
The Significance of Innovative Ways of Working for Talent Management: A Study on Next plc.


Added on  2022-11-29

11 Pages2394 Words108 Views
Research Proposal Form
Student Name:
Student Number:
Centre Name:
Unit: HNBS 311
Proposed title:
Research theme: The need for new and innovative ways of working to achieve a strategic
approach to talent management
Research aim: To identify the significance of innovative ways of working for an organisation
in achievement of a strategic approach to talent management: A study on Next plc.
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Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities
Title or working title of research project ( in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)
Title: What is the significance of innovative ways of working for Next Plc. in achievement of a strategic
approach to talent management?
Research project objectives
To identify the innovative ways used by Next Plc. for talent management
To identify the strategic approaches used by Next Plc. for managing talent within a working environment
To examine the benefits of innovative ways of working in attainment of strategic approach to talent
Research questions
What are the innovative ways used by Next Plc. for managing talent at workplace?
What are the strategic approaches used by Next Plc. for talent management within a working
How innovative ways of working are beneficial in attainment of strategic approach to talent
What do you want to learn how to do?
By doing this research, I want to learn about the strategic approaches to talent management and innovative ways
of working that helps me in increasing of my understanding about the talent management.
What do you want to find out?
There is different information that I want to find out such as innovative ways for talent management, strategic
approach to talent management etc.
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans,
knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):
Main reason for choosing the project is to find out effectiveness of innovative ways of working in talent
management. This topic is important for an organisation or industries by providing accurate information
regarding the strategic approaches to talent management and importance of innovative way of working in
managing of talent at workplace (Gerards, van Wetten and van Sambeek, 2020). This research helps researcher
by enhancing its different types of research skills i.e. presentation, time management, data collection and many
The Significance of Innovative Ways of Working for Talent Management: A Study on Next plc._2

others. All these skills help researcher in improvement of its personal and professional growth.
Section Three: Literature sources searched
Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis:
What are the innovative ways used by Next Plc. for managing talent at workplace?
According to the Qizi (2020), there are different innovative ways are used by Next Plc. for talent management.
These ways are clear communication, used multi-channel activities, use of technology etc. These are main and
effective ways used by company for managing talent at workplace. Clear communication is important in talent
management because it increase confidence among workers. Use of technology is also beneficial in managing
talent because it enhance employee productivity towards work. Al these ways helps in increment of employee
satisfaction and motivation that turn to impact in higher retention.
What are the strategic approaches used by Next Plc. for talent management within a working environment?
As per the view presented by Pantea (2021), there are number of strategic approaches that used by Next Plc. in
managing talent at workplace. These approaches are; effective compensation, performance appraisal,
development of job description, providing development opportunities etc. These are main approaches that used
by company for retaining employees within working environment for longer time. For example: performance
appraisal is important in increasing of employee motivation towards the job. Therefore, motivated employees
never want to switch current job to another. Thus, this will be beneficial for in employee retention at workplace.
How innovative ways of working are beneficial in attainment of strategic approach to talent management?
As per the opinion of Berisha and et. al., (2020), innovative ways of working helps employees in improvement
of its work performance and productivity. If employees complete their all tasks within given time period, it
increase better image in business mind. According to the employee performance, company become able in
providing of effective pay and performance appraisal. This turn to increase employee satisfaction as well as
motivation and they not wants to leave current job. As innovative ways of working are beneficial for both
employees as well as organisational performance.
Section Four: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g. research, development and analysis
of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, tutor meetings, production of final
outcome, evaluation, writing the report):
How long
this will
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The Significance of Innovative Ways of Working for Talent Management: A Study on Next plc._4

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