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Assignment on Strategic People Management


Added on  2022/08/24

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Strategic People Management
(National Health Service)
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Executive summary
The National Health Service is a popular healthcare system that is publicly funded at United
Kingdom. Their board has been low according to various historical standards and has been
developing very much slightly with the rise in budget. Here, they have required to go through
various practical measures. This can strain off various departments in future. Besides, they have
been facing problems from their HR department also. Here, in the report, the evaluation of
knowledge, skills and behaviors that are turning to be effective manager for employees are
investigated. Then, the study evaluated the main procedures of the human resource within the area of
performance engagement. At last, an examination is done on present issues faced by various line
managers that are related to the management of people.
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Table of Contents
Discussion on theoretical models:.........................................................................................................3
Area 1: Leadership and Management................................................................................................3
Area 2: Training and Development...................................................................................................4
Area 3: Talent Management..............................................................................................................4
Understanding the priorities and roles of NHS management with HR to support management:..........5
Explaining different internal and external influences:...........................................................................6
Area 1: Leadership and Management................................................................................................6
Area 2: Training and Development...................................................................................................7
Area 3: Talent Management..............................................................................................................7
Relevant recommendations:...................................................................................................................8
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The NHS or National Health Service of U.K. during 2018 has turned 70 years. Because of
developments in standards, administrative and treatments policies in due time, assimilated with
aging and growing population, the pressures are there on the service higher that they have been
before. In due time, around the board that has been low as per historical standards and developing
with slightly growing budget, they intends to undertake practical measures. This is to strains off its
different departments for the future. Nonetheless, they have facing issues from the HR department of
NHS. These have been huge and showing no such sign to get simplified. In this study, the
understanding of behaviors, skills and knowledge for becoming an efficient manager for the people
are evaluated. Next, it determines and evaluates primary process of HR underpinning performance
management. Ultimately, an investigating of current challenges that are faced by line managers
related to the people management are analyzed.
Discussion on theoretical models:
For this, the three areas are chosen. Apart from that, their application on the present scenario
of NHS are also considered.
Area 1: Leadership and Management
The corporate governance model is highly dynamic, fascinating and far-reaching. It deals
with the areas with the corporate risks. Here, the concepts that surrounds the corporate governance
are been highly helpful. Further, the psychological contract has been rousingly important area for the
relationship at workplace and broader behavior of human beings. Next, as per the Haslow’s
hierarchy of Needs, one must be satisfying every necessity in turn beginning with the first dealing
with the expected necessities for surviving (Guest et al. 2017). However, for the present scenario of

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NHS, the efficient employee development and training can be performed through the principle
related to the organizational change management. NHS being a financially matured organization and
forward thinking, they can value the integrity outcomes and individuals more than profit. The results
and profits matter for them. Under this model, as NHS value people and integrity, the profit and
results would naturally come (Reid et al. 2018).
Area 2: Training and Development
The model of strategic training and development measures can be considered here. The
model is able to exhibit strategic proves starting with identification of business strategies. Further,
the learning imperatives of strategy indicates to development goals and strategic training supporting
business strategies that are been determined (Gaynor, Propper and Seiler 2016). Then, the learning
imperatives of strategies are translated to particular development and training acts. The ultimate step
includes the evaluation of whether the training is helpful to contribute the aims of the business. This
can be done through suitable metrics. For the present scenario of NHS, the model indicates
development and training could never get differentiated. The interventions of training must be
planned, then designed and next evaluated carefully to support their objectives and goals (Maynard
and Williams 2018). Maximum of the development and organizational training initiative has
happened from the previous decade since they put emphasis on the constant learning, knowledge
management and developing programs. These are to help the business rise the capability of finding
the changes, adapting and then anticipating those trends (Clarke et al. 2018).
Area 3: Talent Management
Though there has been no such suitable and standardized model to be considered for talent
management. However, to choose and develop the model for NHS, some of the steps an applications
are demonstrated hereafter. Firstly, the planning is useful to align talent management models with
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the entire aims in line with NHS. Secondly, there is the attracting. This can be implemented as
anyone leaves NHS, they can begin to search for anyone other for filling that role. Thirdly, there is
the development. It includes steps for helping the talents to develop from inside for NHS. Next, there
must be retaining to keep people at NHS for longer. Lastly, there is transitioning. As the skills are
developed and hiring process is done, one require to make plan for the transitions for the employees
(McGinley et al. 2018).
Understanding the priorities and roles of NHS management with HR to support
The leadership is vital for NHS, however, the main concern includes the obsession that is
seen obscured but the significance of efficient management and administration. This never matters
how effective the leaders are as they do not have the capability to perform ides particularly as one is
intending to change the system that has not been performing reliably or stable. Besides, the quantity
on the immediate line manager has been essential determinant for morale and wellbeing of staffs.
For this, the importance is also needed to be identified. Though there are much more to be perform
for supporting and developing them having many sectors that need more attention and thought
(Mytton et al. 2018). Firstly, there has not been sufficient identification that those technological
knowledge of that areas are liable to manage that is vital. It is interesting that the people leading
groups of hospitals has been tending to be much more expertise to run groups of various business, it
is seen that have been taking high care. It is useful to assure that the managers of the hospitals are
actual experts of operations. The concept that the management has been a type of generic experts
and never need in-detailed knowledge for the sectors to be managed along with other technical
aspects, people issues of the role of management as per myth. This the outcome of the over-
emphasizing of the essentiality of leadership. This stresses personal competencies and various
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behaviors and tending to play the technical knowledge (Haste et al. 2018). It follows the
development and training of roles of management to be vital and as various elements and skills of
the role are required to gain the job that it required to be performing with suitable supervision, peer
support and reflection on time. Various people see themselves under the role of management despite
the rooms for learning. Besides, the job design and the ways they can fit the structure in another
sector in the place many thoughts are needed. Prior researches indicates that there are greater issue
for the role of jobs that are defined poorly. This overlaps with the others along with lack of clear cut
objectives. Assimilated with the poor appraisal, that is never a good recipe for NHS (Aazh et al.
2016). Further, there must be more identification of significance to keep the elements smoothly
running instead of getting as they go wrong. It is also seen for NHS that their performance relies on
rigorous level of attention for detailing the assurance of constant operation that is flawless for huge
amount of distinct interlocking type of systems. Crisis management and firefighting are been
exciting and the managers of NHS are been good at that. However, the unglamorous profession to
make the things to work is the actual activity that is required to be. Ultimately, another area that is to
be highlighted is been seen at the emergency care (Vink et al. 2016). This area is known as the
epidemic of assurance. The ensuring and checking as the things can go wrong the wrong blame
could get allocated preferably elsewhere. The diverting of the people which is from the real job is to
complete forms and join the conference calls and the engage in other additional non-value added
tasks. The elements of life of NHM has been taken to be granted. From outside that might be
irrational, dysfunctional and strange.

