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Strategic Human Resource Management


Added on  2023/01/05

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This report discusses the key trends, factors, concepts, and models in strategic human resource management (SHRM). It explores the current trends and developments that can influence HR strategies, as well as the external and internal factors that impact HRM practices. The report also covers theories and models related to the growth and development of SHRM, and presents a change management model. The case study of British Airways is used to illustrate these concepts.

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Strategic Human Resource

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MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
P1 Key current trends and developments that can influence HR strategy of organisation..........3
P2 External and internal factors influence HRM practices.........................................................4
P3 Concepts and theories relating to the growth and development of strategic HRM................5
P4 Change management model...................................................................................................5
P5 Monitor and measuring of HR outcomes...............................................................................7
P6 Human resource management in support to sustainable performance...................................7
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Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is very important to an organisation for
systematically managing its different people or employees in market place. Day to day
competition is increasing in each industry, in which each business tries to have an effective
workforce of many skilled and talented employees (Coyle Martin and McCutcheon,2020). In this
dynamic and modern world, strategic human resource management provides the best ways to
businesses or companies for having an effective workforce in market place. Strategic HRM
enables to a company for accessing different productive and useful strategies and methods for
properly conducting different practices HRM, and this is the main reason that strategic
management of human resource is very necessary to a business.
This report discusses SHRM aspect of British Airways (BA). Basically, BA is the most
reputed and governing airline company, headquartered in London, United Kingdom. Currently
this travel and tourism company has workforce of over 42300 number of employees, so it has
highly required use the concept of SHRM for systematically managing all employees. This report
discusses current trends and developments that has influenced to strategy of company. Some key
internal and external factors also have been discussed here that can affect HR strategy and
practice. Few relevant theories and models of SHRM also has been included in this report.
P1 Key current trends and developments that can influence HR strategy of organisation
Top-level management of British Airways should always consider those all current trends
and developments that can affect its HR strategy in market place. Basically, these all trends and
development can affect to HR strategy in both ways positively and negatively, and this is the
main reason that, upper management need to systematically deal with these trends and
developments (Burt and Nair, 2020). There are some key current trends and developments has
been discussed below;
High requirement of talent
Day to day competition in each sector in increasing, so nowadays each business or
company wants to hire some talented and skilled employees in its workplace for improving their
organisational productivity and performance. This market trend can impact HR management of
British Airways for recruiting and selecting only talented and skilled people in own workplace.
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In this situation, after having lots of talented and skilled employees in workplace, upper
management of BA can simply improve its performance and productivity in market place.
HRM software programmes
Currently most companies and businesses has started to use different effective HRM
software programmes as well (Thompson, 2016). These programmes has mainly designed by
software engineers for reducing the efforts of HR functional department of a company, in which
upper management of British Airways should order to its HR department for adopting and using
this tool, because this is very necessary in order to manage its different practices of human
resource management in effective manner. Basically, this trend or development can contribute in
reducing efforts of HR team as well. On the other side, after using HRM software programmes in
own workplace, the human resource department can save its lots of precious time as well, and
this is the best and most appropriate benefit of this trends. This trend will defiantly positively
affect to HR strategy of British Airways.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator) tool
KPI is very useful as well as productive tool for different companies and businesses in
market place, because after using key performance indicator tool, a company can simply improve
performance and productivity of its employees. This tool also can be simply affected to human
resource strategy of British Airways (Tate, 2016). Basically, KPI tool helps in analysing existing
performance of an employees, in which when BA’s HR department will adopt and consider this
trend in own workplace, then it can simply ensure that who’s employee is performing very well
right now, and who’s employee has need of proper training and development to perform
effectively in workplace.
Going internet
Most of the companies and businesses in market place are highly using internet for
completing their different practices relating to human resource management. Day to day HR
departments within most organisations putting their all HRM data on their official websites to
manage different tasks relating human resources in workplace. For example; currently HR
deportment transfers salary to employees by using internet. This is the main reason that, this
trend or development is very beneficial to British Airways as well. However, upper management
of this travel and tourism company already knows the effectiveness of internet, so it has highly
used internet in its daily HR practices to gain effective outcomes.

