
Impact of Digital Technologies on Business Operations


Added on  2020-07-23

35 Pages5997 Words47 Views
Impact of Digital Technologies on Business Operations_1

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TITLE “To investigate the implication of Digital technology on business capabilities andperformance. A case based on Unicorn Grocery”.INTRODUCTIONDigital technologies are considered as an essential term which plays vast role in growthand development of firm at market place.Survey is consist to be the most effective element ofresearch it performs vast role in accomplishing the goals and targets of research in appropriatemanner. In the modern scenario organisations are widely concern on applying innovative toolsand technologies in respect to developing its operations and functions at market area (Sekaranand Bougie, 2016). The current research work is based on the implications of digital technologieson organisational performance and capabilities. Unicorn Grocery is the chosen company for thisparticular project, it is a Co-operative grocery store which is located in Chorlton-cum-Hardy,Manchester, England. The major motive of firm is to attaining higher growth and profitabilitythrough offering a wide range of qualitative products and services at market place. This reportcontents the study about the impact of digital technologies in the growth and success of firm. Inthis a predetermined aim and objectives are created which are helpful in carry out the work inappropriate direction through utilising effective methodologies. Literature review plays effectiverole in providing theoretical framework by analysing the opinion of various authors and writers.Alongside this, for increasing more qualified outcome, inquire about have a few strategies whichneed to support appropriately. In this manner, by assemble different data fitting judgementconveyed around breaking down and its translation. P1) Research proposal which clearly define question and hypothesis with literature review. The research into consideration is based on the implications of digital technologies onbusiness capabilities and performance. Unicorn Grocery is the popular food co-op offeringcompany which deals in high quality products and services. The major motive of firm is torender qualitative products and services to their significant buyers through utilising innovativetools and technologies within the working environment (Prajogo and Olhager, 2012). As a foodcompany it is essential for Unicorn Grocery to adopt new and innovative tools as to offeringvariety of products to their potential buyers. The company was founded in the year of 1996 . ineach small as well as large business enterprises management are concern on implementing newand innovative technologies at work place as to improvising their operations and production1
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functions. In respect to carry out the investigation into right direction researcher create someaims and objectives in which issue of research is mentioned in detailed manner. A predeterminedaim and objectives helps the investigator in overcome with the research issue in effectivemanner. a few number of inquiries get outline by placing destinations in thought which assessonce point get create. Alongside this, by utilizing different researchers perspective valuable andappropriate choice prompt show signs of improvement and reasonable pick up. In spite of thefact that, approach will going to help keeping in mind the end goal to determine reasonable andsteady result for assist revision. Every one of these things will prompt portrays by this task withthe goal that better and appropriate pick up could be empower for better and related result.Expected result get break down at the toward the end so as to advance better and powerfulresults. Every research need to consider a few targets which need to satisfy with reasonable timeallotment. It is vital to assess all points and goals of a venture legitimately with gave title sobetter and appropriate working get advanced (Ifinedo, 2011). The project is related with theimplications of digital tools which has a direct influence on the performance and productivity offirm. As to drawing an appropriate result and outcome relevant aim and objectives are preparedwhich provides an effective direction to the researcher to implement all its activities in wellplanned and systematic manner. Research Aim: It is consist to be the most essential element of on which the whole research isbased, as it considered as a statement in which the issue of research is mentioned in effectivemanner. The essential aim of this research project is “To investigate the implication of Digitaltechnology on business capabilities and performance. A case based on Unicorn Grocery”.Research ObjectivesObjectives are consider as diagram which need to incorporated into a venture with thegoal that better outcomes could be pick up (Weigelt and Sarkar, 2012). Goals infer based onpoint of a task with the goal that better and appropriate outcomes chances get improve. Someessential objectives are described as under: To analyse the usefulness of digital technologies in present scenario. To identify methods that can be adopted by Unicorn Grocery for boosting performanceof company at market place. To measure the impact of integration of digital technologies on effectiveness of UnicornGrocery. 2
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To find out ways that can be used by Unicorn Grocery for enhancing their performanceand gain competitive edge in market by using digital technology. Research QuestionsThis is a general statement which is interlinked with the objectives of the research andprovide an effective direction to accumulate theoretical information in regards to completion ofresearch work in effective way (Mills and Smith, 2011). Some essential research questions aredescribed as below: What are the usefulness of digital technologies in present scenario? What are the essential methods that can be adopted by Unicorn Grocery for boostingperformance of company at market place? What are the impact of integration of digital technologies on effectiveness of UnicornGrocery? What are the essential ways that can be used by Unicorn Grocery for enhancing theirperformance and gain competitive edge in market by using digital technology.All these questions are needs to be considered by researcher as to drawing effective andappropriate outcome. It is essential to comprehend the idea of examination legitimately with thegoal that report wind up suitable in nature . There are different researchers propose powerful andappropriate sentiment of their own for specific focuses with the goal that better and exceptionallyreasonable outcomes could be determine. For this thought, a part get assess in an investigationwhich reflect about perspectives of different researchers and creators with a specific end goal tosupport a superior and outright outcomes. Literature review is also consist to be the mostessential part of research work, it part helps the researcher in accumulating data and informationthrough secondary sources and in this view points of various authors and writers are discussedas to reaching at final outcome. The usefulness of digital technologies in present scenarioAs per the views expressed by Chen and Tsou, 2012, In the modern scenario competitionis so high at market area and each business concern is focused on developing their performanceand productivity through offering variety of products and services at market place. In the modernera large number of people are based on digital technologies and its effectiveness as digital toolsand technologies are effective in making humans efforts less and provide them opportunities toliving a easy and comfortable life. As a food company customers satisfaction is the major motive3