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Explaining different internal and external influences:
Area 1: Leadership and Management
Here, the internal environment indicates to the conditions, structures, systems, people, factors
and events within NHS that are under their control. Their organizational culture, mission statement,
leadership style are the elements related typically to the organization internal environment. On the
other side, the external environment are those that are beyond their management. This involves their
technology, social and political conditions, economy, competition and customers. These are common
factors affecting NHS (Chang et al. 2016).
Area 2: Training and Development
The internal environment involves the learning climate. Here, conditions are to be developed
supporting risk and experimentations. These never fit the mainly accepted routines and behaviors
originally. Next, there is organizational learning that involves deuteron, double and single learning.
Then, there is learning at work like on-the-job education applicable easily to actual situations of
works. Further, there are learning structures that involves the flat type of organizational structure,
flexible decentralized, supporting distinct and collective type of decision making for NHS’s best
influence. Having the economic downtime, and effect of the recession the initial cut in the budget
has been tending to train initiatives and the project of personal development (Gaynor, Moreno-Serra
and Propper 2019). However, during 2009, the UK Chartered Institute for Personnel Development
made the conclusion that approximately 30% of the professionals who are working from a sample of
survey of 800 people have been dropping their learning and development funding from more than a
year during the mid time of recession. It generates issue for NHS especially for the human research
development professionals. This is to assure the learning and training and developing initiatives to
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stay under the strategic agenda particularly the areas that are business critical in nature (Hardy and
Rhodes 2017).
Area 3: Talent Management
The internal influence include the corporate objectives. It involves the results of cost
minimization that is the necessity for the redundancies, restructuring and delayering. Next, there are
operational strategies that involves introducing the latest IT or any system and measures that might
be needed for the latest staff training and some lesser staffs (Baucom et al. 2018). Then, there are
marketing strategies. Here, new development of products and the entry to the latest market might
need changes in their recruiting of latest team of sales and organizational structure. Next, there are
financial strategies. This involves decision of reducing the costs through outsourcing what the
training can turn to the changes for the programs of training. Next, there are the external effects on
the objectives of HRM (Pimpin et al. 2018). Firstly, there are the market changes. For instance, this
includes the loss of share in market as the competitor might need the change under the job losses for
developing their competiveness. Secondly, there can be changes present in unemployment levels and
labor markets affecting available people’s supply and pay rates (Lota et al. 2018). Apart from that,
technological changes might happen. For instance, this includes, fast development in social
networking needing changes in the way their business make communication with their customers
and employees.
Relevant recommendations:
NHS has required to consider their competitive benefit, innovation and advanced flexibility.
Moreover, they require to create a fir or their organizational culture and develop their performance
of business. Their HR personnel require to adopt strategic approach for retaining and developing
staffs for meeting the necessities of plans that are of long-terms. Next, a thorough awareness about
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the objectives of the company are to be developed. Then, the capability of the HR are to be evaluated
with assessing the present capacity of the HR under the light of their aims. Further, the HR
capabilities are to be evaluated and the present capacity of the HR are to be assessed under the light
of their goals. Again, the future HR requirements of the company are to be estimated with
determining tools needed for the staffs to finish their tasks. Next, the human resource management
strategy are to be implemented and corrective action and evaluation are to be done.
The strategic type of human resource services delivers the HR functions of full-service. This
involves the development of human resource management measures. The aforementioned strategic
HR services would be helpful for NHS to remove the challenges of strategic and operational
management. This might facilitate the development of business. As the HR strategies are reviewed
for NHS this has been understood that the as a business they have to yet deal with various human
resource problems leading to important disciplinary actions. A real necessity is present there for the
education and training on their human resource management. This is helpful to leave the broad open
for legal disputes. Here, clear cut guidance are required for protecting workforce and the
organizational interests and employees. These plans of succession are also influential for the
business. No such established channels of structure are there for the staff’s promotion under NHS
that has been committed to their individual level of self-development.

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