
Digital Technology and Firm Performance


Added on  2020-07-22

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Research Project
Digital Technology and Firm Performance_1

TABLE OF CONTENTTITLE..............................................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1P1.................................................................................................................................................1P2.................................................................................................................................................5P3.................................................................................................................................................9P4...............................................................................................................................................11P.6 Reflection............................................................................................................................17P.7 Considerations of alternative research.................................................................................17CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................17RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................19
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TITLEThe impact of digital technology on business activity of SME’s INTRODUCTIONDigital technology is being used by businesses in order to have effective development ofopportunities. With an application of such norms the issues in terms of operations can beovercome and lead business to impressive level of success. By having a technologicaldevelopment within business the customer base and reach can be advanced. With a help of socialmedia platform the customers can access products and services in easy way (Rajagopal, 2013). Itimproves the business sustainability so measures in terms of operations can be overcome. Small business firms are also having an effective use of digital tools in order to have sustainabledevelopment. With a help of digital application the overall business productivity can beimproved in order to have better expansion. Also, selection of Black penny is appropriatebecause it allows to have effective consideration of digital practice which is based on London inUK (Luttrell, 2014).P1. OverviewDigital application is one of fewest normally utilized proficiency which is being engagedby the experts in order of magnitude to have hard-hitting carry out of key content and verifiable.With an assist of this, diverse substance can be gathered so that averment belief can be createdwithin business administration. In current class conditions the use of social media and otherwhole number tools has been advanced so that key resultant can be realized. In improver to this,it can be said that by having an effective development of business on online platform thebusinesses are achieved welfare in terms of consumer base. Easy reach of custom-made tocommodity and services is being advance efficaciously (Bowen and Ozuem, 2014). By richperson an effective thinking of digital tools the issues in terms of communication are being takeninto making known by businesses. In order to deal with such issues the commercial enterpriseneed to have application of playing that can assist in accomplish better competitor asset (Bravo,Montaner and Pina, 2012). RationaleIn add-on to this, it can be aforesaid that analogue exercise is advert as aspect which assistin indefinite quantity better competitors asset. By having an efficacious application of measures1
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in context of use to digital practice like social media use, online server, cloud data retention, etc.Such kind of practice session are being support efficaciously in the securities' industry in recentyears. Nevertheless, the cost accounting on such extremity practice term is in flood. Itinstrumentation it is indispensable for commercial enterprise organization to vallate that howmuch welfare they are accomplished through consideration of integer tools. It has been unnoticedthat changes in business concern perspective can be measured with a help of analysing customerbuying behaviour (Hajli and Nick., 2015). It is one of logical down the choice of the taxable. Byhaving an effectual thought of key norms in footing of analogue tools the business concern issuescan be known. Besides, the client base of commercial enterprise firm can also be front. It pointsthat study on extremity media use and it is impinging on client buying demean is momentous torefer. Little business concern are rich person an effectual request of digital implement in order toprogression their chance. As same the A&B perfumes is besides perception forward to somebodyimprovement of social group media tools so that consumer basic and orbit can be progression. Insuch belief the consumer buying demean or abstract thought can assist in improvement of digitalrecitation within A&B fragrance as it allows to have natural event (Jeff and et.al., 2014). Aim:To analyse impact of digital technology on client buying behaviour of A&B PerfumesObjectivesTo understand the significance of digital technology in business operationsTo identify factors that affect application of digital technologyTo determine impact of analogue engineering on client buying behaviourTo advocate structure that assist in rising request of digital application within A&BPerfumesQuestionsWhy digital technology is significant for business operations?Which factors affects the application of digital technology?How digital technology impacts the client buying behaviour of A&B perfumes?How A&B perfumes can better request of digital engineering?LITERATURE REVIEWAccording to Fitzgerald and et.al. (2014), Digital application are biogenic and it alsoassists to indefinite concept the firm public presentation in the world. By using the digital2
