
Global Branding Strategy of Organic Coffee in the UK


Added on  2023-01-19

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Pearson BTEC HND Business Level
Unit: 11:Research Project
Project number and title:
Research Project
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Global Branding Strategy of Organic Coffee in the UK_1

Qualification Unit number and title
BTEC Level 5 HNC in Business (Pearson) Unit 11: Research
Learning Outcome Assessme
nt Criteria
In this assessment you will have the opportunity
to present evidence that shows you are able to:
(Page no)
L O1
methodologies and
approaches as part
of the research
P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a
research question or hypothesis supported by a
literature review.
P2 Examine appropriate research methods and approaches
to primary and secondary research.
M1 Evaluate different research approaches and
methodology and make justifications for the choice of
methods selected based on philosophical/theoretical
D1 Critically evaluate research methodologies and
processes in application to a business research project
to justify chosen research methods and analysis.
Conduct and
analyse research
relevant for a
business research
P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using
appropriate methods for a business research project that
consider costs, access and ethical issues.
P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyse research
findings and data.
M2 Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to
data collection and analysis.
LO3 Communicate the P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate
Global Branding Strategy of Organic Coffee in the UK_2

outcomes of a
research project
to identified
manner for the intended audience.
M3 Coherently and logically communicate outcomes to the
intended audience demonstrating how outcomes meet
set research objectives.
D3 Communicate critical analysis of the outcomes and
make valid, justified recommendations.
Reflect on the
application of
methodologies and
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods
applied for meeting objectives of the business research
P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and
lessons learnt in view of the outcomes.
M4 Provide critical reflection and insight that results in
recommended actions for improvements and future
research considerations.
D3 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource
process leading to recommended actions for future
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this project is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Student signature: Date:
Global Branding Strategy of Organic Coffee in the UK_3

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Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction...............................................................................................................6
1.1 Research Background.......................................................................................................6
1.2 Research Aims & Objectives............................................................................................7
1.3 Conclusion........................................................................................................................7
Chapter Two: Literature Review.....................................................................................................8
2.1 Health benefits and quality of organic coffee...................................................................8
2.2 Key factors that drive growth of organic coffee...............................................................8
2.3 Global brand strategy that increase demand of organic coffee........................................9
2.4 Conclusion......................................................................................................................11
Chapter Three: Methodology.........................................................................................................11
3.1 Research methods...........................................................................................................11
3.2 Research Design.............................................................................................................11
3.2.1 Qualitative and Quantitative Design...........................................................................11 Sample Selection......................................................................................................12 Process of Data Collection & Analysis....................................................................12 Reliability, Validity & Ethics...................................................................................14
Chapter 4: Data Presentation, Analysis and Discussion................................................................16
4.1 Data presentation and analysis.......................................................................................16
4.2 Conclusion and Recommendations................................................................................22
Chapter 5: Research reflection.......................................................................................................23
5.1 Critical analysis of research methods used.....................................................................23
5.2 Critical analysis of alternative research methodologies.................................................24
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Topic: Global branding strategy of organic coffee in the UK.
Chapter One: Introduction
Global branding refers to act of the marketing service or goods under similar name in
many countries with same coordinated marketing strategies. This entails creating, examining and
executing the strategies which tailored to target market of brand. It is long term plan for
development of successful brand to attain particular objectives (De Mooij, 018). This report is
based on the global branding strategy of organic coffee in United Kingdom. In this regard,
present research seeks to investigate the global branding strategies for a particular product in UK
i.e. organic coffee. For this purpose, appropriate research methodologies is chosen to obtain
desired outcomes. This section of report includes different methods used for conducting primary
and secondary research. Questionnaire will be used for collecting reliable data about the topic. In
order to analysis appropriate information, thematic analysis will be used This present
investigation consists developing the aim and objectives clearly. There will be discussion about
different methodologies which help in conducting an investigation.
1.1 Research Background
Global branding means using the standardized global advertising and the marketing
strategies. It is mainly method of designing the global advertising to create product that
identified worldwide (Inês and et. al., 2019,). In order to market a specific product in a country,
it is essential for a company to develop global branding strategies. For this purpose, a firm needs
to prepare large budget,with introducing new communication technologies like social media, for
affordable campaigns. This would enable management of a firm to bring awareness of new
products to national and international customers (Chiang, 2018) . In context with beverage
market, before expecting to gain relevance, it is essential for companies that dealing in this
sector, to understand consumer behaviour. Global branding strategy refers to the concept of
overviewing business objectives, then develop, analyse as well as implement strategies, to tailor
the targeted market (Flick, 2015). Such strategies include positioning the brand, understand
customer behaviour, find good vendors and trade partners etc.
Coffee is one of most popular drink and on an average UK people drink approximately
95 million cups of the coffee per day. The people of United Kingdom are specialist coffee
roasters which focused on the organics. In UK, people prefer organic coffee and it is largest
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