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Digital Technology Trends and Research Methods


Added on  2020/07/22

AI Summary
The provided assignment details a collection of research papers and articles on the impact of digital technology on work organizations, management information systems, and research methodologies. The papers discuss topics such as digital transformation, strategic technology trends, older adults' experiences with digital technology, big data in government, and qualitative research methods. The summary aims to provide an overview of the assignment content, highlighting key themes and research areas related to digital technology and methodology.

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Research Methods

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Table of Contents
Background of research..........................................................................................................2
Rationale of Research.............................................................................................................2
Significance of study..............................................................................................................3
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................3
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................6
ACTIVITIES AND TIMELINE......................................................................................................7
Gantt Chart showing timeline.................................................................................................7
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The title of the research is “Understanding the implications of digital technologies on
productivity and profitability of organisation; A study on Tesco.”
In the era of globalisation, technological advancements and development can be observed
easily and efficiently. In order to sustain in the competitive environment nearly every
organisation incorporating in United Kingdom started using one or many digital technologies at
their premises to enhance the productivity and profitability of the corporations. Digital
technologies indeed plays vital role in strengthening the internal and external environment of the
organisation. Digital technologies including cloud services, information systems, multimedia
marketing, social media networking, etc. has been used by the management of business
organisations in order to enhance their sales, profits and revenue (Oldham and Da Silva, 2015).
Thus, digital technologies helps in reducing efforts, time and costs of the organisation. Tesco is
considered as one of the leading organisation in retail sector that incorporated some of the latest
technologies within the organisation in order to strengthen the existing performance and enhance
the sales of the company.
In accordance with this context, in following research proposal, the researcher will
analyse and understand the implication of digital technologies used by the management of Tesco.
The present research proposal will include literature review in order to establish theoretical
framework and research methodologies which demonstrates the research methods which will be
used by the researcher. The aim and objectives of research will help in providing guidance that
will helps the end users to understand the flow of research proposal.
“To comprehend the implications of digital technologies on business operations; A study of
ď‚· To comprehend the business activities at Tesco London, United Kingdom.
ď‚· To identify the digital technologies used at Tesco London, United Kingdom.
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ď‚· To evaluate the impact of digital technology on business operations of Tesco London,
United Kingdom.ď‚· To recommend and suggest methods through which management of Tesco, London,
United Kingdom, can improve their digital technologies effectively and efficiently.
Research questions
1. What are the business activities done by the management of Tesco?
2. What are the different types of digital technologies used by the Tesco?
3. How to evaluate the impact of digital technologies on the productivity and profitability of
4. What recommendations can be provided to the management of Tesco which can enhance
their business performance?
Background of research
Digital technologies and information systems plays vital and humongous role in
enhancing the growth and development of the organisations. In the era of globalisation,
technological advancements and development can be observed easily and efficiently (Kane and, 2015). In order to sustain in the competitive environment nearly every organisation
incorporating in United Kingdom started using one or many digital technologies at their premises
to enhance the productivity and profitability of the corporations. Digital technologies indeed
plays vital role in strengthening the internal and external environment of the organisation. Digital
technologies including cloud services, information systems, multimedia marketing, social media
networking, etc. has been used by the management of business organisations in order to enhance
their sales, profits and revenue. Thus, digital technologies helps in reducing efforts, time and
costs of the organisation.
Rationale of Research
Digital technologies are affecting life of every individuals. In day to day life an
individual surrounds with ample of technologies which in one or many ways saves his or her
time and efforts. Organisations like Tesco did not able to escape from the impact of digital
technologies and implemented them in their organisation in order to enhance the business
performance (Laudon and Laudon, 2015). The reason for conducing the research in this subject
area is that the researcher desire to enhance his or her knowledge level in the subject matter. It

