
RESEARCH PROJECT INTRODUCTION 2 TASK 12 1.1 Research Project Outline Specifications 2 1.2 Research Project Specifications 2 1.3 Research Project Specifications 5 1.5 Appropriate Action Plan and Proced


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RESEARCH PROJECT INTRODUCTION 2 TASK 12 1.1 Research Project Outline Specifications 2 1.2 Research Project Specifications 2 1.3 Research Project Specifications 5 1.5 Appropriate Action Plan and Proced_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................2TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................21.1 Research project outline specifications............................................................................21.2 Factors which contribute to research project selection.....................................................21.3 Literature review..............................................................................................................31.4 Research project specifications........................................................................................51.5 Appropriate action plan and procedures...........................................................................6TASK 2............................................................................................................................................92.1 Research questions...........................................................................................................92.2 Research methodologies...................................................................................................92.3 Questionnaire....................................................................................................................9TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................103.1 Use of appropriate research evaluation technique for study..........................................103.2 Analysation and interpretation of results........................................................................123.3 Conclusion and recommendation...................................................................................20TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................204.1 Covered in PPT...............................................................................................................20REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................22
RESEARCH PROJECT INTRODUCTION 2 TASK 12 1.1 Research Project Outline Specifications 2 1.2 Research Project Specifications 2 1.3 Research Project Specifications 5 1.5 Appropriate Action Plan and Proced_2

INTRODUCTIONIn the modern era , Social media has developed a new way of connecting peoples.Therefore, customers are the centre in every organisation because of social media. As customersthinking is very much different from marketers. Firms are giving importance on behaviours ofconsumers and their decision making process of purchasing a product. EasyJet see variousopportunities and eagerly trending (Chu and Kim, 2011). Empirical data is collected by sending aquestionnaire. It help in gaining better position in transaction. TASK 11.1 Research project outline specificationsTitle : -“To analyse the importance of different social media tools on identifying buyingbehaviour of customers and decision making process” A case study on Easy JetThe most vital factor for the investigator is related with formulating aims and objectivesin relation with the title of the research project. The main aim according to which the study willbe executed are evaluated below as:Aims : To analyse the importance of different social media tools on identifying buyingbehaviour of customers and decision making process” A case study on Easy JetObjectives:To examine the importance and values of various social media tools To determine various factors which influences decision making process of customersTo analyse the tools used by firms in order to retain satisfied customers1.2 Factors which contribute to research project selectionThis is the most vital factor of the overall research investigation which are valuable inorder to highlight the importance of the research activities. The main aim of the project is linkedwith identifying the importance of various social media tools as they are affecting decisionmaking choices of customers who are using the services of Easy Jet (Filieri and McLeay, 2014).The airline industry is having their main focus on expanding their business operations all aroundthe globe in order to earn profits. The research questions are also beneficial in 1.3 Literature reviewThis factor also plays an important role as it helps in collecting information fromdifferent views of authors and scholars. The information which is collected is classified amongsecondary sources of data collection.
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Importance and values of various social media toolsAccording to the views of Hutter, ( 2013) it is analysed that importance of social mediatools: social media platform Is a world fastest growing industry at international market place. Itis very important tool of marketing for every company in order to increase their brand awarenessand overall profitability in a very short period of time (Gandomi and Haider, 2015). Someimportance of social media sites are define are follows: Leverage of social media advertisement: Mostly each and very medium and large scaleorganisation use social media platform for promoting their product and services. Boost brand awareness: It is a very power full tool for promoting product and services inorder to increase brand awareness among customers. This platform is a open ground forall business competitors.Increase inbound traffic: Through this method of marketing, management of thecompany are able to increase inbound targeted traffic on firm websites. Increase conversion rates: Social media platform generate targeted and quality of leadsto company which converted into sales. Some important point thus use by company inorder to increase their leads are use social proof and user generated content etc. Factors which influences decision making process of customersAccording to the study of Kim and Ko, (2012) it is examined that decision-makingprocess in an organisation is highly complex procedure for both associated members andcustomers. There are many internal and external factors which are individualistic in nature andinfluence such processes of customers like pricing strategies, brand image of products orservices, market value etc. In airline sector, low cost, channel of buying ticket and promotionfactors cause respondents to review their decisions. A company's way of promoting or marketing its products as well as pricing of themimpact on brand image at marketplace. Therefore, managers of Easy Jet offers its services oneasy rates and provide various discounts on occasional and seasonal period to attract and retainthe passengers. This will help in take a business write-off and protect brand image. Low costcarriers is another important factors which could influence decisions of passengers. It includes nofree food, drink, VIP lounge at airport etc. Choosing such low prices initiates customers topurchase online tickets (Law, Buhalis and Cobanoglu, 2014). Management of Easy Jet focuseson low cost strategies in order to pass the same to its passengers. Thus, introducing low cost
RESEARCH PROJECT INTRODUCTION 2 TASK 12 1.1 Research Project Outline Specifications 2 1.2 Research Project Specifications 2 1.3 Research Project Specifications 5 1.5 Appropriate Action Plan and Proced_4

