
Information Technology and Communication


Added on  2020-02-17

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Managing communication,knowledge and information
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Different decisions to be taken by the Zara senior management......................................11.2 Information and knowledge required to ensure that effective decision...........................21.3 Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding for decisionmaking....................................................................................................................................21.4 Recommendation for improving Zara UK management team.........................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................42.1 Stakeholders who will be invite for new product launch.................................................42.2 Making contacts with proposed invitees using appropriate and cost effective channels.42.3 Involvement of these stakeholders during occasion.........................................................52.4 Inclusive strategy to make event more interesting and memorable.................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................63.1 Report on existing communication structure and system in Zara UK..............................63.2 Methods to improve the overall communication systems................................................73.3 Implementing improvements for greater integration of systems of comm unication in ZaraUK..........................................................................................................................................13.4 Creation of personal plan for improving of own communication skills...........................1TASK 4............................................................................................................................................2CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
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INTRODUCTIONWithin an organization, there are different type of aspects that has to be considered sothat employees will be able to perform effectively and efficiently. With this respect,communication play vital role in order to develop strong relationship with customers (Axelsen,Calloe and Nielsen, 2013). It enables to know he issues that are faced by employees orunderstand customers problems. Further, communication is a systematic tool that is helpful tomonitor activities in order to make expansion of business. Present report is about Zara which is aclothing retail and was founded in the year 1975 in La Coruña, Spain. This report covers need ofinformation and knowledge for ensuring effective decision making. Further, it coversidentification of stakeholders for decision making process. Moreover, it covers listing out waysto improve appropriateness. Lastly, it also includes development of personal plan to improveown communication skills. TASK 11.1 Different decisions to be taken by the Zara senior managementEffective decisions are made when one has proper knowledge about the condition forwhich decision needs to be made. There are conditions in which consulting units are hired formaking decision (Ulmer, Sellnow and Seeger, 2013). Zara is planning to make their business toexpand in new market. For this respect, there are different areas in which decision needs to bemade. It includes decision related to finance, resources, etc. In this context, below given are thedecision that has to be made by Zara: Strategic decision: This type of decision needs to be made at the time of setting upobjectives, vision and mission. For making this decisions, top management are involved.Individuals exchange their views and get suggestions for making strategic decision. Further,decision are made in order to form policies, norms or regulations. Tactical decision: These decision are taken by middle level management (Swallow, Knafland Carolan. 2014). They make sure that all the decisions that are made by top management areimplemented. For this respect, they take up decision for the utilization of resources that will beinvolved in order to achieve the desired objectives to be met. Operational decision: Decision for operations is generally taken by lower levelmanagement. It involves daily practices and decision are made to meet up day to day business1
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operations (Zerfass, Verčič and Wiesenberg, 2016). As per the case, employees of Zara need tomake decision regarding that products that has to be merchandised in different stores. 1.2 Information and knowledge required to ensure that effective decisionFor an organization like Zara to make their business expansion, it is essential to makesure that they have proper information and knowledge so that effective decisions can be taken.With this respect, below given are some of the factors that has to be considered by cited firm:Strategic plan: In order to achieve the desired goal of expansion of business, it isimportant for the management to make sure that they have developed strategic plan in whichthey get to know the requirements through which the objectives can be attained (Domenech, J.,Baños and Botella, 2013). It includes the step by step process that will enable to make theirbusiness expand. UK business laws: There are certain set of laws that has to be followed by the firm.Business face negative impact when these laws are not considered. The operations that are to beconsidered need to be analysed and then they should be performed. This is enables to make surethat business is operated effectively and efficiently. Selection and recruitment: Management of Zara should have proper knowledge about thetype of employees that they should hire so that they can achieve the business objectives(Pfeffermann and Hulsmann, 2011). Skills and capabilities should be analysed so that with theirsupport firm can make their business expand. Personnel development: There are conditions in which the workers who are selected to behelpful for the business to achieve their business objectives may not be skilled as perrequirement. For this purpose, management should have proper understanding so that they helpworkers in personnel development. 1.3 Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding for decision makingThere are two different type of sources that are available for the organization with thehelp of which information can be extracted (Ilonen and et.al., 2011). In this context, it includessources like external and internal. Below given are the internal sources that provides information:Customer records: From the past records of the customers, it enables to get to know thetaste and preference of each and every service users. As per the data, it helps to make change inthe products and services according to the knowledge and information gathered. 2
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Sales figure: This enables to get information about performance of the firm. This helps toget proper information about the areas in which information that has to be taken intoconsideration. Financial document: It includes all type of expenses that are made by the firm (Fox andet .al, 2011). When there is proper information, then it enables to take up steps that will help toreduce the cost and gain profit. Below given are the external sources through which information can be gained:Social media: It enables to have direct interaction with customers. This way properinformation and knowledge is gained with the help of which steps can be take to reduce theproblems or the perception that individuals have. It includes social media like Facebook, Twitter,etc.Government websites: There are rank the organizations as per the type of performancethey have. This enable to know where the firm stands (Austin and Pinkleton, 2015). 1.4 Recommendation for improving Zara UK management teamThere are different things that can be considered by Zara with the help of which theirmanagement team can make improvement. Below given are recommendations made: Conducting business analysis: There are different type of models that are availablethrough which firm can make proper analysis (Grewal, Sethi and Grewal, 2015). In this context,it includes SWOT analysis, PESTLE, Porters five forces, etc. These enables to identify the areasin which improvement can be made and the areas that has to be considered in order to improvetheir management team. Training and development: All the member within the teams should be monitored. As perthe observation made, they should be provided with training so that the areas in which they lack.Understanding customers is important aspect as it enables to develop strong relationship withservices users. Conduction market research: Tastes and preferences of customers take place frequency.To gain maximum, it is possible when customers are provided with services and products as pertheir taste and preferences (Patel, Shah and Shallcross, 2015). With the help of survey, it enablesto make improvement in the type of services that are being delivered by the firm. Further,questionnaire can be provided through which customers satisfaction level, issues faced bycustomers, etc. can be determined. Further, help from secondary sources can be collected. In this3
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context, it includes books, articles, websites, etc. Further, there are different type of research thatare conducted by others researchers on other firms and they are helpful to understand that type ofstrategy that is being performed by them (Subramanian, Robles-Salas and Singer, 2015). TASK 22.1 Stakeholders who will be invite for new product launchThere are many stakeholders who involved with the operations of Zara. All the servicesand products are developed as per the preference of customers. In order to launch new productthat id introduced by Zara, below given are the stakeholders who will be called on for theoccasion:Customers: They are the one for whom product is developed. Products are developed asper the taste and preference of customers. Further, growth of the firm also depends upon thesatisfaction level that is being met by the product that is newly launched by Zara. Employees: They are the face of organization as they present the type of services andproducts that are introduced by the firm. They are important stakeholder as they know the type ofissues that are faced by customers (Grewal, Sethi and Grewal, 2015). As per their suggestion,changes in products are made so that it can be provided in such a way that it will be preferred bycustomers. Suppliers: They make sure that all the raw material that are required for the product areprovided to the Zara. For this purpose, it is essential to develop strong relationship with them sothat meet the demand as per requirement. These are important stakeholder to be called on for theoccasion. Government: It is important to develop strong relationship with this stakeholder as theyare the one who make changes in the policies like tax or interest rates. When changes are madefrequently, then it affects the business operation in negative manner. 2.2 Making contacts with proposed invitees using appropriate and cost effective channelsThere are different type of channels that are available with the help of which properinformation can be provided to all stakeholders that also in cost effective manner. In this context,below given are some of the ways:4
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