
Challenges Faced by HR Manager in Managing Talent within Hospitality Sector


Added on  2023-01-13

22 Pages5028 Words74 Views
Languages and CulturePhilosophy
Research Project
Challenges Faced by HR Manager in Managing Talent within Hospitality Sector_1

Table of Contents
TOPIC – Challenges faced by HR manager in managing talent within hospitality sector. ............3
Research Aim..............................................................................................................................3
Research Objectives....................................................................................................................3
Research Questions.....................................................................................................................3
Rationale of research...................................................................................................................3
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................4
Concept of talent management....................................................................................................4
Challenges faced by HR manager while executing their responsibilities within Sheraton
Different ways by which HR manager can overcome from challenges faced by them in
managing talent within Sheraton Hotels.....................................................................................5
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................5
RESULTS AND FINDINGS...........................................................................................................9
Challenges Faced by HR Manager in Managing Talent within Hospitality Sector_2

TOPIC – Challenges faced by HR manager in managing talent within hospitality sector.
Talent management define as a systematic procedure where managers of the company
examine vacant job position, hiring best and most suitable individual, improving skills in order to
match the requirements so that they can attain organisational goals and objectives. It is the most
essential factor which which has various challenges and issues which affects the performance of
the organisation (Bratton and Watson, 2018). In the present report, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts is
chosen as the base organisation which is a multinational hotel chain. This is a hotel which
operates its business across the whole world which includes North America, Caribbean, Africa,
South as well as Central America, Europe and so on. It has also been analysed the hotel manager
is facing various challenges while executing talent management within the organisation.
Research Aim
Aim of the research is “To examine the challenges faced by HR manager in managing
talent within hospitality sector. A case study on Sheraton Hotels.
Research Objectives
To know the concept of talent management.
To determine the challenges faced by HR manager while executing their responsibilities
within Sheraton Hotels.
To ascertain different ways by which HR manager can overcome from challenges faced
by them in managing talent within Sheraton Hotels.
Research Questions
What is the know the concept of talent management?
What are the challenges faced by HR manager while executing their responsibilities
within Sheraton Hotels?
What are the different ways by which HR manager can overcome from challenges faced
by them in managing talent within Sheraton Hotels?
Rationale of research
The main motive of conducting present research is to develop knowledge on the Talent
management and the challenges or issues which are faced by Human resource manager in
Challenges Faced by HR Manager in Managing Talent within Hospitality Sector_3

managing talent at workplace. Another motive of conducting this investigation is to develop
own understanding of investigator on the ways by which investigation is being conducted. Also,
it will support investigator in using these knowledge in the near future at the time of conducting
similar kind of research. Apart from this, investigator will also be able to improve their
communication, research, analytical, presentation and many more skills which will contribute in
the success of researcher.
Concept of talent management
On the basis of views presented by D’Annunzio-Green, (2018) talent management is
mainly determined as the effective commitm3ent of HR department to bring best talent within
the company with the medium of recruitment and selection and retain them longer within the
same organisation. The main purpose is to provide talented workforce to the company and
enhance their sustainability in order to maximise productivity as well as profitability of the same
company in appropriate form. In order to implement the same within the hospitality sector,
Human resource department of the respective hotel makes use of two main strategic approaches
that is performance assessment and effective compensation. Performance assessment is
considered as the effective way by which HR manager of the company can easily assess actual
performance worker and determine that whether they are performing work in rightful manner or
not. By doing so effectively HR manager can easily analyse employees performance and provide
them reward for the same. On the contrary effective compensation is seen as the another strategic
approach which states businesses should offer adequate amount salaries or compensation to
employees so that they can work within the company with their complete efforts. It also provides
support to businesses dealing in hospitality sector in attaining success in quicker manner.
Challenges faced by HR manager while executing their responsibilities within Sheraton Hotels
According to the viewpoint of Gupta, (2019), The Organisation has faces many
challenges while performing their responsibilities such as resistance to change employees takes
too much time to adopt any changes in the company thus it results in decreasing the productivity
and profitability of company. Thus, challenges may be providing training to employees. It is
necessary that company provide adequate training to employees thus it helps in increasing the
skill or knowledge of employees that results in enhancing future growth of company. Moreover,
Challenges Faced by HR Manager in Managing Talent within Hospitality Sector_4

