
Impact of Globalisation on Business Organisation (Doc)


Added on  2020-12-31

25 Pages5993 Words410 Views
Research Project
Impact of Globalisation on Business Organisation (Doc)_1

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Title: “To identify the impact of globalisation process on success of the businessorganization. A study on ASDA.”CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONGlobalisation is a concept of expanding business activities in international level becauseit is a term that used to determine that how countries, people and business are becoming moreinterconnected. It includes various aspects such as technology, transportation, global finance andmedia which make it more easier for services, ideas and people to cross traditional borders. Inthis context, globalisation provide both benefits and challenges. In this it provide opportunitiesfor economic growth by improving the living standard of people and at the same time also createchallenges with the economics, welfare of workers and the environment. One of the mainadvantage of globalisation for business organization is that it help in proving new marketwherein company invite number of new customers. This is the main purpose that company easilyenhance their profitability level at market place (Rushton, Croucher and Baker, 2014).Furthermore, concept of globalisation help in eliminating time and distance barriers throughwhich company can easily improve the chances of attaining success. Current report is based inASDA, is a British supermarket retailer which serve grocery, general merchandise and financialservices in over the world. The main aim of this organization is to capture large market share byoperating business activities at global market. For attaining the same, company implementglobalisation concept within their business activities with the aim of establishing theircompetitive brand image. Research cover how globalisation takes business towards the success.In this research aims and objectives will be developed to undertake the research activities ineffective manner. Furthermore, different methodology is also discussed in this research to gatheraccurate data and information. With the assistance of this researcher can easily draw a validconclusion. Research aim“To identify the impact of globalisation process on success of the business organization.A study on ASDA.”Research objectivesTo understand the concept of globalisation.To identify the importance of globalisation concept for organisational success of ASDA.To determine the challenges faced by ASDA while operating business at global scale.1
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Research questionsWhat is the concept of globalisation?What are the importance of globalisation concept for organisational success of ASDA?What are the challenges faced by ASDA while operating business at global scale?Rationale of researchCurrent study is based in the impact of globalisation on success of the company. In thisresearcher improve their knowledge and skills about the specified research area. The main reasonof carry out the research is to enhance the experience of the researcher so that they can easilydraw a valid conclusion by implementing research activities. By this, investigator analyse theeffectiveness of the globalisation that directly contribute in improving the chances of attainingresearch objectives in an appropriate manner. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEWThis section is play a vital role in research which help researcher to gather relevant dataand information towards the research topic. It includes different views and opinion of differentauthors who has significant knowledge about the research area. This section is related with thesecondary information because these type of data is already published in various sources such asbooks, journals, magazines, articles and many more. All these are directly contribute in gatheringaccurate data about the particular research area. This is based on the research objectives. Concept of globalisationAccording to Cummings and Worley, (2014), Globalisation is a vast concept which refersto the process of integrating between individual, organization and government in across theworld. AS it reduce the gap among different countries. By this concept company can easilyoperate their activities at international level and at the same time also create future opportunitiesto capture larger market share from its rivals. Mainly, it is a process that directly influence on thesituation, political system, economic development and many more. Along with this, it also helpin improving living standard of local people that directly contribute in making economiccondition more strong. The main aim of globalisation at the transcendental homogenization ofpolitical which help organization to reduce the chances of arising issues related with politics.Furthermore, it is the process of spreading of products, technology, investment across thenational borders which support in reducing the gap and at the same time also contribute inincreasing the trade between different countries. In addition of this, for executing business2
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activities at global level it required various aspect for company such as skilled workforce andadvancement in technologies. With the assistance of this company easily maintain their entirefunction and also serve better services to its potential customers. By this company easilyaccomplished their competitive brand image at global level. Importance of globalisation concept for organisational success of ASDAAccording to Quain, (2019), Concept of globalisation play a significant role indeveloping as well as implementing various opportunities through which company can easilyoperate their business at global level. Mainly, it is the free movement of goods, services andpeople across the world in a integrated manner. All these are positively impact on the overallperformance of ASDA by which company easily established their competitive brand image. Inthis context, there are some importance of globalisation for ASDA in attaining success at globallevel are as follows:Increased economics of scale: One of the main advantage of globalisation is that itincrease production which enables goods to be produced in different parts of the nation. Ithelp in reducing the average cost and at the same time also lower prices for consumers. Greater competition: Globalisation concept is an activities which directly increase thecompetition level at global market. By this business organization get opportunities togrow their activities in attaining competitive advantage by serving their quality services. Free trade: It is an effective way for company to exchange goods and services. By thisASDA easily serve their services to one country to another with the aim of attainingcompetitive advantage from its rivals. One of the main advantage of free trade is that itreduce the price for customers, increase choice of goods and services and many more. Allthese are contribute in attaining higher success at global market. Challenges faced by ASDA while operating business at global scaleAccording to Tyssen, Wald and Spieth, (2014),although globalisation provideopportunities to business organization but at the same time it also create challenges in-front ofcompany while operating their operational activities at international market. It may negativelyimpact on the overall performance of the company at market place. In addition of this, the maincriticisms of globalisation is that it increased risk that is associated with the interdependence ofeconomics. In this context there are some major challenges that faced by ASDA while operatingtheir business:3
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Language and cultural barriers: It is major issue when the company operate theiractivities at international market then they face culture and language related issues which reduceperformance level. Thus, it is vital for ASDA to analysis market before operating their activitiesat global level. By this they can easily attain success at market place. Insufficient fund: Proper fund is important for company to operate their business atinternational level. With financial resources company fail in managing their business activities atglobal level as it also negatively impact on the profitability level of the company. Thus, companyneeds to keep proper fund so that they can easily operate their business and attain higherprofitability level. CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGYResearch methodology consider as a process of technique that used by the researcher toidentify, select, process and analysis the information towards the specified topic. Mainly thissection allow the investigator to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of the research.Thus, it is important for investigator to select appropriate method to collect accurate informationwith the aim of taking right decision with the research. On the main advantage of this section isto evaluate the validity of the study and also increase the chances of attaining positive outcomes.Mainly, it includes various methods such as questionnaire, survey, observations, interview andmany more (Crane and Matten, 2016). All these are directly contribute in improving theefficiency level of the research and its activities as well. Types of investigationResearch is a way of determining the facts and figures that help in analysing the issueconsist in the study. In this context, there are different type of research and techniques used bythe investigator to gather accurate information about the topic (Acar and Acar, 2014). There aretwo type of research such as qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research is related with the theoretical prospectives which aid in measuringthe accuracy of the information towards the specified topic. Quantitative method is based on the numerical analysis in which all the data andinformation are collected in numerical form which aid in determine the accurate information. For this research, investigator will use qualitative method as it help in in-depthinformation about the research topic. Research approach4
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