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Online training and development sessions
In this modern & dynamic world, HR functional departments within different companies
has focused on using the concept of online training and development sessions as well. Basically,
this trend or development in the field of HRM is very helpful to a company for providing
different training and development sessions to all new and precious employees online. In this
situation, the development of online session will positively affect daily HR practices of British
Airways (Chan and Warner, 2017). Basically, existing HR department of company have to take
initiative for considering this trend or development in its workplace, because after using online
training and development sessions, HR department can simply save its lots of precious resources
and time in workplace. That’s why this development of HRM is very beneficial to present HR
strategy of BA.
These all are key current trends and developments in the field of HRM, in which these all
trends can affect to British Airways’ present HR strategy, so upper management and HR
department at company have to coordinate with each other for productively dealing with the
impact of these current trends and developments.
P2 External and internal factors influence HRM practices
Following are the different aspect demonstrate how different external and internal factor
influence HRM practices. Different external and internal factors that can influence the various
HRM practices that can impact the organisation and HRM practices of company.
Company resources: Company resource play a key role in influencing the HRM practices of
organisation. The overall resources available at the SHRM directly impact over the different
practices adopted by the human resource management at organisation. Availability of the
company’s resources is among the significant element that internally influence all different
operations entertained by the HRM of the organisation (Pavlov and, 2017). The overall
resoures of the organisation can directly impact over the various HRM practices that can
influence the different aspects of the company. Resources can influence the scale of the human
resource management of the organisation to channelize the recruitment drive at an international
Employees of company: Employees of the organisation directly influence the all different
practices HRM implement at the internal level of organisation. This directly impact over the
operations undertaken by the human resource management at the organisation. Internal
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operations of company influence the HRM. Potential of the company’s employees play a critical
role in such a context to influence the HRM operations of organisation. Employee of company
that directly influence the recruitment and drive of the company.
Government regulations: Government also implement different legal regulations over the
organisation to manage its human resources associated with the company. This is a critical factor
that externally influences the HRM operations at SHRM. This is another key factor influence the
operations undertaken by the HRM. On the basis of the legal regulations applicable by the
government HRM needs to implement its all different policies. Government regulation is a
critical factor influences the HRM operations of organisation.
Company’s culture: Organisation culture of the company is another critical internal factor
influences the operations of organisation. Culture of the SHRM Company is progressive in
nature. This allows the HRM to form advanced policies related to the overall growth and
development of the human resources associated with the company (Kim and Ployhart, 2018).
The culture of the organisation plays a dominant role for the human resources management in
forming the right policies and strategies to conduct the different operations of organisation. This
is a key tactic associated with the company in order to channelize human resource management
practices at the organisation. Culture of the organisation put a direct impact for the human
resource management in order to channelize different HRM practices in the organisation.
The above-mentioned points project the different aspects of the human resource
management practices undertaken by the organisation. The above mentioned internal and
external factors that can influence the different practices associated with the human resources
management associated with the organisation.
P3 Concepts and theories relating to the growth and development of strategic HRM
Currently there are various innovative theories and concepts simply available in market
place which are fully relating to the development and growth of SHRM, in which some major
theories and concepts has been applied below;
Classical management theory
There are classical management theory completely relates with the development and
growth of the strategic human resource management (Planning, 2017). Basically, this theory this
inform different organisations, companies and businesses about how to manage and handle
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different operations and activities in workplace in effective manner. However, mostly upper
management of an organisation has used this theory, but a functional department of a company
also can be adopted different concepts of this theory in its workplace for gaining very positive
outcomes. In this situation, HR department of British Airways should use this theory, because
this is very helpful in order to develop or grow its strategic human resource management.
TQM (Total Quality Management)
Human behavioural theory
Human behavioural theory generally informs different companies that, no each person
has same mindset and motivation. There is every person has its own background, so all people
have different mindset and mentality. In this situation, the manager of a company or a functional
department has highly required to positively affect mindset and motivation of all existing people
or employees, because this is very necessary in order to take productive work from all
employees. When HR department of British Airways consider this concept in its workplace, then
it can be able to positively change perception and mindset of employees, and at the end the HR
manager can simply develop its strategic HRM practices.
Talent management approach
Talent management approach or concept also relates with the growth and development of
strategic human resource management, in which upper management at BA should consider this
concept as well (Ren, 2017). This is very necessary to company for gaining lots of talented and
skilled employees or people in the company’s workplace. Currently HR functional department
within many companies and businesses has highly used this approach or theory for gaining
effective outcomes from their strategic HRM practices. On the other side, currently only those
companies gain huge competitive advantage in market place where existing HR department
properly knows that how to properly manage talent of the people.
P4 Change management model
Change management model referred to the models which are used in the organizations to
improve the working of the organizations by changes and by taking different changes in the
process of working of the organizations and the way stream payment the change in the
organizations with all the processes and precautions. changes are very important for the

