK 860 meters. In addition to this, in December 2010, Siemensannounced their blade factory at existing unused facility. Thus, they are enhances their planthrough establishing new factory in different areas. Apart from this, development consistimportant part which devote turbine plant for enhancement in operations of renewable energy. According to Shields, Brown and Plimmer, (2015), Siemens green port wind power is thebiggest suppliers of offshore renewable energy which incorporate turbines wind. To meet withdemand of future, they are investing construction of a new harbour at Green port UK whichassist to enable pre assembly of different turbines through prior installation in North area of sea.This is involves to filling two different internal docks and reclaiming which significant amountof land from the Humber. In addition to this, they are also constructs new facility which is usedto build 75 meter long turbine blades. In this second facility also encourages by the country suchas turbine around the Europe (Shields, Brown and Plimmer, 2015). This is because, Europe isdeveloped country and Siemens can get high profits through expanding operations. Hence, firstblades is cast with installation the programmed from January 2017. However, Spieth, Schneckenberg and Ricart, (2014) argued that Mace's role is to providewithin project of renewable energy, commercial and environment, healthy and safety atworkplace for construction of blade factory. Thus, this project is brought together which consistmultiple parts in Siemens green port. This is because, they are serving work for common goalsuch as delivering turbines from the site to UK's offshore wind farms (Spieth, Schneckenbergand Ricart, 2014). Key success is also ability which started to manufacture blade as early aspossible. Close working between the contractor and Siemens fit-out teams with phased accessand possession. It is assist to enable practical completion of renewable energy. At present, for4
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