
Workplace Discrimination


Added on  2023-01-13

23 Pages3497 Words44 Views
Workplace Discrimination_1

Workplace Discrimination_2

1.1 Research Proposal
a) Overview of project
Discrimination is related to treating an individual different mainly is worse way due to
their sex, skin colour, sexuality etc. At workplace, discrimination is on the basis on the certain
prejudices and also occurs when employee is to be treated in an unfavourable manner. Enhance
in cultural as well as gender diversity has obligated the staff members from various backgrounds
to be work together for attaining specific objectives (Adesoye and et. al., 2017). H&M is
multinational clothing and operate more than 4500 stores. Gender-based abuse is day-to-day
reality for the woman apparel workers that has pushed H&M company to achieve the production
b) Research Aim and objectives
“To identify impact of gender discrimination on employee performance. A study on H&M.
To understand concept of the workplace discrimination.
To determine the impact of the gender discrimination on performance of employees in
To identify the issues arising in H&M from gender discrimination.
What is workplace discrimination?
What is the impact of the gender discrimination on performance of employees in H&M?
What complexities H&M faced regarding the gender discrimination at workplace?
c) Reason for choosing project
Present research is taken into account on the impact of gender inequality on employee
performance. This study is considered on the effect on the performance of employees of gender
discrimination. It provides information and the issues arising from gender basis discrimination
on the employee’s performance (Barthelemy, McCormick and Henderson, 2016). It aims to
provide better understanding and learner's core competencies so that work can be done easily in
the future.
d) Activities and Timescales
Workplace Discrimination_3

Activities Start time End time
Introduction 24/02/20 27/02/20
Aims and Objectives 28/02/20 10/03/20
Literature review 11/03/20 26/03/20
Research methodology 27/03/20 16/04/20
Submission of Research
17/04/20 21/04/20
Data collection 22/04/20 19/05/20
Data Analysis 01/06/20 30/06/20
Conclusion and
01/07/20 07/07/20
Recommendations 08/07/20 13/07/20
Submission of final project 14/07/20 15/07/20
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2.1 Introduction
It is survey of scholarly sources which give overview of gender discrimination area. It is
collection of significant publication related to topic to give comprehensive look. To collect data
in this section, secondary sources used like books, journals, and internet sources etc. In this,
literature review depends on influence on gender discrimination on performance of staff
members (Bruce and et. al., 2015).
2.2 Literature review
Workplace discrimination
According to opinion of Mark Cox (2020) Discrimination is a prejudicial treatment at
workplace that many impact on hiring, promotions, advantages on age, sexual orientation,
gender, religion basis. Discrimination is illegal when victim is member of the protected
category. At workplace, gender discrimination consists treating some person in unfavourable
manner due to gender of a person whether they are current employee or applying for job.
Women employees have made clearer that they have ability to be performed with similar
skill and also success in each endeavour engaged through men. Under this, discrimination
impacted negatively on employees performance as the employees at workplace treated
differently mainly on gender basis. As comparison to male employees, female discriminated
more and they give the less responsibilities and salary. This reduces their morale, enhances
absenteeism and not focused on attaining the specific objectives effectively (Newman,
2014). In context to reduce the workplace discrimination, company required to create
effective policies, apply Equality Act and also provide training so that their knowledge and
skills can be enhanced.
Impact of the gender discrimination on performance of employees in H&M
Kimberlee Leonard (2020) stated that Gender basis discrimination in company is complex
phenomenon that can seen in processes, practices and structures of company. Mostly for
female staff, it is most harmful because in this they are treated less favourable. It has been
believed that discrimination from the management in context of gender or race might have
experience discrimination at organisational level in relation to procedures and policies which
are minimum satisfied, less committed with job to company. From the discrimination in
Workplace Discrimination_6

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