
Tourism Trends and Challenges


Added on  2020-01-16

23 Pages4415 Words198 Views
Contemporary IssuesIn Travel AndTourism
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1................................................................................................................................................11.2................................................................................................................................................2TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................4TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................123.1..............................................................................................................................................123.2 .............................................................................................................................................133.3..............................................................................................................................................14TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................154.1..............................................................................................................................................154.2..............................................................................................................................................16CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................................17REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................18
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INTRODUCTIONIn this report readers cab get the knowledge about the contemporary issues which arefaced by travel and tourism sector. It also has been mentioned that to which extent these issuesaffects this industry and how the companies working in these sectors respond to such changes.Some key issues and their solutions are thoroughly investigated in this report. Some currenttrends and their analysis justifies the position of travel and tourism industry(Moutinho, 2011).This report is based on the case study of Thomas cook group, which is a British global travelcompany, which is also listed on London Stock Exchange. This group owns a wide number oftour operators and airlines which operates at United kingdom, Scandinavia and Belgium. Its alsoowning and operating Condor which is scheduled airline and it owns a website for the booking ofhotels, that is Hotels4u. Maya travel agency and Thomas cook group are now making somealterations in these promotional strategies so as to mould themselves as per the issues and trends.TASK 11.1Travel and tourism industry is a very big industry in itself it is not only limited with theservices as well as it also deals in selling products. Demand for tourism of a country can beconsidered as the supply for the other country(Spenceley, 2012). This industry is generating ahigh part of governments revenue. Travel and tourism is a very fast growing industry and itcovers various services through which revenue is divided among several industries. As in thissectors various companies are providing different services to their customers. Some of the issueswhich are driving changes in this industry and their impact on the companies which are workingin this sector is explained below :Advancements in technology (security and anti-terrorism measures) : Terrorism is a factwhich always makes adverse impact over the tourism sector. Terrorists groups wants tomake barriers in the development of certain countries. And tourism industry is a sectorwhere they can attack over people of different countries through a single attack.Terrorism has made many social impacts over travel and tourism industries(Evans,Stonehouse and Campbelln 2012). Companies working in such industries like Thomascook group has implemented better security systems in providing those services so thatthey can prevent these kind of unethical interventions (Wachowiak, 2016). Through the1
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advancement of technology related to security system prevention against terrorism iseasy(Sharpley and Stone2010).Currency fluctuations : Currency fluctuations is a factor which impacts the travel andtourism sector in a strong way. Fluctuation in currency is nothing but the increase anddecrease in value of currency. These fluctuations keeps going on daily basis which givesrise to a situation in which the currency value of one country may gets stronger than theother country and vice-versa. Because of this reason tourists gets confused about thecountries where they want to travel as if the value of currency of other country is higherthan the value of currency of his own country then it will be not affordable for him totravel their with convenience(Morgan, Pritchard and Pride 2011).Recessions : Recession affects every industry. Their are a number of service providerwhich depends on travel and tourism sector. Further some industries which are providingproducts related with travel and tourism they are also depends on it. Recession can bringworst impact over travel and tourism as well as other industries which are dependent onit(Connell, 2013). 1.2United Kingdom is a very famous place among the tourists from around the world. UKhas several destinations which can be visited by tourists. As per a survey, UK is a destinationwhich is highly praised by the tourists from all over the world. On the other UK is consideredaffordable and interesting as compared with other countries hosting tourism. Tourists can easilyget their services and they are economical also. Political factors such as tourism policies andsecurity policies plays a vital role in tourism of United Kingdom. Now a days entities workingtravel and tourism sector are using various methods which are assisting these entities inproviding better services to their customer(Lyons, and et.al., 2012). This encourages tourism inUK, Firstly because tourists chooses UK as their tourism destination because of its soothingenvironment. Secondly UK government and Thomas cook group has implemented certaintechnical measures to fight with terrorism which gives the feel of security to the tourists. Thereare two contemporary issues which is faced this industry and these are mentioned below :Security issues : Political unrest in countries like North Africa and some parts of MiddleEast is becoming reason for increased terrorism in these countries. Terrorism affects theindustry of travel and tourism very badly. Countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon is2
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facing political unrest and instability. These factors has developed terrorism in thesecountries, because of this tourists from across the world feels insecure in travelling thesecountries. As Egypt is very famous for its heritage like Pyramids which are the centre ofattraction for all the tourists. Hence the government of Egypt should implement suchpolicies and they should take severe steps against terrorism so that society and touristsfeels safe in Egypt as well as destinations like pyramids can be safely maintained. Furtherincident of Sharm-el-Sheikh, causes the loss of 8% in foreign tourism receipts and 0.56%loss in GDP (Dickinson, Lumsdon, and Robbins 2011).Environmental issues : Environment is one of the most important factor which affects thetravel and tourism sector in a significant manner. Tourism and travel industry needs tomaintain infrastructural facility for tourists which causes water pollution. Further vehiclesare used for travelling purpose which causes air pollution. Developing infrastructureleads to adverse affect over the local people who are residing there. The management ofThomas cook group should develop such policies and technology so that these factors canbe removed.TASK 2 3
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