
Research Methodology and Action Plan


Added on  2020-06-04

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RESEARCH PROJECT(Impact of quality of service on raising satisfaction level of consumers)
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TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................11.1 Research project description.............................................................................................11.2 Research Aim and Objectives..........................................................................................21.3 Literature review..............................................................................................................21.4 Research methodology.....................................................................................................21.5 Structure of the project.....................................................................................................3CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................62.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................62.2 Literature Review.............................................................................................................6CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................113.1 Research Methods..........................................................................................................113.2 Sampling.........................................................................................................................133.3 Data collection................................................................................................................133.4 Ethical consideration......................................................................................................13CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSES...............................................................................................154.1 Data collection................................................................................................................154.2 Data Analysis and Discussions.......................................................................................16CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................235.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................235.2 Recommendations..........................................................................................................245.3 Area for further study.....................................................................................................24sREFERENCES.............................................................................................................................25APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................27Appendix 1: Questionnaire...................................................................................................27Appendix 2: Research Proposal............................................................................................29
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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 Research project descriptionCustomers are the life blood of the business; each firm aims to enhance satisfaction levelof its consumers so that it can sustain in the market for longer duration. Companies try to providehigh quality products and services to the customer in order to retain them in the workplace forlonger duration (Service Quality of McDonald’s, 2015). Quality of product and services impacton satisfaction level of consumers to great extent and make them positive towards the brand.Current study is based on McDonald's which is the multinational firm that provides wide rangeof food products to consumers. Its main objective is to satisfy customers so that they buy itsproducts frequently. Rationale: The main objective of conducting this investigation is that there are manycompanies which are unable to provide satisfactory services to consumers; that is the reason whytheir sales volume is continuously decreasing. These firms aim to enhance their profitability.Improving service quality is the only way through which companies can enhance theirsatisfaction level of customers that can enhance revenues of business unit to great extent. Forthat, it is essential for the entities to provide necessary training to employees so that workers canget to know about needs of consumers and they can serve them according to their requirement.This is a way that can support in raising their satisfaction level and retaining them in the businessfor longer duration. In addition, it can assist in growth of business and sustaining in the marketfor longer duration. McDonald's is offering quality services to the consumers but it is required toenhance its service level so that more consumers can take interest in its products. This is becauseKFC and other competitors of the business are offering extremely well services to consumersthat gain their attention. So, it is essential for McDonald's that to improve quality of services sothat it can gain competition advantage (Effect of Quality Products, Services and Brand onCustomer Satisfaction at McDonald's, 2017). Food industry is concentrating on improving their quality of services so that it canenhance satisfaction level of their potential buyers. This study will concentrate on conceptualframework of service quality and consumer satisfaction. It will discuss the various factors whichare helpful in manner to enhance the customer satisfaction for McDonald's. Furthermore, impactof service quality on raising customer satisfaction in the organisation will be explained in thisresearch project.1
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1.2 Research Aim and ObjectivesAim “To access the impact of quality of service on raising satisfaction level of consumers: The casestudy of McDonald's”.Objectives- To understand the concept of quality service and customer satisfaction. To determine the various factors which are helpful in manner to enhance the customersatisfaction for McDonald's.To determine impact of service quality on raising customer satisfaction. 