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of Unicorn Grocery and for this company is widely concern on using innovative tools andtechnologies as to fulfilling the desires of people at market place. Digital technologies are helpfulin providing various benefits to the people and organisations also as to satisfying the basic needsthrough online websites and pages. In the modern market people are very much aware about theonline services so it is essential for each small and large business enterprises to use digitalfacilities as to making effective transaction with the buyers at wide area of market. In the worldfull of digitalisations organisations are significantly focused on providing fast and effectiveservices and products to their customers as to sustain them for long run of business activities.Digital technologies are effective in providing opportunities to their clients as to fulfilling theirbasic desires. Digital technologies are also effective in reducing the extra human efforts whichmake organisations able to transact at large market area. The essential methods that can be adopted by Unicorn Grocery for boosting performance ofcompany at market placeAs per the opinion of Bonnie Conrad, 2018, the major motive each business organisationis to enhancing their profitability through increasing their major source of production. Increasinglevel of sales helps the firm in developing the profitability at market place. Due to high range ofcompetition is it necessary for firm to adapt most suitable tool and technology as to developingtheir performance and productivity at market place. Suitable sources are effective in improvisingthe activity of firm. As a co-operating food company Unicorn Grocery is focused on providingeffective customers services as to retaining them for long run of business activities. Company isalso concern about using digital tools in respect to enhancing their production and operationswhich create value in satisfying the needs of people in effective way (Zhang and et. al., 2011).There are various measures which are being used by Unicorn Grocery, in which some aredescribed as under: Computer Technology: Implementing computer technology is a best way to enhance theproductivity of firm and helps employees in reducing extra efforts and man power. This methodis adopted by Unicorn Grocery as to keeping their personal data safe and maintain their ratio ofprofitability. Empowered employees: Employees are considered as the most essential source of firm soorganisations are widely concern on hiring well skilled and talented people at work place as tocompletion of organisational task in effective manner. 4
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Internet Filtering: This is the most essential source which create value for organisations as wellas customers as to as to making their translations more easy and comfortable in nature. Internethelps in providing online benefits to the firm as to receiving the request of buyers in appropriatemanner. The impact of integration of digital technologies on effectiveness of Unicorn Groceryas per the opinion of Trainor, 2012, In this modern era large number of people areconcern on spending a huge amount of time of digital equipments in respect to enhancing theirskills and knowledge at market place. People are having appropriate knowledge about theproducts and its qualities so it is the prior responsibility of organisations to build effectiverelationship with their buyers through offering them high quality products and services inreasonable prices. In an association, the digitalized innovation permit quick handling ofinformation, simple to get troublesome data and in specific cases, they can diminishes orsubstitution of the physical specialists. While an individual perform errand or work by utilizingtheir hand so this can devouring additional time and furthermore make different human blundersor oversights in this work. As a famous co-operative food chain company is to important forUnicorn Grocery to company needs to apply most suitable tools and technologies as to enhancingthe production of firm in effective manner. At the period of utilizing innovation for drearybusiness activity and its capacities, tedious and real mistakes are disposing of the utilizing thisfor finishing primary assignment to lessened in awesome way. Alongside this, advancedinnovation help with enhancing the source by which representatives can complete real work orerrands, this can help in accelerating the current techniques and furthermore permit new thingswhich more adaptable to bringing out particular employment. For doing viable work, they canget best innovation of particular needs and request, by this they can get to the present frameworkagainst their prerequisites. P2) Research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research. Research methodology is the group of methods which are used to prepare the report ofvarious steps of research which aids to set the different types of parameter different researchtools which are used to make the research more accurate and authentic. In this steps, there aredifferent types of strategies and policies which are used to execute different steps research inorder to accomplish goals and objectives of research in proper manner. This leads to maintaineffectiveness in performing different types of research process in effective manner. In this5
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project there are two different types of research methodologies which are used to performdifferent situation and condition of research. Quantitative research: This is one of the most essential methods which are used by theinvestigator in order to m determine the various data and information of research in effectivemanner. This approach is used by the investigator to solve the quantitative part of the researchprocess this leads to accomplish different types of steps involve in the research which arerelated to the numerical part of research in effective manner (Weisberg, 2011). The nature of thisresearch is more qualitative and different types of interviews which are taken by the investigator.The outcomes of research of this section comes in finding the research are in the form ofexploratory and on the basis of numerical ground. Quantitative research: This method is used to find the result in exploratory form. Thisresearch is based on the collection of data and information which are concerned on to deliver itin the form of hypothesis. Investigator prepare the report of research in the form of literature,they are in the form of various research which are being developed by the organisation in orderto find the different types of research in proper manner. Primary method: every analyses needs to proper involvement of accurate data in theeffective manner. Accumulation of primary data involve new and fresh collection of data processwhich are collected by different resources like, these sources helps to perform different types ofprocess of research in proper manner. This aid to ascertain more result in effective manner. Thisfacilitates to depict different types of data and information in effective manner. This leads tomaximise the effectiveness in performing research. Secondary method: This methods are very important methods which are involve in theresearch this leads to accomplish different types of research which are used to find the outcomeby the different views of authors and many other resource this leads to maintain effectiveness inperforming different types of research in proper manner (Wiengarten and et. al., 2013). Thisleads to numerous productive and profitability outcome of the conducted study in more effectivemanner. Sampling: in order t perform different types of research investigator sample size hasfundamental role to choose the sample size out of whole population. This aid to determine theoutcome of the research in proper manner. This leads to maintain effectiveness in performing6
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