Social Media Marketing Analysis and Impact
Added on 2020-11-12
22 Pages6021 Words194 Views
TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................1CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................1CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................6CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS.................................................................................8CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATION..........................................................................................15CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION .....................................................................................................16REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17APPENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRE..............................................................................................19
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONSocial media platform is the most leading element for the growth of the business which bringsnew opportunity for the company. Specially in hospitality industry which rely in the word ofmouth and good reviews from the loyal customers. Present research has been based on the socialmedia platform. That aim is to identify the social media marketing on the operations of ahospitality firm (Attia and Edge, 2017). However, study will be presenting the deepunderstanding of social media platform to develop the new developing areas of growth. Researchtaken Hilton hotel to explore the value or importance of promotion of activities with the help ofsocial media platform. Therefore, study identify the new ideas and concept related to social media marketing.That brings new ways or method to use promotional platform for developing new activities.Apart from that, this study also taking help of different research tools that will help to collectdata or resources to explore the research findings and outcomes. Company overview Hilton is the wide hotel chain or big brand of American multinational hospitalitycompany. This brand is known for its high luxurious services who also attained guest withloyalty. The brand is targeted at both business and leisure travelers with locations in major citycenters.CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEWAccording to the views of Tuten, (2017) social media plays an important role in 21stcentury marketing techniques. It allows an organisation to successfully develop and implementsuch marketing strategies that can help it to grow and achieve desired success. Today, most ofthe people spend their times on Social Media in order to stay updated and see what's new in theworld. Organisations across the globe makes use of these platforms to promote their productsand services. However, Solomon (2017) states that the opportunity of social media has allowed theorganisations to grow and earn large profits. The ideas and concepts which are used by theorganisations in order to promote their products and services on social media includes sharinguser-generated content from their own fans and followers. This is used by a variety ofbusinesses across the world in order to get rich content from their own followers and use it interms of marketing. )1
As per the views of Ashley (2015), it allows the organisation to show their followers theorganisation's reputation and growth within the industry's environment. Also, it is one of the beststrategy used by the organisation to promote their products and services on large market level. Similarly, Tuten (2015), states some organisations makes use of “tagging a friend”content. The organisations marketing department engages their followers of social media intagging their friends in the content which they find intimidating. This allows the organisation todevelop new followers and increase its word of mouth with an easy approach. As per the views of Sajid (2016), this is one of the finest strategies used by theorganisations in order to achieve strong market advantage and growth. Tagging a friend is one ofthe recent trends which is being used by a number of organisations across the world to gain abetter marketing and promotion won social media without investing huge sums of money andlabour. The organisations take advantage of this concept and earns large profits through theirmarketing techniques. According to the views of Felix (2017) organisation's to market their products andservices on social media make use of techniques such as posting behind the scenes photos andvideos of their brands on social media websites. It allows the organisation to achieve goodrapport within the market, as when it allows its followers to have a glimpse of their brands andproducts and the environment in which it thrives into. The organisation followers become moreaware the quality of products which they produce and the surrounding in which they operate into.It makes the organisation achieve desired set of growth and earn better consumer advantage. As per the views of Rauschnabel (2017) and Hinsch (2017) another important conceptthat is used by Hilton Group Hotels across the world to promote and market their products andservices on social media is using advertisements. The marketing teams of these organisationsruns advertisements in their contents which allows the organisation to successfully promote theirproducts and services online. According to Stephen (2017), advertising the brand's concept makes the organisationachieve desired set of growth in selling of its products and services as well as provides goodreputation to the brand's image as well. It is one of the most effective techniques used by Hiltonhotels in order to promote their products and services and achieve market growth. According to Minazzi (2017), most of the social media websites such as Facebook,Instagram, twitter today allows the organisations to run live campaigns and videos. Hilton Hotels)2
while running these social media campaigns make use of such techniques where it promotes itshotels services by live streaming them. It allows the organisation to achieve desired set of growthand advantage and achieve market profitability. Similarly, Kotler (2015), these techniques of social media allows the organisation toachieve desired set of growth and advantage within their market scenario and reach to a globalaudience. These concepts and methods used by Hilton Hotels are some of the most effectivemethods used by the organisation to achieve desired set of growth and advantage and increase itsreputation in the market and among its customers. However, Armstrong (2015), in order to ensure the market growth of these set ideas andconcepts in the marketing department of the Hilton Hotels ensure that the effective strategies arebeing followed to make sure that the growth and determined within the scenario. This also hasbeen seen as an important aspect to achieve new market and set profitability standards within theorganisational scenario of Hilton hotels. It allows the organisation to achieve growth and marketadvantage as well. According to the views of Zhu (2015), the operation's department of the Hilton Hotelssuch as its front office department plays a vital role in making the organisation achieve its goalsand objectives. The front office department of the hotel deals with activities such as reservations,bookings, guest relationship, communication, maintaining hotels resources etc. This allows theorganisation to maintain its customer relationship deeply and set roots and foundations towards abetter future. The front office departments primary activity is to ensure proper reservations andensuring guest relationships. According to Chen (2015), the operations and action plan is made by the organisation toachieve these relationships and ensure proper reservations are taking place. The front officedepartment along with the help of marketing department of Hilton Hotel makes use of suchstrategies where it promotes its hotels products and services in order to ensure proper growth anddevelopment. Both of these departments works in cooperation to achieve set goals and ensureorganisational success. However, Dahl (2018), said that This allows the organisation to develop better marketingtechniques and its front office department to ensure department is ensuring the set tasks are beingachieved properly. Hilton Hotel makes use of developing strategies and techniques in order tomaintain the coordination between these two department and ensure set growth. )3
Similarly, Hyder (2016) and Keegan (2017), states that the food and beverage departmentof the Hilton hotels is one of the core departments of the hotel that allows the organisation togain a better market reputation. The food and beverage department allows the organisation toprovide better services of food and beverage to its guests. This allows the organisation to achievea better reputation and maintain a stronghold within the hospitality industry. As per the views of Keegan (2017), it can be seen as an important aspect that theorganisation achieves better market growth and advantage within the industrial environment. Thefood and beverage department of the hotel allows Hilton hotels to make its services as per thenew trends and consumer desires and achieve set growth and advantage. As per the views of Rowley (2017), the department later plans the action plans after thepreparations of set strategies and growth in order to develop its marketing needs. Thedepartment's action plans allows the manager to ensure proper growth and development andmaintain a better market advantage. The action plan is later taken into consideration by the hoteland set standards allows the organisation to maintain a stronghold within the economy of thecountry which it is serving into. According to the views of Alves (2017), the operation's department of Hilton Hotel play amajor in maintaining a competitive advantage as well. The Kitchen is one of the most importantoperation's department of the hotel because it prepares required foods and dishes for theorganisation and provide high-quality food to its guests. Better quality food makes the customerof the organisation stay in the hotel for a long period and it makes the organisation to increase itsprofitability. Better food and service provision also allows the organisation to achieve a goodmarket reputation as its increases its word of mouth and gradually increases its customer growth.It has been seen as an important aspect to earn respect and growth and maintain a bettercompetitive advantage. Similarly, the views of Fernandes (2016), states that Hilton Hotels as per its performancein the market prepares an action plan in order to develop the organisation's market advantage andgrowth. It also allows the organisation to grow its products and services and maintain a betterstronghold. According to Raposo (2016), these all efforts create a better reputation of the organisationand Hilton Hotels manages to increase its business reputation within the national andinternational market. Also, this is one of the best strategies used by the organisation to manage)4
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