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will help him or her in exploring the types of digital technologies used in their premises and how
the managers able to manage all those technologies so efficiently. This research will also assist
the users of the research by providing them brief overview of the implications of digital
Significance of study
The present study will help in understanding the implications of digital technologies used
in today's era. There are numerous technologies used by the organisation according to their needs
and purposes. The research project will help the end users and the management of Tesco by
providing them the best recommendations which can be implemented by them within the
organisation in order to accomplish their desired aims and objectives. The subject area is equally
important to understand as the world is moving towards new era where majority of work is done
by these technologies. From production to distributions, human resource to marketing digital
technologies reduces the manual efforts of the organisation and leads increases their efficiency.
Thus, the present study will aid in developing the level of knowledge level of end users of the
proposal about the implications of digital technologies.
Implications of digital technologies in today's organisation
According to Siemens, (2014) the present era is full of digital world. Everything is now
done digitally from sitting at one place. Today, almost every organisation is using internet to
increase their operations. It is helping them to increase competitive advantage over their rivals.
They can analyse the future situations and develop strategies accordingly. Technology has
helped them to integrate all department efforts to achieve goals and objectives. Cearley, Burke
and Walker, (2016) contends that this has enforced them to implement change management so
that they can survive in market for long run. Also, it has enabled business to collect market data
and information so that effective strategies can be developed. Besides this, digital technology is
very important in communication process. Schlesinger and Doyle, (2015) said that organisation
can easily and effectively communicate with employees. They can share every information in
quick time. Along with this, innovations in process and methods has made their work easier.
Also, it has helped in improving the efficiency of employees leading to increase in overall
organisational performance. Business is spending more in research and development so that they
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can develop new products. Moreover, by spreading their operations worldwide enterprise is able
to identify change in taste and preference of customers. With this they can attract them with new
products and gain more market share. Technology has made the recruitment process easier,
organisation is able to hire right person for right job. They have also started using in providing
training to employees. This has allowed business to improve employee performance leading to
save cost and time.
Importance of digital technologies
Taylor, Fritsch and Liederbach, (2014) enunciated that digital technology has not only
changes the methods and procedures but also has culture of organisation. It has provided
opportunities to grow by changing the business model and operational process. It has
transformed the way of doing business. Technology has accelerated business activities resulting
in reducing cost per unit. Also, it has brought positive changes in working environment. In fact it
has changed the behaviour of employees by fulfilling their needs. Furthermore, this has allowed
business to protect it data and building strong security systems to share information. Moreover, it
has provided a platform to identify and fulfil customer demands. Also, it has created effective
supply chain management system. This has enabled in increasing efficiency of production
system. Also, product are delivered in right time to customers. Janssen and van den Hoven,
(2015) said that the culture change in business has allowed employees to work with new
techniques and methods and competing tasks in proper time. This has created better relations
with managers. However, employees have effectively adopted change management that has
allowed organisation to implement changes. The significance of digital technology is it has
helped in contributing towards society by protecting the environment. It has developed ways
through which business can produce environment friendly goods. Also, it has allowed to find out
negative and positive impact of strategies by analysing it. How business will take actions to deal
with critical situations. Therefore, it is concluded that the overall business system is been
innovated. Thus, we can say that technology has brought value to business
Impact of digital technologies on organisations
Digitisation in the organisation impacts greatly on the performance and productivity.
According to Cascio and Montealegre, (2016) digital technologies such as cloud computing,
multimedia marketing, high tech computer systems helps in reducing the efforts, time and cost of
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the organisation and thus positively impacts on the organisational performance. Earlier, where
management and employees who work continuously for hours and hours in order to produce
simple output, now use of technologies has reduced the hours into minutes and even seconds.
Now the organisation and management can produce the desired results with one single click.
Hill, Betts and Gardner, (2015) said that digital technologies positively impacts on the
organisational overall performance. With the help of digital technologies and digitisation, the
management can transact, interact and communicate with clients, customers and other business
dealers effectively and efficiently. In this context, Fitzgerald, and, (2014) argued that
digital technologies indeed reduces the time and efforts of the companies, but it negatively
impacts on the employment rates and employee motivations. Many business organisations are
laying off thousands of employees and making the redundant. This increases the unemployment
rate in the country. Furthermore, digital technologies are expensive and management needs to
provide effective training to the employees in order to use them effectively and efficiently.
Overall, digital technologies increases the quality of work, reduces the efforts and enhances the
sales and profitability of the business organisations. By implementing the precise technologies in
the organisation, the management of companies will able to accomplish the desired aim and
objectives effectively and efficiently.
Recommending the best technologies in order to improve the performance and sales
There are numerous types of digital technologies which are available in the market which
can be implemented in the organisation in order to enhance their business performance and sales.
Karimi and Walter, (2015) said the immersive technologies such as video conferencing with
gesture control can be implemented in the organisation. With the help of video conferencing the
management of the organisation can communicate with the clients living in different area far
from the organisation. Immersive technologies can be used by the organisation in order to
enhance their performance and sales. Lai and Hong, (2015) enunciated that digital technologies
helps in marketing as well. There are various types of digital marketing solutions which can be
utilised by the organisation in order to target their chosen market effectively and efficiently.
Digital technologies are affecting life of every individuals. In day to day life an individual
surrounds with ample of technologies which in one or many ways saves his or her time and
efforts. Organisations like Tesco did not able to escape from the impact of digital technologies