HR manager of hotels focuses on providing good working environment to employees that
motivate or influence them to achieve goal or objectives of organisation. Another challenge
faced by HR management team is inequality due to this it decreases the morale or satisfaction
level of worker thus results in increasing employee turnover ratio. Personnel of different age
group are working together in company thus the behaviour or attitude of senior employees
towards their work and whole experience is differ from younger employees of company. So,
challenges faced by HR manager is to fill gap in order to achieve goal or objective of the
organisation (Flick, 2015). When employees of company have different ideas it creates conflicts
in organisation thus HR manager of hotels focuses on resolving conflicts or grievances between
employees of the company for enhancing future growth of the company. Cultural diversity is
other situation faced by HR manager because employees belongs to different culture results in
increasing disputes between them so it is the responsibility of HR is to reduce conflicts as well as
build a good environment in the organisation. So, there are various challenges that must be
resolved by HR manager for betterment or improvement of entity thus, it helps in increasing or
enhancing future growth of company
Different ways by which HR manager can overcome from challenges faced by them in managing
talent within Sheraton Hotels
As per the view point of Gioia, Corley and Hamilton, (2013), talent management is not a
simple task for a manger to perform as it involves a range of challenges such as difficulties in
managing employees manager relationship, lack of employees engagement, cultural barriers etc.
Therefore, it become very crucial for a manager to adopt right strategy for managing and
directing the employees so that changes can be implemented in effective manner. Despite of this,
managers must also focuses toward ensuring free flow of communication so that employees can
present the issues they are having and corrective actions can be taken toward their development
which ensure effective talent management. This in turn also support in improving the
relationship between the management and employees that contribute toward smooth flow of
practices related with promoting talent management.
It is defined as the scientific research which consists of gathering information from the
specific topic. It is a real based knowledge that is used to collect and analyse data from the
Challenges Faced by HR Manager in Managing Talent within Hospitality Sector_5

various studies. To find the solutions of the certain problems that are arising during the searching
of the information. It is the innovation and recognition of the various data involved in the
Research method: There are two main types of research method which is qualitative and
quantitative research method used by researcher (Green, Camilli and Elmore, 2012). Quantitative
research method is used by researcher in order to conduct the investigation on the topic
Challenges faced by HR manager in managing talent within hospitality sector.”
Data collection: Both primary as well as secondary method for collecting information is
used by the investigator. In case of primary data gathering method, researcher develop
questionnaire so that they will be able to collect favourable outcome in an effective manner. On
the other hand, in case of secondary methodology researcher use literature review method so that
information will be gathered in an appropriate manner.
Research sampling: In order to conduct the whole research in an effective manner,
researcher adopt random sampling method so that they can gather information without being
bias. In this context, investigator chose 30 respondents so that the research will be completed in
an effective manner and produce positive outcome.
Research philosophy: Research philosophy is determined as the belief undertaken by
investigator at the time of gathering, analysing and attaining outcome of research. This is mainly
bifurcated into two sections i.e. interpretivism and positivism. This research project has been
carried out by making use of interpretivism type of research philosophy. The main motive of
suing interpretivism is to obtain valid outcome on research with the inclusion of different
perceptions. For executing this in more detailed and authenticate manner literature review
sections has been conducted with the reliable sources along with this appropriate justification has
been provided with the same in appropriate manner.
Research approach: This is considered as the effective procedure which is followed by
investigator for conducting research in lucrative form. In context of present research, investigator
ill make use of inductive research approach. The reason behind choosing this is that it represents
overall information in the form of theoretical framework. Also, it will also contribute in attaining
research outcome in detailed manner.
Research strategy: Every researcher uses different strategies for conducting their esarch
in such a manner that provides them best outcome. In order to conduct present researrch in
Challenges Faced by HR Manager in Managing Talent within Hospitality Sector_6

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