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organizations to improve their performance and development in the places where they are
lacking (Cameron and Green,, 2019).
Kotter’s change management model
It is one of the most favourite and popular change management theory which are used by the
organisations to improve their performance by implementing the change in the management
process and working. the change management model is explained and found by Kotter’s, The
change management model have eight stages and each of them focus on employer and the
responses to change which the British airlines have made (Galli, 2018).
1. Increase urgency: creating a sense of urgency among employees and the management is
one of the best ways to motivate them and engage them during the process of change and the
implementation of change in the organization. the change management explained that it is very
important to make the employees engaged in the process of working so that they does not focus
on the changes much and accept all the changes due to the urgency to improve the performance
of the organization.
2. Build the team: when implementing the changes and thinking of the changes in the
organisations The British Airways focused on building the team with the right sets of skills and
personality for the team which can be responsible to make the change in the organizations and
help in improving the work and in an improved way. building team is very important when
implementing changes in the organization because teams work on the changes to make it more
effective and made the result of the change in a positive way which can help the British Airways
in getting their objectives done.
3. Get the vision correct: It is very important to get the vision correct and make this
strategy and the employees’ creativity in a perfect mixture to increase the working and help the
changes the management is doing to get the project objective and emotions completed.
4. Communicate: communication is one of the most important part when implementing
changes because it is very important for the British Airways to make the perfect communication
cycle in the organization so that the employees can give their reviews on the changes whether the
change is making a positive or negative effect and the management needs to understand the
importance of communication with their employees to improve the performance of the change.
5. Things moving: To increase the effectiveness of change it is very important for the
British Airways too support the employees and take the feedback from the employees in a
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constructive way. it is very important to have a moving process while implementing the changes
so that the change doesn't affect the organization’s performance (Shelygov and, 2019).
6. Focus on short-term goals: Changes every time doesn’t give all the positive and along
completion of objectives and goals but it is important for the manager to understand the
importance of short-term goals. It is very important to see the small achievements and recognize
all this achievement during the process so that they can improve and boost the morale of the
employee working for the British airway.
7. In corporate change: Regular changes and reinforce and make changes a part of the
working culture so that the workplace doesn’t get affected by the changes the organization is
taking. it helps in making the mindset of the employees that the organization worked on the
changes and the employer who is working hard in the changes gets reward for the new behavior.
8. Don’t give up: Changes doesn’t take and don't happen overnight, the result take time and
it is very important to never give up while making the changes and the management of the
British Airways understand this and they work on the process of making enjoying patience and
supporting their employees with confidence and improving their morale to work hard and make
the objectives completed.
P5 Monitor and measuring of HR outcomes
Monitoring and measuring of factor can be done in different ways and it is very important to
measure and monitor all the changes and the result the organization is getting by the performance
of the edger in their role and responsibilities towards the British Airways. there are lot of factors
which can described the results in the outcomes of the agile practices. monitoring and measuring
are very important so that a child can make necessary changes in their strategies and
performance if they're not going in the right directions, measuring and monitoring help in
improvement of performance and nature always focus in checking their outcomes so that they
can make new strategies to improve their working towards they goal and objective (Songhurst,
Measuring Human resource outcomes
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The outcome can be measured by how happy and satisfied are the employees who are
working for the British Airways are in the company. it is very important to measures and the
other can be seen by the employee’s reflection.
The outcomes can be measured by the engagement of the employees towards their work
for the organization and how hard there working for the organisations.
British Airways human resource measure their outcomes by seeing the retention rate of
the organisations and how happy the employees are for working at British Airways and wants to
improve their performance to develop the organization and personal development with the same.
The measures of the outcome can be seen by the performance of the employee and how
well they're performing for the organization is away that can show the outcomes. the training and
development which edger provides do the employees to improve their performance can reflect
the outcomes by the impact of the training on the employees (Akenhead, and Nassis,, 2016).
P6 Human resource management in support to sustainable performance
Human resource plays a very important part in the organization’s performance and growth and it
is very important to maintain the sustainability At British Airways. human resource are hired to
improve the sustainability and sustainable performance of the organization and it is very
important role for them to make sure that the organization have a sustainable performance
towards the growth and the objectives they want to achieve.
Hire to value and invest
The one is the most important part of the organizations is to have a good employees and HR have
this role and responsibilities to hire the best employees for the organization. to create sustainable
growth in succession plans it is very important to hire those employees who can improve the
performance of the organizations and British Airways are always focused in hiring those
employees which can help the organization in sustainable performance in future and to the
growth of the organization. It is very important for their child to invest in those employees who
can perform and improve the organization’s overall goal and objectives.
Promote from within
Promote from within is a process in which the human resource of the organisations promote
those employees and those management people who are working hard for the organization’s
objective and goal and who wants to achieve all the objectives To make a centre performance of