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and implemented them in their organisation in order to enhance the business performance. Thus,
it implies that digital technologies aid in growth and development of the business corporations
and provides assistance in reducing the time and efforts of the companies.
Research methodology is the important part of the research proposal. In this part, the
researcher will explain the precise methods he or she will be used in his or her research project.
From research perspective, research methodology plays crucial and essential role. In order to
attain the aim and objectives of the study, it is important for the researcher to select precise
methodologies effectively and efficiently. Research methodology is the framework of research
proposal which shows the methods that will be used by researcher to overcome the goals and
objectives of the research and answer the research questions effectively and efficiently. In this
context, the research methods used by the researcher in the present research proposal is described
Research philosophy
As per the Saunders Research Onion, research philosophy is the first part which is to be
described by the researcher while conducting his or her research (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault,
2015). Research philosophy is the idea or belief through which the researcher gather and analyse
the data of research study. In order to understand the implications of digital technologies at
Tesco, interpretivism research philosophy will be use by the researcher.
Research approach
Research approach is the way through which the researcher testify the assumptions to
validate the hypotheses of the study. Research approach is very important and is the second area
which is to be described by the researcher. In order to understand the implications of digital
technologies at Tesco, the researcher will use deductive research approach.
Research design
Research design is the guideline or action plan through which researcher answers the
research questions effectively and efficiently (Mackey and Gass, 2015). In order to attain the aim
and objectives of research and answer the research questions the researcher will use descriptive
research design. In this way, the researcher will able to understand the implications of digital
technologies at Tesco.
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Research strategy
Research strategies are the plan through which the researcher will able to attain the aim
and objectives of the research effectively and efficiently (Cicourel, 2016). As the data will be
collected through questionnaire form, quantitative research method will be used in the present
research proposal. Quantitative research method can be used with numerical data.
Data collection
Data collection is the process of gathering relevant and meaningful data for the research.
There are two sources from where data can be acquired. These are primary and secondary
sources (Flick, 2015). In the present research, the data will be acquired from questionnaire
method. The questionnaire will be provided to the employees and managers of Tesco in order
gather their view about the implications of digital technologies. From secondary data, different
books, journals and articles will be used.
Sampling is essential process as analysing large data is not practically possible for the
researcher. There are different methods that can be used by the researcher in order to take the
sample of data. In the present study, the researcher will take the sample of 50 employees and
managers responses by using simple stratified sampling method.
Data Analysis
Data analysis is the process through which raw data can be converted into meaningful
information. From research perspective, data analysis plays important role (Silverman, 2016). In
order to analyse the data, themes will be used by the researcher. In this way, the researcher will
able to explain the meaning of collected data effectively and efficiently.
Ethical considerations
Ethical consideration is very important while conducting research. In the present study,
the researcher will explain the motive and purpose of the study to the participant of the research
and take their consent before proceeding (Smith, 2015). Confidentiality will be maintained and
names of employees and managers will remain disclosed.
Gantt Chart showing timeline
Task / Duration in week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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Selection of topic
Developing the project
Preparing aims and objectives
Carrying out literature review
Developing research
Conducting primary research
Analysis of data
Evaluation of data
Conclusion and
Draft Submission
Final submission to tutor

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Books and Journals
Cascio, W.F. and Montealegre, R., 2016. How technology is changing work and
organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational
Behavior, 3, pp.349-375.
Cearley, D.W., Burke, B. and Walker, M.J., 2016. Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for.
Cicourel, A., 2016. Method and measurement in sociology.
Fitzgerald, M., and, 2014. Embracing digital technology: A new strategic imperative. MIT
sloan management review, 55(2), p.1.
Flick, U., 2015. Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research
project. Sage.
Hill, R., Betts, L.R. and Gardner, S.E., 2015. Older adults’ experiences and perceptions of digital
technology:(Dis) empowerment, wellbeing, and inclusion. Computers in Human
Behavior, 48, pp.415-423.
Janssen, M. and van den Hoven, J., 2015. Big and Open Linked Data (BOLD) in government: A
challenge to transparency and privacy?.
Kane, G.C., and, 2015. Strategy, not technology, drives digital transformation. MIT Sloan
Management Review and Deloitte University Press, 14.
Karimi, J. and Walter, Z., 2015. The role of dynamic capabilities in responding to digital
disruption: A factor-based study of the newspaper industry. Journal of Management
Information Systems, 32(1), pp.39-81.
Lai, K.W. and Hong, K.S., 2015. Technology use and learning characteristics of students in
higher education: Do generational differences exist?. British Journal of Educational
Technology, 46(4), pp.725-738.
Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P., 2015. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital
Firm Plus MyMISLab with Pearson eText--Access Card Package. Prentice Hall Press.
Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015. Second language research: Methodology and design.
Oldham, G.R. and Da Silva, N., 2015. The impact of digital technology on the generation and
implementation of creative ideas in the workplace. Computers in Human Behavior, 42,
Schlesinger, P. and Doyle, G., 2015. From organizational crisis to multi-platform salvation?
Creative destruction and the recomposition of news media. Journalism, 16(3), pp.305-323.
Siemens, G., 2014. Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age.
Silverman, D. ed., 2016. Qualitative research. Sage.
Smith, J.A. ed., 2015. Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage.
Taylor, R.W., Fritsch, E.J. and Liederbach, J., 2014. Digital crime and digital terrorism. Prentice
Hall Press.
Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R. and DeVault, M., 2015. Introduction to qualitative research methods: A
guidebook and resource. John Wiley & Sons.
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