1STAR MODEL: PROFESSIONAL REFLECTION 1. Story The situation that occurred with me was a significant workplace conflict situation that involved a senior colleague. The situation involved me and my colleague. The situation took place at the workplace. My colleague and I were involved in the same project and had almost identical tasks. This required us to work in proper coordination. However, my ambitious colleague was more inclined towards his ambitious goals. We were doing a shared task and he wanted to take the entire credit for the task. However, I found about his intentions and a conflict of interest was created. This resulted in a huge quarrel that ended with both of us being handed suspension orders. This issue created a deep impact within my mind. I felt that the corporate workplaces were filled with selfish people that wanted to gain advantage for themselves at the cost of their colleagues. After the suspension I spoke to the HR about the matter. My colleague was proved guilty through an investigation and was handed a written warning. The medium term outcome was that the people in the office became more aware. In the long run, the shared projects were handled within strict ethical guidelines. 2. Theory Two important theories that are relevant to my story are the Thomas Kilmann model and Johari window. The Thomas Kilmann theory is dependent on the Thomas Kilmann model. According to the theory, the conflict is described as a condition in which the concerns of the people are incomparable (Koley & Rao, 2018, Octobe). The model identifies two dimensions when choosing the course of action that needs to be taken during conflicts. These are assertiveness or the degree to which the own needs of any person are satisfied and cooperativeness or the degree to which the other person’s concern can be satisfied. Five conflict handling modes that are presentasperthetheoryareavoiding,accommodating,compromising,competingand collaborating. The Johari window is a model for self-awareness, personal development as well as group development. It helps to develop better relationships. According to this theory, in the window there are four regions (Oliver and Duncan, 2019). One is the open self or free area. Another is the blind area or the things that are unknown to the person by known by others. The third one is the hidden area or the things that the person knows but does not want the others to know. The fourth one is the unknown self or the things that are not known either by the self or the others. These are the four areas that are much important when people interact during conflict situations. 3. Analysis In my story the Thomas Kilmann theory can be applicable as in case of my colleague being concerned about his own needs while I was concerned more about the project. It can be said that my colleague and I were part of the same project. I could have avoided the conflict by
2STAR MODEL: PROFESSIONAL REFLECTION knowing more about the needs of my colleague from the project. The major conflict resolution aspects could have been used by me rather than going into a quarrel that had both I and my colleague suspended. The johari window was applicable as in the open self and the hidden areas. I should have given more effort towards understanding the things that my colleague wanted to gain from the project. In short, I and my colleague were unable to go beyond the storming stage. This stage is about establishing good relationship with the team after the forming stage or the guidance oriented stage. These two theories could have been utilized by both me and my colleague in developing better grounds for resolving the conflicts. Both I and my colleague seemed to be unaware of our needs from the project. As a result of this, we were unable to work together and develop our 4. Reflection I learnt from the situation that conflicts are inevitable when people work together. It also helped me to understand that it is baseless to always think that people would cooperate effectively with us in our shared projects. The thing that worked well was the intervention form the organization. I believe that they took the right decision in the case. I could have handled the situation better by developing better techniques to handle the situation without engaging in any quarrels. The strength that I have exhibited was being vocal about the event. In the future the organization can be helped as this would give better voices to the employees. I did exhibit a weakness by getting carried away by my emotions. In the future I would always try to understand conflict situations better before approaching to resolve them.
3STAR MODEL: PROFESSIONAL REFLECTION References Oliver, S. and Duncan, S., 2019. Looking through the Johari window.Research for All,3(1), pp.1-6. Koley, G., & Rao, S. (2018, October). Adaptive human-agent multi-issue bilateral negotiation usingtheThomas-Kilmannconflictmodeinstrument.In2018IEEE/ACM22nd International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS- RT)(pp. 1-5). IEEE.