
Impact of Social Media on Business and Society


Added on  2023-05-29

18 Pages5354 Words295 Views
Social media and its application
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Social media and its application
Social media has impacted all the sectors weather its business or education. Social media
has triggered the change and have also helped in overcoming various challenges faced by
existing business model. Social media has enhanced the business process by opening various
platforms through which communication can take place easily. Social media plays an
imperative role in lives of people and businesses (Hong, Hwang, Szeto, Tsai, Kuo & Hsu,
2016). Social media strengthens the communication channel and allow an individual to
communicate from anywhere at any time. It has been communication very easy as compared
to the past decades. Anyone can remain connected by simply a touch of button and it has
made communication a better option. Social media has not only impacted the lives of people
but have affected the businesses also. It is considered as new and faster mode of
communication through which pictures, blogs and stories could be exchanged easily. It has
also widened the scope of marketing and online campaign. The brand image can be improved
by promoting and sharing business brand (Hajli, 2014). Services are shared and promoted
using social media platforms that allow businesses to gain more clients and customers. Social
media has improved public relations along with marketing development. Businesses have
used social media as a way for advertising their services so that they can capture wider
audience (Hudson, Roth, Madden & Hudson, 2015). It has allowed businesses to reach to
numerous users by offering discounts and promotion so that profit margins are improved.
Social media can also have some negative effects like cyber bullying d unwanted exposure.
There are consequences as the information can be read or accessed by some unauthorised
user that can breach the security (Hudson, Roth, Madden & Hudson, 2015). It is true that
benefits of social media have suppressed its disadvantages, but these concerns should be
removed. Social media allow accessing the information of outside world.
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In future also social media will influence the business in terms of internal communication as
well as effective collaboration of task. Some of the major platforms of social media are
Facebook, wikis, Google, Skype and many others. Social media basically means human
communication that enables the user to share their ideas (Investopedia, 2016). Social media
has made the information just a button press away. It is one of the biggest elements that
cannot be ignored (Ioanăs & Stoica, 2014). It is a collection of various applications, platforms
and websites that allow creating and sharing new opportunities. From the research it was
found that some people say social media has destroyed the human relationship as human
interactions are converted and modified. Social media is widely expanded thus it has both
positive and negative sides (Grajales, et.al, 2014). It allows social growth for business by
offering various marketing tools so that awareness could be offered. Social media can also
cause poor mental growth and can increase wrong influence among children (Hootsuite,
The impact of social media among youngsters has both positive and negative side. The
positive side says that it is a good tool for education; create awareness for many social issues,
benefits for communicating through long distance and also offer wider opportunity to
employees (Hudson, 2017). Some of the negative impact of social media is that it is used for
wrong means to perform illegal activities. There is lack of privacy that increases the chances
of security breach through hacking, data theft and phishing crimes (Kumar & Bezawada,
2016). Social media has also used to increase support as it allows the services to remain
available all the time.
Social media is a best way to build a brand by making the services and products accessible
easily. This increases the market availability of brand. It also offers customer support at time
of being buying or purchasing product by reading the reviews from other user. Additionally
also allow to offer feedback so that improvement can be made (Ngai, Tao & Moon, 2015). It
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is a tool that allows user to connect to larger target audience also helps in evaluating the
strategies that are used by the competitors. Society growth is made possible by the use of
social media that has created awareness for fighting from the crime (Kim, Lee, Shin &
Yang, 2017). The major drawbacks of using social media are cyber bullying that can cause
harm to many individual. It can cause loss personal data as there is security issues linked with
it (Nelson & LeMay, 2015).
In today time, social media can be seen as an addiction and somewhere has spoiled family
life as it is seen that people are mostly busy over their phone. In the family gathering people
might sit together but they do not interact but end up using their phone and surfing social
media platforms (Ngai, Moon, Lam, Chin & Tao, 2015). Some of the examples of social
media are Facebook, Twitter, Google, Wikipedia and many others. Facebook is a free social
networking platform that allow user to remain in touch with their friends across the globe.
Twitter is another example that allow user to post small tweets regarding some event so that
information and views are shared (Pittman & Reich, 2016). Google+ is also a social
networking platform that allow user to interact offline too. Wikipedia is also a free social
media platform that shares information about all the topics.
Social media allow people to use the time productively by sharing activities among wide
group of people. The negative use of social media is that people waste a lot of time surfing
social media (Matar, Matar, Balachandran & Hunaiti, 2016). The advantage of social media
is allowing people so that you can interact on a social platform. Social media has proved to be
very beneficial for small businesses as they take chance to expand their business in new
geographical areas (Rauniar, Rawski, Yang & Johnson, 2014). Even digital marketing
companies make use of social media so that business services can be promoted.
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