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engineering a organisation can easily alteration an efficiency of business organisation operationsin a firm. There are antithetic types of digital engineering which assistance to spread out aconcern enterprise in the world. Before using the analogue practical petition the leader mustrealise the concept and realize the unimportance in an entity. To increase a productivity andpublic ceremony in the world, a firm essential use the digital engineering. There are differentdigital professions in a world and that helps to increase the firm carrying into action and alsoassist to expand their carrying into human action in the global. Nevertheless, in direct contrast tothis, as per the views of Blackwell, Lauricella and Wartella, E. (2014), According to Chao and Chandra (2012), There are assorted sorts of constituent thataffects petition of analogue application. This aid to get high carrying into action and alsoassistance to spread out their business concern in worldwide. During the carrying out of digitalengineering firm can face galore issues such as method issues, flexibility etc. These causestraight affects the show of an entity. Firm necessarily preparation while underdeveloped thedigital engineering and use them in effective manner. Analogue practical science helps to pull amade-to-order and also aid to addition firm overall carrying into human action in a universe. Allthe selfsame, in divisional line to this, as per the views of Vigdor, Ladd and Martinez (2014),Companionship should use contrasting character of way and method that resource to understandthem. To indefinite quantity entity carrying into action in a world, firm need to post-date moderndigital engineering science. For the effective effectuation of digital practical application in ainstitution they need effectual grooming to use them. Digital engineering assist to get high publicpresentation and fecundity in the global. It also assists to spread out their business concern in aworld. To alteration a firm carrying into action and productiveness in the planetary organisationmust follow assorted member technology science. Digital engineering assist to indefinitequantity overall carrying into action and productiveness in the worldwide. Theme 1: Significance of digital technology in business operationAccording to Bustinza and et.al. (2013), digital technology is the most beneficial methodto gain action and productiveness in the global. There are antithetic sort of application that aid toget high carrying out and coveted reference component in a planetary. Social media, you tubeand Facebook is the most common digital technology that gives higher profit to the company.SME’s must use this technologies to increase the efficiency of business operations in a firm. By3
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using digital technologies company can easily attract a customer and expand their business in aworld. By using digital technologies in a firm they can easily know a client preference and alsoknow the customer behaviour. It helps to give products based on their needs. There are differenttypes of technologies that give more efficiency to the company to manage their businessoperations. They can also attract the consumers through the digital technologies. Companiesmust need to use digital technology to increase their firm performance and productivity in theworld. it has positive impact on the company they can easily attract a consumer and get theresults from the sources. However, in contrast to this, as per the views of Nambisan (2013), Digital technology isthe most common technique to attract a client and helps to get more profit in the world.Company use this technology to increase the efficiency of business operations. Based on thecomputing machine need they must cater product and services. It will give higher performanceand productivity in the world. Company requirement to know the consumer preferences and thenprovide suitable and good quality production to the clients. To increase performance and unproductiveness the company can use social media, Facebook and internet. It helps to attract auser and aid to spread out their enterprise in the world. To increase an efficiency of businessoperation they must need to use digital technologies. By using social media and Facebook caneasily attract the consumer toD increase productivity in the world. It has one major benefit is thatan entity connects a huge number of peoples and sell their products effectively. Theme 2: Factor that affect application of digital technologyAccording to Otim and et.al. (2012), There are many factors that affect the application ofdigital technology such as technical issues, lack of knowledge and understanding of concept etc.These all are the factors that easily affect the application of digital technology in the company.By using digital technology the firm can easily increase their performance and productivity in theworld. During the implementation of digital technologies many barrier can occur that directlyaffects the firm performance in a world. Digital technology is the best way to increaseproductivity and also helps to expand enterprise in an industry. During the implementation ofdigital technology many issues can occur. By using the digital technology in a firm they caneasily enhance their show and also helps to get desired target in a world. There are variousadvanced technologies that give more than net income to a company. Application of digital4
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