
Role of Line Managers and Leaders in Talent Management


Added on  2022-11-29

28 Pages6181 Words499 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataCalculus and Analysis
Research Project
Role of Line Managers and Leaders in Talent Management_1

Literature review..............................................................................................................................4
Concept of talent management....................................................................................................4
Methods of leadership used in talent management......................................................................5
Evaluate role of leaders and line managers in TM......................................................................5
Research methodology.....................................................................................................................6
Research type...............................................................................................................................6
Research approach.......................................................................................................................6
Research philosophy....................................................................................................................6
Data collection.............................................................................................................................6
Data analysis................................................................................................................................7
Validity and reliability.................................................................................................................7
Research limitations.....................................................................................................................8
Alternative research methodologies..............................................................................................11
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Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities
Title or working title of the research project
To analyse the role of line managers and leaders in talent management (TM). A
study on Vectair holdings.
Research objectives (e.g what is the question you want to answer? What do you
want to learn how to do? What do you want to find out?):
Research objectives
To develop understanding about the concept of talent management.
To identify methods of leadership used in talent management.
To evaluate role of leaders and line managers in TM.
To recommend effectual strategies for talent management.
Research questions
What is the concept of talent management?
What are the methods of leadership used in talent management?
What are the role of leaders and line managers in TM?
What are the strategies for talent management?
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
Reasons for choosing the project (e.g links to other subjects you are studying,
personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the
topic is important):
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The reason for choosing this topic is as talent management is implemented by ma-
jority of the organization. So it will help the organization to effectively implement
it. The reason for choosing talent management subject is to gain knowledge about
this topic and produce in depth research report so that in future it can help scholar
who will research on the similar topic. By doing research on this topic it will en-
hance researcher skill for this particular topic. The topic is also important because
organization is giving training to their HR so that they can effectively implement
TM practices.
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Section Three: Literature sources searched
Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hy-
Concept of talent management
According to Pandita and Ray, (2018) talent management is the term which is
very common nowadays. It refers to manage talent in the organization in such a
manner that they will not leave the organization. As to retain top performer em-
ployee in the company has become essential because high performer workers will
help the company to achieve the objectives. If company will not retain top per-
former then there are chances that the rival company will hire them by giving
handsome salary and additional benefits. Gallardo-Gallardo, Thunnissen and Scul-
lion, (2020) stated that talent management does not only helps to retain but also
helpful in hiring skilled and knowledgeable candidate. In simple words it will
help human resource to hire right employee for the right position. As if wrong em-
ployee is hired by HR then it will cost high to the company because hiring em-
ployee insures cost as company have to give advertisement first and then calls
them for interview. They also provide training to the selected employees which
are costly.
Methods of leadership used in talent management
As per the views of Schyns, Hall and Neves, (2017) leaders can use democratic
leadership style for managing and controlling talent in the organization. Through
this leadership style employee will give opportunity to participate in the decision
making process. As final decision will remain in the hands of higher authority
only but views and opinions of employees are taken and also implemented. It will
motivate the workforce because they will feel that company is valuing them and
that will increase their productivity. Harms and et.al., (2018) argued that company
should told their leaders to use autocratic leadership style. As when they will ask
employees about giving views for the organization. Then there is possibility that
they will give wrong suggestions because employee does not have enough knowl-
edge and skills that they can give suggestions in the decision making process.
Also asking employee their opinions and then make decision will be time consum-
ing and can delay important decisions.
Evaluate role of leaders and line managers in TM
Fu and et.al., (2020) said that leaders and line managers plays vital role in talent
management. As they help HR in implementing TM practices, without the support of line
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manager HR alone cannot implement TM strategies efficiently. As after implementing TM
practice manager or leaders announce it to the employees that they have implemented it so
that employee can take benefit from it. Example: implementing rewards, when leaders will
make announcement that they had will provide rewards who will achieve target then
employee will work hard to achieve that. Grenčíková, Guščinskienė and Španková,
(2017) evaluated that line manager can even add hurdle in implementing TM strategies if
they are having personal problems with HR. They can also oppose by saying that it will be
the unnecessary cost for the company.
Section Four: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g
research, development and analysis of ideas, writing, data
collection, numerical analysis, tutor meetings, production of
final outcome, evaluation, writing the report):
Selecting topic
Aims & objectives
Literature review
How long this
will take:
1 week (W)
2 W
3 W
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