
Globalization and Business Challenges


Added on  2020-11-23

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Research Project
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Table of ContentsTITLE : “How globalisation can drive business success”...............................................................3INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3Background of company.........................................................................................................3Significance of research.........................................................................................................3CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................6Concept of globalisation.........................................................................................................6The challenges faced by Marks and Spencer in expanding their business in the market ofEurope.....................................................................................................................................6The strategies adopted by M&S to gain more success in the business..................................7Type of Investigation..............................................................................................................8Data Collection.......................................................................................................................8Research philosophy...............................................................................................................9Research Approach.................................................................................................................9Research strategy..................................................................................................................10Sampling...............................................................................................................................10Ethical Consideration...........................................................................................................10Limitation of the research.....................................................................................................11CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................11REFLECTION...............................................................................................................................28Alternative method...............................................................................................................28CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................29Conclusion............................................................................................................................29Recommendations................................................................................................................29REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................35TITLE : “How globalisation can drive business success”INTRODUCTION
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Globalisation is the procedure of spread out the business concern in worldwide or globalmarketplace to enhance the productiveness and profitableness of the administration. This is theintegration and interaction of the government, organisation and peoples in all over the world.This process of internationalisation has been arising owed to the progression in the abstractiontechnology and the transportation (Crane and Matten, 2016). This report is mainly based onMarks and Spencer, which is a British international merchandiser company which is propoundedin the year 1884 in London, UK by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer. The organisation dealsin the clothing sector, home products, furniture, etc. This research will be going to cover thepurpose and verifiable of the investigation along with the set of questions. The Literature reviewpart along with the research methodology will also going to be included in this project (Hu andSpence, 2017). In addition, with this, the reflection along with the recommendations is going tobe covered in the research project. Background of companyMarks and Spencer is one of the British Multinational retailer organization which offeredthe clothing, home, electronics and many more products to their customers. This firm wasdeveloped by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer with having the headquartered in London,UK. The firm is having the goal to always provide the quality products to their customers insteadof taking care of the money. Marks and Spencer is having the partnership or working with thebig partners in UK and abroad (Laszlo and Cescau, 2017). The firm always fulfil theexpectations and requirement of their customers in order to gain the gratification of theconsumers. Significance of researchThe importance of conducting this research is that marks and Spencer wants to spread outtheir business concern actions and operation in global marketplace in order to enhance theirbusiness growth and to maximise the profit margin. This is essential to do the investigation, asthis will help the researcher to identify the issues suffered by them during the advancement of thematuration and attainment (Wheelen and et. al., 2017). With the help of process ofinternationalisation, organization can easily be able to drive their business concern growth andachieve the high prosperity by which they can easily achieve their business targets. Aim : “To analyse the impact of globalisation in driving success and growth of business atinternational market place”. A case study on Marks and Spencer.
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Research Objectives : To evaluate the concept of globalisation.To determine the challenges faced by Marks and Spencer in expanding their business inthe market of Europe. To examine the role of globalisation in the success of the organisation.To ascertain the strategies adopted by M&S to gain more success in their business. Research Questions :What is the concept of globalisation?How to analyse the challenges faced by Marks and Spencer in expanding their business inthe market of Europe? What is the role of globalisation in the success of the organisation? How to ascertain the strategies adopted by M&S to gain more success in their business? Gantt chartThis chart is used by the project manager to lead the progress of the whole task. This mapis used to track the project executed by various respectives and overall development of the task.This is form of bar graph which describe the schedule of the project (Eaton and Kilby, 2015).This is not specific for a particular area and can be used in any type of task.
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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEWThis is the section which is going to described about the research topic. There aredifferent authors and writers who are going to have their views on the specific topic (Adekolaand Sergi, 2016). This part of the research will be going to give the brief knowledge and deepunderstanding on the specific topic of the research. Concept of globalisation.Globalisation is the procedure by which the administration can expand their business anddevelop their business activities and operations internationally and operate their business inglobal market (Chari and Acikgoz, 2016) . This is the process of having the relationship betweenthe various countries which is used when they trade with each other at international level.Globalisation is the term by which the organisation can enhance their business growth andmaximise more profit margin. This also defines the manner people meet and segregate with othermultitudes. This can be said as the process driven by international trade and investment andassisted by the information technology. As this is known that the procedure ofinternationalisation give grow in all over the glob, it gave ascent to the success of the firm(Hunter, Saunders and Constance, 2016). There are various manners by whichinternationalisation has assist organizations to shuffle huge net income and modification theirbrand worth across the globe. Therefore, it is very beneficial for the organisation to enhance theirbusiness growth and maximise the more profit margin of the firm. BY the help of the conceptionof internationalisation, the firm well be capable to gain the attention of more customers by whichthe productivity as well as profitability of the organisation will get increased and this result in thebetterment of the organisation. The challenges faced by Marks and Spencer in expanding their business in the market of EuropeAccording to the Hammer, 2015, internationalisation is giving the opportunity to theadministration to interact and communicate with the different organisation of other country sothat they drive their attainment and maturation of business concern at global marketplace. Thereare many challenges which are to be faced by the firm and these are defined as beneath -Determine the needs and requirements of the marketplace This is the necessaryfor the organisation to determine the demand of the people at the marketplace beforeentering into the new market (What Are Some Challenges That Firms Face for
