
Role of Communication in the Workplace


Added on  2023-04-23

16 Pages912 Words208 ViewsType: 208
Professional Development
Role of Communication in the Workplace_1

Communication is process of transmitting the information
It helps the employees to understand the co-worker and work with collaboration.
Improves the working competencies which reflect on the job performance.
The present presentation sheds the light on the role of communication in the
Role of Communication in the Workplace_2

Role of communication at workplace
Stimulates honesty, productivity and obligation of the individual at the workplace.
Grows the trust among employees and which positively affects the employees’
involvement with the organization (Thomas, Zolin & Hartman, 2009).
Deal with the situation of workload, demotivated employees and low customer
satisfaction (Ter Hoeven, van Zoonen & Fonner, 2016).
Role of Communication in the Workplace_3

Good communication
The flow of right information
High level of Empathy
Appreciation at workplace
Role of Communication in the Workplace_4

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