
STI, Pregnancy, and Contraceptives: A Comparative Study


Added on  2020-07-22

7 Pages1591 Words35 Views
STI, Pregnancy, and Contraceptives: A Comparative Study_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................12.1 Research on additional area of reproduction....................................................................12.2 The findings of this research ...........................................................................................3CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................3REFERENCES:...............................................................................................................................5
STI, Pregnancy, and Contraceptives: A Comparative Study_2

INTRODUCTIONReproduction is a type of biological process in which the new individuals are beingproduced from their parents (Lim and Ang, 2016). Of all the known life reproduction is afundamental feature. The sexual and asexual reproduction are the two types of reproduction.Without the involvement the individuals can produce in asexual reproduction. However in sexualreproduction, between two individuals the sexual interaction is needed.In this report the additional area of reproduction such as transmitted disease,contraception etc will be researched and their findings will be presented.2.1 Research on additional area of reproductionSexually transmitted diseases (STP)-: From one human to another through sexualcontact sexually transmitted disease are being passed. They are type of infections that can bespread from one person to other. The bacteria, parasites, yeast and viruses are some of the causesof sexually transmitted diseases. More than 20 types of sexually transmitted diseases are there.Some of them are as follows-: Chlamydia. HPV, Syphillis, Trichomoniasis and genital herpes.Both men and women are being affected by sexually transmitted diseases. But the problems ofhealth can be more severs for women in many cases. For a baby the serious health problem canbe caused if a woman who is pregnant have STD. By sex specifically vaginal intercourse , analsex or oral sex the STP are being caused (Jodar and Oliva, 2017). The vaginal discharge, penildischarge , pelvic pain are some of the symptoms and signs of disease. Before or during the birthof child sexually transmitted disease can be transmitted. With the ability to get pregnant someSTD may cause problems. By not having sex is the most effective way of preventing STD. Therisk of certain infection such as hepatitis B can be decrease by some vaccinations. The saferpractice of sex can be sued by the people .To prevent some infections circumcision in males canbe effective.Contraception – In order to prevent pregnancy as a outcome of sexual intercourse thecontraception is the deliberate that is been used. It is also known as birth control. In order toprevent the pregnancy it is been used (Types of Contraceptives, 2017). There are different typesof contraceptives that are available which allows to enjoy sex without having the risk of gettingpregnant. The condoms, the contraceptive pill, implants etc are some of the methods of birthcontrol. The condom or a cervical cap comes in the category of barrier methods, the pill comes1
STI, Pregnancy, and Contraceptives: A Comparative Study_3

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