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International Marketing, 2019). Through identifying the needs of the customers, theorganization can easily be capable to expand their business concern at internationalmarketplace. Different Culture – As per Hunter, Saunders and Constance, 2016, this is known thatthere is different culture in different countries, so as M&S is entering into the newmarket for the expansion of their business, it is necessary for the firm to understand theculture of the country in which they are entering so that they can be easily able to dealwith the customers, as the people of that country are following their specific culture. The role of globalisation in the success of the organisation.As per Grayson, McLaren and Spitzeck, 2017, Globalisation plays very crucial role in theimprovement of the business concern. This brings various techniques and technology whichhelps the firm to spread out their business concern and increase more attainment. Along withthis, globalisation also helps to improve the quality of the products (Role of globalization, 2006) .The staff members of the organisations work very efficiently which result the firm in theenablement of their productivity and gain more profits. Globalisation is having the great role, andthis is the process of enhanced interconnectedness between the countries (Tregear, 2015) . This isknown by all that the international or global interaction or integration of national economies ishaving the profound effect and also the globalisation is having the central role in determining thefuture of the world. The strategies adopted by M&S to gain more success in the business.This is very essential for the firm M&S to develop or establish the various strategieswhich help them to enhance their profitability. If M&S, will espouse the applications andtechnique their plan of action will be developed. There are primarily four global plan of actionwhich the firm should choose to get into and compete in the international marketplace and gainmore attainment. The plan of action are International Standardisation plan of action, Localizationstrategy, multinational Strategy and international strategy. All these have their benefits as well asdrawbacks. Each plan of action appropriateness is reckon upon the extent of pressure for costreduction as well as local responsiveness. The organisation M&S can utilize the internationalbusiness concern plan of action to reap the rewards of trading in a worldwide marketplace.Therefore, all these plan of action will help the firm to introduce their business concern in global
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industry and attain huge net profit by which the firm will campaign more attainment in theirbusiness organization. CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGYThis is the technique and system used for examining, selecting, processing and analysingthe relevant information regarding the specific topic of the research. While completing anyresearch, this is necessary to perform each task according to the research methodologies, so thatthis can get the accurate information on the particular subject and get completed in effective way(Soltes and Gavurova, 2015) . By using the investigation methodologies, the researcher will beable to manage and handle the collected and gathered information in sequential and effectivemanner. There are two forms of inquiry methodologies qualitative and quantitative. Type of Investigation.In this section, the investigator will necessitate to entrée the information and illustrationof the investigation so that the researcher can easily be capable to utilize the instrument andmethods for getting the advantages regarding the procedure of research. The investigation on theparticular subject can be channelled by several manners such as qualitative and quantitative(Taneja, Pryor and Hayek, 2016) . In qualitative the relevant and accurate information is to becollected and gathered in theoretical manner. The qualitative research is used to conduct the typeof secondary research, in which the data used to collect and assemble by the sources like blogs,articles, online assignments, etc. In this the information which is collected by the investigator isalready collected by someone and according to their thesis the other information is gathered.While, the other is quantitative research in which the information is to be gathered inmathematical or numerical form. The investigator is taking the use of mathematical formulas andgraphs in order to deliver the proper information and content to the clients (Ho and Fung, 2016).The quantitative research is using the direct sources like survey, questionnaire, focused groups,etc. This research project is going to use the qualitative research method which is used to gatherthe relevant information for completing project. Data CollectionThis is the method which is used to gather and collect the accurate information on thespecific topic of the research project. There are two main methods of information aggregation,which are described as below -
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1.Primary method – This method of information assemblage used to gather the informationon the particular subject by using the direct sources like newspapers, focused groups andquestionnaire, etc. Through this method, the fresh information is to be collected by theinvestigator. 2.Secondary method – This is the method of data collection in which the data is to begathered and collected by the investigator from the publishers (Derven, 2016) . In this thedata which is to be assembled by the researcher is the secondary data. Thus, in the present research, the investigator is going to usage both primary andsecondary methods of information compendium. Research philosophyThis is the worth which is to be used to gather and assemble the information and dataduring the completion of the investigation report. There are two main kinds of researchphilosophy which is named as positivism and interpretivism. In positivism, the investigator willbelieve on the situation which had already occur and the stable existence, this philosophy isdetermined from the perception of objective and without the interference of the process which isbeing designed (Haidt,2016). While on the other hand, interpretivism is determined with theimmanent perception in which the interference will be there which can be understand. In theactual investigation, the researcher is using the positivism investigation philosophy so that theresearcher easily be capable to collect and gather the information. Research ApproachThis is the approach which includes some phases along with the anticipations to definethe systems of interpretation and analysis, information aggregation. This is the procedure whichis used to resolve many problems and issues which occur while completing the research(McLaughlin and Caraballo, 2016). In the investigation, the section of investigationconceptualization is important as this will help the investigator in examine the whole region.There are two kinds of inquiry conceptualisation which is to be used by the investigator incompleting the research. These approaches are named as synthetical and deductive. In inductivetype of research approach, there are many forms of theories and model which are to be based onthe different types of estimations and models as per the outcomes. The investigator needs togather and collect the accurate facts and figures in the effective manner. While, on the otherhand, the deductive approach is used to examine the numerical and mathematical data which is
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