
Multi-party System: A Dominant Ideology for Effective Governance


Added on  2019-09-22

9 Pages1861 Words227 Views
Running Head: SINGLE VS MULTI PARTY SYSTEMSingle vs. multi-party systemStudent name:University name:Coursework: Single vs. multi-party systemAugust 13th, 2016
Multi-party System: A Dominant Ideology for Effective Governance_1

SINGLE VS MULTI PARTY SYSTEMTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................2Benefits of single party system........................................................................................................2Challenges faced by single party system.........................................................................................3Benefits of Multi-party system........................................................................................................4Challenges faced by Multi-party system.........................................................................................4Guaranteeing freedom of movement...............................................................................................5Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................6References........................................................................................................................................71
Multi-party System: A Dominant Ideology for Effective Governance_2

SINGLE VS MULTI PARTY SYSTEMIntroductionIn this present paper, we will try to distinguish between a single party system and a multi-partysystem. The benefits and challenges faced by both the parties. The paper also analyzes thatwhich party is better at guaranteeing freedom of movement by explaining with an example ofdifferent countries.The single party system is defined as a system in which one political party has the right andobligation to form a government and rest of the parties has limited control over the participationin elections. The one party argues that existence of single party runs counter to national unity. Amulti-party system is defined as a single which consists of multiple political parties. All theparties have equal rights and run for national elections. The multi-party system is mainly used inparliament system. It is used by the countries used proportional representation as compare to thecountries that are using first past the post elections.Benefits of single party systemThe single party system is also known as dominant party system. The concept of representativedemocracy is valid. It is a very conservative approach to politics. There are many benefits ofsingle party system which includes that the rules and regulations made by a single party areimplemented into law without any disruptions from the acceptance and rejection of law by thecitizens. The party can change the public opinion to manipulate the media and education systemto promote the idea consistent with the single party doctrine (Gill et al, 1994). The ruling partyhas no competitors so they can focus on ideas generation according to their opinions. The ideascan be implemented easily because of less competition and the new competing party can be2
Multi-party System: A Dominant Ideology for Effective Governance_3

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