
Effect of Physical Appearance Discrimination on Employee Motivation


Added on  2022-12-27

22 Pages5747 Words77 Views
Data Science and Big Data
Research Project
Effect of Physical Appearance Discrimination on Employee Motivation_1

1- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................................3
2- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................................................................3
3- RESULTS/FINDINGS..........................................................................................................5
4- DISCUSSION......................................................................................................................12
5- CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................15
6- RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................................................15
7- REFLECTION.....................................................................................................................17
Effect of Physical Appearance Discrimination on Employee Motivation_2

This report is on analysing the effect of physical appearance discrimination on
employee’s motivation in the work place. The discrimination has arguably become the most
powerful word and there are various studies being conducted for the purpose of determining
the impact of beauty or appealing physical appearance on the various aspects of life and all
these studies comes out with the same conclusion which is the person’ appearance has a
positive and negative impact over the various areas of life. The report will help in
determining the attitude of the organization towards appearance discrimination among the
working population. Based upon the findings, it can be stated that the discrimination mainly
exists because of attitude of the people and their level of awareness pertaining to it. Also, the
attractive people are given advantages and are almost well dressed for the purpose of
interview as it is rightly said, first impression is the last impression. In addition to this, certain
ways are recommended in order to exercise control over the increasing discrimination.
Research type-
It is categorized into two types first is quantitative and second is qualitative research
(Aspers and Corte, 2019). Quantitative research encompasses procedure of gathering and
analyzing all the numerical data. However, qualitative method includes process of collecting
non-numerical data. In context of this study, researcher has been used qualitative research
because it helps them to understand the impact of discrimination on the basis of worker's
physical appearance in regard to staff's motivation level at workplace within ASDA. The
method helps to cater detailed and in-depth information about topic.
Research Approach-
Research approach refers to a process that encompasses key stages of wider
assumptions to detailed approaches of data analysis, collection and then interpretation.
Deductive and inductive are the two types of research approach (Wardani and Kusuma,
2020). Deductive research approach begins with hypothesis, it is based on current theory.
While inductive method start with appropriate observations and concepts are proposed
towards completion of research procedure as outcome of overall observations in context of
discrimination impact on employee's motivation. Referring to study, researcher has been used
inductive approach as opposite to deductive because it provides flexibility in regard to data
Data collection-
Effect of Physical Appearance Discrimination on Employee Motivation_3

It is defined as systematic approach that used by researcher to collect, measure and
gather information from different authentic sources to get an accurate data about chose topic
(Andrade and et.al., 2018). There are two types of methods accessible in context of this
approach, first one is a primary source and second is secondary. To collect accurate
information about the impact of discrimination within ASDA upon its worker's motivation
level, researcher has been utilized both approaches. According to primary sources, by
designing questionnaire investigator collect useful information. Furthermore, with secondary
sources, they gathered data about topic by using journals, books, publish novels and previous
research that are based on same concept.
It is one of the most important and useful research methodologies that utilized by
researcher in context of statistical analysis, in which pre-identified number of observations
are taken from respondents. Sampling methodology is classified into two types such as
probabilistic & non-probabilistic. Probabilistic approach provides fair right and opportunities
to each respondent in regard to take part in investigation process. Whereas in non-
probabilistic method only few participants on certain basis are selected to take part in
research. In study, investigator has been used random sampling approach. By using method,
research has gathered accurate data about the impact of discrimination upon motivation level
of employees within ASDA. Investigator has collected data from 20 workers of company by
using them as key source that are able to share actual information.
Data analysis-
It is a procedure of inspecting, transforming and then modelling gather data with aim
of presenting useful information in regard to chosen topic. SPSS and thematic analysis are the
two methods that used to analyses data in systematic and effective manner. SPSS is one of
the best software packages that was designed for statistical analysis. While Thematic analysis
is defined as approach of analyzing qualitative data. In this study, research has been utilized
through thematic analysis, because it enables them to closely examine overall information.
By using thematic analysis, researcher represent data in presentable form. It includes graphs,
themes and other key elements that provide benefits to reader in term of understanding
overall concept.
Research philosophy-
There are two form of of research philosophy one is interpretivism and the other is
positivism (Ryan, 2018). The researcher has used interpretivism and the reason for this is
that with the help of this philosophy, the researcher has found it easy to support the research
Effect of Physical Appearance Discrimination on Employee Motivation_4

topic selected. Along with that, it has provided unstructured data about the individual which
helped in developing lots of opportunities.
Ethical consideration-
It is most significant part of the research study that have been adequately considered
by researcher while gathering data identified with topic. Researcher has withstood to every
moral worth, conviction and standards so that no one is harmed in the process of research
(Kaewkungwal and Adams, 2019). The data have likewise been gathered from the structured
and appropriate sources, suitable reference has been made so it tends to be solid and
significant for other people. Prior consent of the participant was also taken in order to collect
the data.
Reliability and validity-
All the distinctive kind of the data which had been gathered in the investigation had
been gathered with the assistance of reliable sources. As prior to choosing the source data of
data collection, all the sources had been verified with the senior and the mentor (Mohajan,
2017). Only the sources which had been chosen by various researcher in the previous
research are used for leading the examination and conducting the study. the data collected
from the valid and copyright sources.
There are few constraints pertaining to the research, for example, insufficient time,
account and different resources to proceed with the study or carry out a few functions to
assemble, investigation and get data. In spite of restricted time, the scholar has guaranteed
that it utilizes time by investing increasingly more efforts in collecting right data and derive
useful data for advantages of number of individuals. In this manner, restricted time was
probably the greatest factor that has made in obstruction of assortment of more information
so better result can be determined.
Table: 1 Frequency of Response “Outward-facing jobs (i.e., Sales) should consider
appearance when hiring.”
Respondents Respondent %
Strongly agree 9 45%
Agree 5 25%
Neutral 3 15%
Disagree 2 10%
Strongly disagree 1 5%
Effect of Physical Appearance Discrimination on Employee Motivation_5

Total 20 100%
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Respondent %
Respondent %
Table 2: Frequency of Response “A person's qualifications are the most important
determinant when filling a position.”
Respondents Respondent %
Strongly agree 8 40%
Agree 4 20%
Neutral 3 15%
Disagree 3 15%
Strongly disagree 2 10%
Total 20 100%
agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
15% 15%
Respondent %
Respondent %
Effect of Physical Appearance Discrimination on Employee Motivation_6

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