
Self-Reflective Essay on Leadership Practice


Added on  2022-08-14

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Self-Reflective Essay on Leadership Practice_1
This self-reflective essay on leadership practice and sustainability is associated with my
understanding related to the self-development in business scenario. It is important to note that the
self-reflective essay is based on the mind map on the same time where different theories and
models are going to be discussed in order to facilitate a deep insights into the relation between
the theories and self-development practice. In addition to this, it can be stated that some
empirical evidences are also used in this research report so that it can provide enough
justification for identifying those theories and blended with my personal development practice.
Therefore, it can be stated that the essay clearly discusses all those factors and at the same time
linking it with my personal experience effectively.
Motivation is considered to be one of the major aspects that the business leaders are
focuses in order to build up strong self-development practice and influences the employees
positively for continuing the business practice in the international market as well. The
motivational theory of Maslow is the most relevant and popular theory where people put focus
on the self-development (Beauchamp 2016). For a leader, esteem needs, self-actualisation and
social needs are the most important aspects that I can opt for. Oga-Baldwin et al. (2017) pointed
out that Herzberg’s Motivational and Hygiene Factors theory is also relevant where the
motivation of the leaders is not only depends on self-development but it is also crucial for the
organisation to put enough efforts on company policy and administration to motivate each of the
The leadership theory is also a crucial part for self-development where the role of the
leaders is attached with the organisational practice and is related to motivating and influencing
the employees as well. Therefore, two potential theories are effective enough for the
development of the leaders such as transactional theory and transformational theory. According
Self-Reflective Essay on Leadership Practice_2
to Kark, Van Dijk and Vashdi (2018) the transactional theory is associated with the practice of
creating a leadership trait that is able to change the existing structure and practice of the
organisation. On the contrary, Ma and Jiang (2018) opined that the transformational leadership
trait is relevant in the new changing situation and alter the entire practice and system prevalent in
the organisation. Both those theories are effective in organisational context and facilitate a
suitable environment for the workplace. In the context of my self-leadership ability I will opt for
the transformational leadership theory because it will justify my leadership characteristics and
help me to create a good relation with my subordinates and colleagues. The transformational
leadership style also emphasises on the role of the organisation to put great deal of emphasis over
the vision and leading by the example practice which can establish a strong motivation for the
employees and procure better workforce motivation.
It is important to note that self-management skill is also identified as a potentially
important aspect for self-development initiative. There are several articles and journals that are
corroborated the fact that for self-management, the individual must require a proper blueprint
that can help to guide towards developing better organisation practice. From the discussion of
Jackson and Wilton (2017) it can be seen that implementing a two-minute rule, prioritising tasks
and resolving mistakes are considered to be the most important determinants of personal
development. On the other hand, Lent et al. (2017) mentioned some thematic analysis on the
self-management skills like stress management, time management, problem solving skills and so
on. I presume the second approach is highly effective for my development practice where I can
focus on the development needs on the basis of self-management practice. I can say the thematic
analysis and development initiative will help me to generate a better self-management practice
where I can not only develop my abilities and skills but also able to find out the potential threats
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