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Challenges and Strategies of Internet Marketing


Added on  2020/10/04

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The assignment delves into the complexities of internet marketing, highlighting issues such as security, cultural differences, customer relationships, and meeting customer demands. It also reviews existing research on online marketing strategies, including personal privacy concerns and direct-to-consumer genetic testing through the internet. The document aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of internet marketing challenges and strategies for businesses seeking to succeed in this digital landscape.

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Role of internet marketing within a modern marketing context............................................1
P2 Use of internet marketing.......................................................................................................2
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................2
P3 Benefits to customers of a business using internet marketing...............................................2
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................3
P4 Benefits and opportunities to the business of using internet marketing................................3
P5 Internet marketing has made Amazon more efficient, effective and successful....................4
P6 Challenges of globalisation facing by Amazon.....................................................................6
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Marketing is very important for any business because it helps to determine the needs and
wants of customers. Internet marketing means organisation can use online sites while they
showcase their products and services. It aids company in direct selling of goods. An organisation
can use various types of tools for this purpose such as social media, e – mail etc. It will assist
them to build reputation in the marketplace. They can also achieve maximum profits. The main
purpose of this report is to describe the effectiveness of the online marketing. An organisation
can also face some challenges globally (Chen, 2011). Company can conduct research to find out
the demand of their customers. It will also help them to take competitive advantages from their
P1 Role of internet marketing within a modern marketing context
Online advertising, also called Internet advertising, uses the Internet to deliver
promotional marketing messages to consumers. It includes email marketing, search engine
marketing, social media marketing, and many types of display advertising.
B2C marketing
B2C simply stands for business-to-consumer. B2C is an e-commerce business in which
the exchange of goods and services is conducted between businesses and consumers through the
B2B marketing
B2B marketing is a short form of business to business marketing. It can be defined as a
marketing technique where a business outsources another business to do its marketing for them.
The marketers must consider factors such as the target group, the product/service and pricing
among other considerations (Christiansen, 2011).
C2C marketing
C2C stands for customer to customer. C2C transactions generally involve products sold
through a classified or auction system. Products sold are often used or second hand. For example,
Gumtree often sell second hand products and are able to sell them through other customers
which links to the term ‘customer to customer’.

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P2 Use of internet marketing
Web advertising is broadly utilized by Amazon for advancement of their image in
market. It gives help to organization to expand number of client and to upgrade gainfulness too.
This is utilized by them in various ways like:-
Promotion: Most of the association utilize this term for advancement of their new item and
benefits and to reach to expansive number of client. It gives help with the goal that organization
can give their item and administrations to expansive number of individuals.
Product awareness: This term is utilized by association to make the familiarity with their item
to draw in expansive number of purchaser toward them. It builds profitability with the goal that
they can give fancied administrations to individuals.
Cost adequacy: It can be embrace to limit the cost in the hand of organization in light of the fact
that there is no compelling reason to contract individual for advancement and commercial, no
need of store to achieve purchasers (Ducournau and et. al., 2011).
Increment deals: It improves offers of organization since this gives administrations to
substantial number of individuals and there is no limitation of region. Through this channel they
can reach to huge gathering of people.
P3 Benefits to customers of a business using internet marketing
Internet marketing affects and benefits a business for example how would a business like
Amazon, be able to penetrate markets without having a physical presence. They have to
penetrate the market just by using the internet and the various internet marketing strategies that
are available.
Responsive transactions: The internet offers customers the chance to conduct
transactions straight away and to immediately have the satisfaction of knowing that they have
made a booking. Booking an airline ticket through an online facility such as offers an
easy process and great convenience as it greatly speeds up the process of getting airline tickets as
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it cuts out the middle man which is the travel agents (Fritz, 2013). Also this could apply to
Amazon as they are an online only retailer, so this means that by having this only retailer means
cutting out the middleman in a lot of cases thus reducing the costs.
Dynamic pricing: It is a pricing strategy in which businesses set highly flexible prices
for products or services based on current market demands. Business are able to stay competitive
by changing prices based on algorithms that take into account competitor pricing, supply and
demand, and other external factors. Dynamic pricing is a common practice in several industries
such as hospitality, travel, entertainment, and retail. Each industry takes a slightly different
approach to reprising based on its needs and the demand for the product. One commonality,
however, is the use of dynamic pricing to increase revenue and profits, whether to fill a stadium,
flight, or sales quota. for example Tescos will have dynamic pricing so that they can compete
with their competitors e.g. Morrison's, Sainsbury's and ASDA.
Comprehensive and up to date information: The update speed of the web is very fast
and is very cost efficient for example when the new products become available then the website
can be updated with all of the new products and it won’t cost half as much to put back up on the
web as I would in a store ad that would also be very time consuming (Leung, Xue and Bai,
2015). For example if there is a new line of Nike Jordan coming out then Nike for example will
update the website when they come out on sale or just before they come out on sale so that
people will be able to pre-order the items.
Comparing and selecting product providers: Amazon doesn’t let you do a full
comparison but it does save your searches. In addition to that, when you’re doing normal
shopping Amazon shows a variety of products at the bottom of the screen this will allow you to
see similar products to your searches so some could be better or some could be worse it’s just
your choice to look at them. There are many comparing websites so assuming the customer
wants a full detailed comparison they should type in comparison websites on any search engine
and many will come up.
P4 Benefits and opportunities to the business of using internet marketing
Web advertising is utilized by Amazon organization. It is utilized to give an ever
increasing number of administrations to vast number of individuals. This administration gives
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help to organizations to get worldwide acknowledgement in market (Michaelidou, Siamagka
and Christodoulides, 2011).
Taking after are the benefits of web advertising to Amazon:
Worldwide Reach: Organization can embrace this method. It is utilized by association to
get acknowledgement in market with the goal that they can draw in expansive number of clients
toward them. The market range of organization is restricted to one region however it grows such
regions to substantial level. This strategy is utilized by organization with the goal that they can
give their item and administrations to more clients.
Brand enhancement: The brand esteem and goodwill of organization get improved in
light of this element. Presently a day, web advertising has tremendous effect over the inclination
of individuals and individuals need to take a stab at something new. At the point when this office
is accessible to them then they are pulled in to attempt such item. It gives much fulfillment to
purchaser and at last brand esteem gets increment (Roberts and Zahay, 2012).
Cost and time effective: It spares time and cost of the organization on the grounds that
there is no compelling reason to contract businessperson for advancement of their item. Notice is
conceivable through online medium and it spares time that organization dedicate in special
action. At the point when there is no compelling reason to contract such individual then the costs
that are caused in such manner get decreased.
Speedier development of organization: Through this channel, they can reach to
expansive number of clients and it is useful device to hold existing purchaser for long time. It
gives development and advancement chance to them.
P5 Internet marketing has made Amazon more efficient, effective and successful
Price Amazon are able to look at the prices of their products and then change them
easily if there is a high demand for those products.
Product Amazon are able to have a bigger product range because they are online. This is
because they are able to put pictures of the products on the website rather than
if they had a retail store (Salehi and et. al., 2012).
Place Because Amazon are just a pure online company this is better for them as it
allows them to target a whole wide range of customers from babies all the ways