1.3 Literature reviewAn organisation’s success depends upon the way it retains customers for long run. Aservice industry needs to understand the customers’ perception due to involvement ofintangibility into business offerings. According to Zameer, Tara and Mohsin, (2015), quality ofservices delivered cannot be quantified or measured. On other hand Orel and Kara, (2014)argued that it is on the basis of quality of services that customers do pay monetary value tobusinesses. Henceforth, it seems to be an essential element for food sector to measure quality ofservices offered. Khan and Fasih, (2014), supported the fact by providing an evidence of waycustomers have distinct set of perceptions for quality of services offered. In the view of Zameer,Tara and Mohsin, (2015), the service industry needs to be highly effective in designing itsofferings; since value proposition tends to be highly based on consumers’ perceptions. Khan and Fasih, (2014) claimed that food industry needs to enhance quality of servicesoffered so as to retain customers for long run. It is through creating a value in form of bothtangible & intangible offerings that the customers tend to get satisfied. Further, the organisationneed to deliver services that has been promised at the first instance. This in turn would ensure thecustomer retention for long run. Service quality is expected to impact customer satisfaction;since they tend to develop an expectation while purchasing services from any food unit(Gyawali, Tao and Müller, 2013). 1.4 Research methodologyIt is essential for researcher to determine suitable ways and methods that are applicable toconduct the research work in an efficient manner. The research proposed herewith is conductedthrough accumulation of primary & secondary information. The data collected through2
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secondary sources that are published in form of journals, articles, etc. will be analysed by way ofliterature review. On other hand, primary information will be collected through sample ofcustomers. In order to conduct the analysis, a sample of 50 customers is expected to be selectedwho will be asked to fill questionnaire. It is through adoption of random sampling technique thatsample of customers will be selected. Finally, the data accumulated will be analysed throughadoption of thematic analysis; whereby distinct sets of themes will be created. The arguments infavour and against of themes are derived on the basis of frequency distribution & graphicalpresentation. The researcher has ensured to meet all ethical obligations while conducting theresearch work. 1.5 Structure of the projectIn order to conduct research work in effective manner; it is essential to frame a scheduleof activities with specific deadlines. In order to plan effective completion of the research intoconsideration; a Gantt chart & network diagram is constructed underneath: Table 1: List of activitiesSr. No. ActivitiesList of activitiesWeeksPreceding activities1AMeeting with supervisor12BDrafting of proposal1A 3CSubmission of proposal2B4DGetting proposal approved1C5EConducting Literature review5D6FCollection of primary information4D7GAnalysis of data4E,F8HInterpretation of data3G9IDrafting the research project4E,G10JReviewing the project2I11KFinalizing the project1J12LSubmission of the final project1K3
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As per the critical path constructed above, the research project will take minimum duration of 22weeks for completion. The researcher needs to abide by schedule presented through Gantt chart.Further, all deadline should be met so as to avoid all kinds of delay in completion of researchproject. StructureChapter 1 Introduction: This is the first part in which scholar will give brief overview ofthe topic. Individual will frame aim and objectives and will define the way in whichentire research project will be conducted. 4
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Chapter 2: Literature Review: It is the next part in which researcher will take support ofearlier literature on the same topic and will review these studies. This will support indeveloping understanding about the subject matter. Chapter 3: Research Methodology: It would be the next chapter in which scholar willexplain the selected methods for the present study that have supported in completing thestudy in effective manner. Rationale of selecting these tools will be explained in thischapter. Chapter 4: Data Analyses: This is next chapter in which entire data will be analysed andfinal results will be find out. Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation: In the last section researcher will concludethe whole study and will give necessary recommendations through which company canenhance satisfaction level of its consumers. 5
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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 IntroductionLiterature Review is the part in which researcher has to review articles of other scholarsin order to develop understanding about the subject matter. This chapter will review literatureson quality of services and its impact on raising satisfaction level of customers in the serviceindustry. 2.2 Literature ReviewMaintaining customer satisfactionAs per the view of Chiu-Chi and et.al., (2013) the main role of the every organisation isto deliver those kinds of services which is helpful to full fill the need and expectation ofcustomer. People like to go in such places where they can enjoy their meal time and can gethygienic tasty food in the organisation. Hence, it is essential to provide effective and efficientservices in order to maintain the service quality to maintain the reputation of the businessenterprise in the market. Adak and Yumuşak, (2017) also said that with the help of effectiveworking of employees in the entity company become able to generate high profit volume. Thissupport in gaining competitive advantage to the business unit. In market there are various foodfirms those which are able to provide good services in this manner there are tough competition.In order to get overcome from this issue the entity need to be more responsible and shouldprovide attractive offers so that they can gather the attraction of customer. The Azimi and et.al.,(2011) states that the power of handling the customers in the best manner is the foundation ofpromotion growth and development opportunities in firm. In order to perform all these activitiesthere should be present of effective communication with the customer so that they are able toenjoy the food services (Service Quality of McDonald’s. 2015). Outcome of quality of services in respect to profit margin and cost of the business enterpriseAdak and Yumuşak, (2017) said that in market there various number of factor areavailable which is need to be considered by the food industry. The interaction of the staff withthe customer help to improve the many barriers which can hampered to the growth of thebusiness enterprise. In order to maintain the good communication the firm is able to providebetter and effective services to the customer. These kinds of activities are helpful to earnmaximum level of satisfaction. Contrary to this Dey, Clegg and Bennett, (2010) also said that theemployees should provide effective training so that they can know they can know how to behave6
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