carriers have changed businesses of airline industries like Easy Jet. It has provides services morein domestic market as compared to international one. Delivering an effective and high service quality of a company also impacts on purchasingbehaviour of customers. Passengers in airline industries are always expect to get muchsatisfaction while travelling. In order to measure service quality, Easy Jet has include In-FlightService Quality and Reservation & Ticketing. These methods helps in improving safety and costeffectiveness of services for passengers and associated members of airlines. Tools used by firms in order to retain satisfied customersThe study of Castronovo and Huang, (2012) revealed that customer's satisfaction andloyalty is necessary for a firm in order to gain their retention as much as possible. These aremarketing terms which measures quality of products or services offered by a company to meetexpectations of consumers (Mauri and Minazzi, 2013). For Easy Jet airlines, customersatisfaction is important as it provides marketers and managers with a metric to improvebusinesses. This firm has used following tools to retain satisfied passengers:-Set passenger's expectation- A firm should deliver its services according to expectationof customers. Become the customer's trusted advisor- Airline industries require expert advisor in aparticular field who will provide relevant information to customers. This will build trust inpassengers and make a firm able to get loyalty and retention of them.Take a proactive approach to passenger service- Using proactive approaches helps ineliminating the problems before their occurrence in a company.Use social media to build relationships- In order to build relationship with customers, anorganisation use social media like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook etc. (McCormickand Livett, 2012). Through these applications of internet, company will connect andcommunicate with passengers about their experiences and expectations for travelling. 1.4 Research project specificationsThere are two types of sources available to collect a data via Primary and Secondary. If aresearcher wants to gather original and reliable information on an event then primary source isbetter method to use. While, secondary source provide data which is already researched andavailable on social sites, magazines and newspapers.
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This present unit is considered both type of sources for collecting relevant information onsuggested topic. Including this, qualitative research methodology is also used for furtherinvestigations which will provide opinions of people. For airline industries, getting feedback ofpassengers is necessary in order to measure quality of their product or services. Therefore, aquestionnaire has been designed for this purpose on a sample of 30 respondents of Easy JetAirlines. 1.5 Appropriate action plan and proceduresResearcher need a proper plan, structured in proper format to investigate his researchstudy. Below mention criteria is to be followed by research team in order to successfullycomplete deadline:Formulating aims and objectives : Research starts by formulating aims and objectiveswhich require almost two days. It act as a trigger and make researcher initiate his firstphase of study (Rodriguez, Peterson and Krishnan, 2012). Research methodologies : In second step, researcher need to select proper methods andtechniques to carry out research program. Again, this step is completed in almost twodays. Literature review : This is a very crucial phase and require two days of work. In thisstep, secondary data is collected from various sources such as journals, books, websitesand require thorough examine.Data collection : This section involve data collection by means of interview fromcustomers that are availing services of respective company and it require maximum threedays of work. Data analysis : This step involves interpretation of information which is gathered usingabove steps. Three days are maximum for execution of this phase. Conclusion and Recommendation : Here, after full investigation, a precise conclusionis prepared in approx two days. Further recommendations are prepared in reference toreport prepared (Sigala, Christou and Gretzel, 2012).Submission of final report : Being last step of process it involve project completion andsubmission and is conducted in one day.
RESEARCH PROJECT INTRODUCTION 2 TASK 12 1.1 Research Project Outline Specifications 2 1.2 Research Project Specifications 2 1.3 Research Project Specifications 5 1.5 Appropriate Action Plan and Proced_6

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