
Research Ethics Proposal Template


Added on  2020-11-23

13 Pages2743 Words168 Views
Research Ethics Proposal Template_1

Table of ContentsResearch Proposal Form..................................................................................................................1Research Ethics approval form........................................................................................................7
Research Ethics Proposal Template_2

Research Proposal FormStudent Name: ______________________ Student ID:____________Centre Name: _____________________Tutor: ________________ Date:___________________Unit: ____________________Proposed Title: How globalisation can drive business success ._________________________________________________Section One: Title, objective, responsibilitiesTitle or working title of the research project (in the formof a question, objective or hypothesis)“To significance of globalisation and its impact on business success. A study onNestle.Research objectives (e.g what is the question you want toanswer? What do you want to learn how to do? What doyou want to find out?):To understand concept of globalisation.To evaluate the importance of globalisation for Nestle.To examine influence of globalisation on success of Nestle.To analyse complexities which Nestle can be face during conductingbusiness at global level. Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research projectReasons for choosing the project (e.g links to othersubjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans,knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic isimportant):Under this, the main reason behind choosing this project is to aware aboutglobalisation and also its main impact on success of the business. This research1
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project will help in increase the skills as well as knowledge of learner. In context to academic context, research is helpful in provide the knowledge inthe particular area with proper support as well as theory in regard to addressproblems in an appropriate way. The present study area encourage an investigator to engage in process of researchand provide its suggestion for development in future. It is helpful for aninvestigator to develop its professional skills and get the idea regardingglobalisation that will help in conduct own business at the large scale.Section Three: Literature sources searchedUse of key literature sources to support your researchquestion, objective or hypothesis: Literature review refers to kind of the review article and it is a scholarly paperthat consist current knowledge consisting the substantive findings and theoreticalcontribution to specific topic. Concept of globalisationGlobalisation refers to process of integration as well as interaction with in firms,government etc. at the large scale. It is a process through which the business andsome of the other firms develop their international influence to operating atinternational scale. It is spread of technology, products, culture, information etc.As per the opinion of Carol Kopp (2019), globalisation is helpful in raise livingstandard of the poor and the less developed countries with the help of providingbetter job opportunities, improve access to services or products etc. It is ongoingprocedure under which world appears to converging economically because of thehigh interdependence that movement of services, products and the people acrossthe borders develop among world economies. Importance of globalisation for NestleOn the basis of opinion ofStéphane J. G. Girod (2019) it has been stated thatglobalisation is free movement of people, products and services across worlds inan integrated way. It can be thought of to be result of opening of global economyas well as enhance the trade among nations. Nestle is food and beverage for and it2
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