
Role of Staff Motivation in Retention of Workforce: A Study on John Lewis


Added on  2023-06-12

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Research Proposal
Role of Staff Motivation in Retention of Workforce: A Study on John Lewis_1

Employee motivation is an integral part of human resource management and plays an
important role in long term growth of a company. It is determined that an effective motivation
turns staff members into loyal asset which further leads to maintaining of retention rate at
workplace. It is found that there is significant relation between employee motivation and
retention. Further, the company can adopt different motivation techniques to keep the employee
engage in organizational tasks.
Role of Staff Motivation in Retention of Workforce: A Study on John Lewis_2

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................5
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................5
1.2 Study background.............................................................................................................5
1.3 Employee motivation and employee retention.................................................................5
1.4 Problem statement............................................................................................................5
1.5 Benefit of undertaking this research.................................................................................6
1.6 Employee motivation........................................................................................................6
1.7 Research aim:...................................................................................................................6
1.8 Research Questions:.........................................................................................................6
1.9Research Objectives:.........................................................................................................7
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................................7
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................7
2.2 Employee motivation........................................................................................................7
2.3 Employee retention...........................................................................................................8
2.4 Theoretical view...............................................................................................................8
2.5 Empirical view..................................................................................................................9
2.5. 1 Training & development strategy:................................................................................9
2.5.2 Rewards and recognition strategy:..............................................................................10
2.5. 3 Performance management:.........................................................................................10
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................10
3.1 Introduction:...................................................................................................................10
3.2 Research philosophy:......................................................................................................10
3.3 Research design:.............................................................................................................10
3.4 Research approach:.........................................................................................................10
3.5 Sampling method:...........................................................................................................11
3.6 Data collection:...............................................................................................................11
3.7 Data analysis...................................................................................................................11
3.8 Ethical consideration:.....................................................................................................18
Role of Staff Motivation in Retention of Workforce: A Study on John Lewis_3

3.9 Reliability and validity of research:...............................................................................18
3.10 Time horizon:...............................................................................................................18
3.11 Conclusion and outcomes.............................................................................................19
Role of Staff Motivation in Retention of Workforce: A Study on John Lewis_4

1.1 Introduction
The present study will analyse the role of staff motivation in retention of workforce within
an organization. The proposal cover the three chapters that is introduction, literature review and
research methodology. In the introductory chapter, research background, problem statement,
research aim and objectives is included.
1.2 Study background
Employee motivation is referred as the energy level, enthusiasm and commitment which
the staff members bring at workplace. In addition to this, it is all about how engaged staff
members feel within the organization so that they can work with full potential in order to achieve
objectives (Jensen, 2018). It is important for an organization to motivate its staff members on
continuous basis as it help them to maintain performance level, improve productivity, develop
brand image and many more. For the present study, John Lewis is taken into consideration. It is a
brand of high end department stores which was established in year 1864 and headquartered in
United Kingdom. The company has 52 stores globally and has around 40,000 staff members
which is one of its major reason of success and growth at marketplace. The main reason to
conduct this study is to analyze the role of staff motivation in retention of workforce within the
1.3 Employee motivation and employee retention
Employee motivation is defined as the efforts put by an organisation with the objective to
motivate and encourage staff members so that they can work with full zeal to attain objectives.
On the other hand, employee retention is referred as organisation’s ability to prevent employee
turnover and decline the number of employees leave their job.
1.4 Problem statement
Employee motivation is one of the major issue that is faced by an organization and impact
directly on its performance and productivity level. Many of the employees did not feel motivated
at workplace because of which they did not take interest in execution of activities and operation
systematically (Hanaysha and Majid, 2018). It is important for an organization to motivate its
staff members and ensure that all the requirements is fulfilled so that they can retain at workplace
for longer time. Employee motivation is one of the major issues that is faced by companies and is
Role of Staff Motivation in Retention of Workforce: A Study on John Lewis_5

impacting directly on its brand image, productivity, employee retention, high absenteeism rate,
high employee turnover rate and so on. The present study will help in identifying the role of staff
motivation in retention and satisfaction of workforce at workplace. Along with this, it will also
help respective company to develop effective strategies and retain employees for longer time
period. Furthermore, it also assist company to maintain its performance, satisfying and retain
employees, develop positive working culture, gain higher profitability and many more.
1.5 Benefit of undertaking this research
One of the main reasons to conduct this study is to analyze the role of staff motivation in
retention of staff members at workplace. In addition to this, the present study will help researcher
to know about concept of employee motivation and the effective strategies used by companies to
motivate its employees and retain them for longer time period. The present study will also help
different stakeholders such as organization, researchers and many more. In context to
organization, it assist them to know the challenges associated to employee motivation because of
which they can develop effective strategy and retain employees which are one of the major asset
for its higher success and growth at marketplace. In context to researcher, it helps in improving
and learning skills such as data interpretation, communication, time management and so on.
Moreover, it will help researcher to conduct future studies in more systematic and effective
manner that leads to attainment of positive results.
1.6 Employee motivation
A thorough literature highlights that employee motivation is significant for a company in
order to gain higher growth and success at marketplace. In addition to this, there is less number
of studies conducted on employee motivation and its impact on retention of workforce. The
present study is conducted to analyse the role of staff motivation in retention of workforce within
an organization.
1.7 Research aim:
“To analyse the role of staff motivation in retention of workforce within an organization.” A
study on John Lewis.”
1.8 Research Questions:
What is the concept of employee motivation?
Role of Staff Motivation in Retention of Workforce: A Study on John Lewis_6

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