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to adults. However they can also target the different types of online
personalities. Copmany also have an app for iPhones and android phones where
you can log on and order products from you mobile or tablet.
Promotion Because Amazon are an online company they mainly use the internet for their
promotion from emails to banner adverts. This means that they are able to cut
down on their costs on advertising as they do most of it online except for the
occasional television advert which is usually for Christmas and a few during the
Price Being able to change the price of the products according to their customer
demand makes it very effective for Amazon as it means that they are able to sell
the same quantity of those products because of the demand just for a higher
price tag (Sin Tan, Chong and Lin, 2013).
Product Because company have a wide product range this makes it easy for the
customers to find many products that they like and that are specific to them. As
the products are specific to the customers it means that Amazon are serving
many customers all at the same time for different products
Place Because company is purely online and use apps for smart phones, iPads and
tablets they are able to have a wider reach for their customers. This means that
they giving their customers access to their website wherever they go 24/7.
Promotion Organisation promotion is effective because they send the customer that already
have accounts with them emails that are specific to them and what they have
brought previously. They also send them emails with promotional offers with
10% off of their next order over a certain amount.
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Price The pricing of Amazon products are successful as customers keep going back
to the website to buy products from all different price ranges. By offering their
customer different price ranged products allows company demand or products
to increase as well as their sales revenue.
Product Wide product range allows them to hit a wide target market with loads of
different products on offer to them (Tsai and Cheng, 2012). Because Amazon
have a wide product range they are able to get a better response from their
customers on what their services and products are like and whether the
customers are going to buy from them again.
Place Because company is online and this allows them to have a wider and easier
reach to their target market as they are able to access the website 24/7 the
company’s sales revenue will increase.
Promotion Promotion is successful because of their methods and timing of their television
adverts. The reason why their timing of their adverts makes them successful is
because at Christmas time parents are looking or way to get children and family
member’s presents but might not be able to afford them in one payment and
that’s why Amazon is successful. This will increase company's customer base
and the sales revenue.
P6 Challenges of globalisation facing by Amazon
Web showcasing is the development instrument for organization. It upgrades mark an
incentive at worldwide level. At the point when such business moves to global level then it gives
open doors and in addition difficulties to association.
Taking after are the globalization challenges that might be confronted by Amazon while
utilizing web advertising:-
Challenge identified with security: It is one of greatest issue in light of the fact that
there are numerous programmers who can take information from web. At the point when
business works at worldwide level then it confronts issue identified with security. It is required
for refered to association to utilize web promoting with uncommon help so it can be protected
from hacking (Chen, 2011).
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Culture: when organization receive to work their business at inside level the there are
many difficulties that might be identified with culture. It is issue since business has set standard
and at some point, they would prefer not to embrace new culture so it might make deterrent in
the development of organization.
Order fulfilment: It is another issue that might be confronted by organization at
worldwide level as a result of increment in number of clients. It is required for association to
give their administrations to client when it is requested by them. It pulls in huge number of
individuals toward them. Web showcasing targets numerous clients at worldwide level so it is
additionally required for association to satisfy their necessities and requests.
Client relationship: It is the greatest issue that might be confronted by association since
it is required for development and improvement of business to have powerful relationship among
the specialist organization and its clients (Christiansen, 2011). At the point when business
exchanges at universal level then it is required for business to construct relationship of trust with
new clients.
According to the above report it can be inferred that web promoting is the strategy that is
utilized by Amazon. It gives help to organization to maintain their business in more successful
way. At the point when business of refered to organization embrace such component then it gives
open doors and in addition new difficulties to them. There are numerous issues that might be
confronted by association to work their business at universal level as test identified with security,
culture, clients relationship, satisfaction of requests and so forth it is required for organization to
receive this component all the more successfully so they can exchange more powerful way.

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Books and Journals
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Sin Tan, K., Chong, S.C. and Lin, B., 2013. Intention to use internet marketing: A comparative
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