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the organization and improve The British Airways in the growth for future. human resource
always monitor the performance of the employees and the people who are working in the
organization and they keep on promoting from within the organisations as it improves their
retention and also motivates other employees to improve their performance towards organization
so that they can get promoted and improve their skills, which can help the organization in
achieving growth and can sustain their performance for a longer period of time. Sustainability is
very important in the organizations and they need to perform the sustainability programs on
regular basis so that those who are performing very hard for the British Airways get promoted
from within the organisations and also increase the confidence and morale of other employees to
work hard for the organizations to increase their personal and professional growth with
organization services (Yong and, 2020).
Create a long-term leadership solution
To support the sustainable growth in the organization it is very important for the human resource
management to create a long-term leadership solution for British Airways. there are different
ways the human resource can’t make a long-term leadership program which includes by bringing
young professionals into the company and hiring new employees for the company and the young
employees who are ready to do everything and who are ready to put all their efforts in skills to
improve the performance of the British Airways with quality services. it includes measuring their
future leadership potential and also provide them with an intensive business orientation. It also
fosters the intrapreneurial spirit of the people working in the organization and British Airways
always make a long-term leadership program which Offer mentoring opportunities for
underclassmen and to positioning the company with the thoughts of industry and leaders.
On the basis of above findings, it can be concluded that, top-level management at British
Airways should always consider SHRM in its daily operations. The management and HR
manager at this company has always required to consider current trends and developments of
market, because these factors highly affect to HR strategy of a company. On the other side,
British Airways have to make a specific plan for systematically dealing the impact of different
internal and external factors. Nowadays, many factors exist in business environment of BA
which affect its HR strategy and practice in both ways positively and negatively, and this is the
main reason that existing management of company should have a proper plan to deal with these
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factors in proper way. Upper management should adopt and use some HR theories and concepts
as well for growing and developing strategic human resource management practices. Basically,
SHRM will be enabled to company for managing its human resources with less budget and high
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Books and Journals
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