
Role of Managers in Employee Retention: A Case Study on Starbucks


Added on  2023-06-18

27 Pages5895 Words266 Views
Critical evaluation of the role
of managers to employee
retaining case study on
Role of Managers in Employee Retention: A Case Study on Starbucks_1

Chapter One: INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................3
1.1 Research Aim and Rationale.........................................................................................3
1.2 Research Questions.......................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Objectives......................................................................................................3
1.4 Significance of the Research............................................................................................3
Chapter Two: Literature Review.....................................................................................................4
2.1 Introduction of Literature Review....................................................................................4
2.2 Main Body........................................................................................................................4
2.3 Conclusion of Literature Review......................................................................................5
Chapter Three: Methodology...........................................................................................................6
3.1 Research Approach...........................................................................................................6
3.2 Research Strategy.............................................................................................................6
3.3 Research Methodology.....................................................................................................6
3.4 Research Tools.................................................................................................................7
3.5 Sampling...........................................................................................................................7
3.5.1 Identifying Population and Research Site.....................................................................7
3.5.2 Sampling Strategy.........................................................................................................7
Chapter Four: Findings (Data Analysis and Presentation)............................................................10
Chapter Five: Discussion (Data Interpretation).............................................................................12
Chapter Six: Conclusion, Recommendations and Implications for Further Research...................23
Role of Managers in Employee Retention: A Case Study on Starbucks_2

Talent management plays essential role in which organisation engage in the process of
managing workforce with an organisation. There are different types of talent management
strategies such as increase in motivation, reward and recognition, training and development and
more through which organisation engages in managing workforce effectively (Ahmed and
Bazakama, 2021). Employee retention plays essential role for the organisation as it allows them
to perform roles and responsibilities with experienced and talented individuals. Present report
has been conducted on the role of managers to employee retaining. This report is conducted on
Starbucks which is operating as a leading organisation with large number of employees. Report
include aim, questions, objectives, literature review, findings data analysis and significant
1.1 Research Aim and Rationale
“Critical evaluation of the role of managers to employee retaining” case study on Starbucks
This area of research is to understand talent management and the role of manager in retaining
employees. This is useful as it helps in properly understanding the role of managers in retaining
employees within organisational workplace. It also helps in identifying the challenges that
manager facing in the process of determining employees. Furthermore, knowledge of the
strategies through their employees can be retained in organisation can also be acquired. Main
rational behind conducting this research is to determine the role of managers in terms of
retaining employees within company management. It is useful as it allows organisation to
enhance overall productivity and performance. This research is essential for various stakeholders
such as students, organisation and researcher. In terms of research this research is essential as it
helps improving its data collection, time management and other form of skills. While in terms
with students this research is effective for making improvement in their understanding related to
manager roles in retaining employees for organisation. With the help of this research significant
increase in their knowledge about employee retention strategies can be acquired.
1.2 Research Questions
What is the role of managers in staff retention?
What are the challenges faced by Starbucks in relation to Talent Management?
What are the ways by which Starbucks can resolve its issues in staff retaining?
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1.3 Research Objectives
To identify the role of managers in staff retention
To analyse the challenges faced by Starbucks in relation to Talent Management
To propose ways by which Starbucks can resolve its issues in staff retaining
1.4 Significance of the Research
The researcher significant as a duly support investigator in gaining an understanding of the
concept of talent management in efficient way and gain insight of the topic. In addition to this
with the assistance of this research investigator can evaluate the role of managers played in
retaining employees for company and to enhance organisational productivity and profitability.
This research allow investigator to gain insight of the strategies through which managers can
enhance effectiveness of organisation in terms of retaining employees. With help of this study
organisation can retain employees in organisational workplace structure. Present research also
significant in terms of academic purpose. With the help of this scholars can effectively take place
further investigation efficiently by duly taking this research as a base.
Role of Managers in Employee Retention: A Case Study on Starbucks_4

Chapter Two: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction of Literature Review
Literature reviews is characterized as a thorough outline of past research on a point that
incorporates examination of books, insightful articles and different sources related to the specific
space of exploration. Mentioned below literature review on present selected topic is being done
in which viewpoint of different authors articles and books and more:
2.2 Main Body
Role of managers in staff retention
According to Beamond, Farndale and Hartel, (2021) managers are responsible to manage
workforce with an organisational workplace premises by recognising every employee hard work.
Managers are responsible to help in building relationship with employees and maintaining their
talent while offering different type of training and development courses. Furthermore, it has been
identified that managers play important role in hiring process which is an early step in
developing relationship with potential employees. Managers are responsible to make sure that
employees are performing their roles and responsibilities without facing issues and problems in
organisational workplace. It has been identified that managers are the primary interface between
company and the individual, in this they undertake use of various attention strategy in order to
transform workforce into high employee retention culture (Çetin and Erbay, 2021). According to
the above-mentioned analysis it has been identified that managers play key essential role in staff
retention as they have authority to undertake different type of strategies and provide competitive
packages and other benefits to employees to retain them for longer period of time.
Challenges faced by Starbucks in relation to Talent Management
According to d’Armagnac, Al Ariss and N’Cho, (2021) talent management is an essential
process in which organisation is required to undertake different type of strategies and technique
to manage talent efficiently. In this it has been identified that managers of Starbucks are facing
number of challenges during the process of managing employees at workplace. In this major
challenge that managers of companies facing is associated to salary dissatisfaction. In this it has
been identified that employees within workplace are dis-satisfied with their salary packages, as
in the market employees on the same role is being offered higher salary comparatively to
Starbucks. While it has been identified that another challenge which manager of Starbucks is
Role of Managers in Employee Retention: A Case Study on Starbucks_5

facing is employee- employer relationship. This challenge is creating difficulties in front of
managers to retain employees for longer period of time. In addition to this it has been identified
that another challenge which is facing by company manager is lack of motivation. It has been
identified that in Starbucks employees face lack of motivation in terms of competitive salary
packages, rewards and recognition, flexible timing and others (Dayeh and Farmanesh, 2021). All
these factors are making them to leave organisation which is decreasing high employee turnover
within company. In this it is essential for managers of Starbucks to implement effective talent
management strategies as to duly retain employees for long time period.
Ways by which Starbucks can resolve its issues in staff retaining
As per the view point of Malik and Singh, (2021)there are a number of ways through
which manager in Starbucks can resolve the issues that they are facing in retaining staff. In this
manager by providing competitive salary packages to employees as comparatively to other rivals
in industry can make employees take for longer period of time. In addition to this with the help
of offering reward and recognition company can effectively retain employees in an efficient
manner, as each and every employee wants to get rewarded for their hard work. In this
recognition and rewards have capability to make a big impact on employees, that will not only
allow them to go the extra mile but also encourage them to perform their social responsibility
with more hard work to enhance organisational productivity. With the help of training and
development and taking continuous feedback from employee’s managers can professionally
increase employee’s tendency to stay with organisation for longer period of time (Meirelles,
2021). Managers of Starbucks is also required to undertake advantage of effective
communication process in order to embrace different ideas of employees and listen to their
concerns. It help in promoting employer-employee relationship through which Starbucks can
retain employees within an organisation in more effective manner for longer period of time.
2.3 Conclusion of Literature Review
According to the above-mentioned literature review it has been identified that employee
retention plays essential role for any organisation irrespective of its size and scope. Being a
leading and large-scale organisation Starbucks is required to emphasise upon retaining
employees within organisation in order to enhance overall productivity and profitability. In this
manager of company are having effective responsibility to undertake advantage of different
Role of Managers in Employee Retention: A Case Study on Starbucks_6

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