This document provides a record of assessment outcome for a student assessment on HLTENN012 Implement and monitor care for a person with chronic health problems. It includes information on evidence gathering techniques, unit result, feedback, reasonable adjustment, and plagiarism declaration.
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HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January20191 Student Assessment StudentAssessment HLTENN012Implementandmonitorcareforapersonwithchronic health problems HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing Record of Assessment Outcome Student Name:Student ID: Summary of evidence gathering techniques used for this assessment: OQuestioningOScenarioOCaseReportO Professional PracticeExperience The evidence presented is: OValidOSufficientOAuthenticOCurrent Unit Result:CompetentONot CompetentO Thestudenthasbeenprovidedwithfeedbackandinformedoftheassessmentresultandthe reasonforthedecision. Assessor Name:Date Assessed: Assessor Signature: SCEI Student declaration on assessment outcome IhavebeenprovidedwithfeedbackontheevidenceIhaveprovided.Ihavebeeninformedofthe assessmentresultandthe reason for thedecision. Student Name:Date: Student Signature:
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Plagiarismconstitutesextremelyseriousacademicmisconductandseverepenaltiesareassociatedwithit. Bysigningbelow,youaredeclaringthattheattachedworkisentirelyyourown(orwheresubmittedto meettherequirementsofanapproved group assessment, is the work of thegroup). I certify that IhavereadandunderstoodtheSouthernCrossEducationInstitute’sPP77 Assessmentandsubmissionpolicy andprocedures. Thisassessmentisallmyownwork,andnopartofthisassessmenthasbeencopied fromanotherperson. Ihavenotallowedmyworktobecopiedbyanotherperson. Ihaveacopyofthisworkandwillbeabletoreproducewithin24hoursifrequested. IgivemyconsentforSouthernCrossEducationInstitutetoexaminemyworkelectronicallyby relevantplagiarism softwareprograms. Student Signature: .......................................................... Date: ......../........../................ 2 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Reasonable Adjustment Wasreasonableadjustmentappliedtoanyoftheassessmenttasks?(pleasetick) YesONoO Ifyes,tickwhichassessmenttask(s)itwasappliedto. OQuestioningOScenarioOCaseReportOProfessionalPractice ExperienceProvideadescriptionoftheadjustmentappliedandwhyitwas applied. Name of Assessor:Assessor Signature: Name of Student:Student Signature: Student
3 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 ASSESSMENT OUTCOMESUMMARY AND FEEDBACK Assessment Task 1 – Questioning Submission No.ResultScoreDate AssessedAssessor NameAssessor Signature O First submissionOSONS/100 O Re-submission 1OSONS/100 O Re-submission 2OSONS/100 S=SatisfactoryNS = NotSatisfactory Feedback to the Student: Assessment Task 2 – Scenario Submission No.ResultScoreDate AssessedAssessor NameAssessor Signature O First submissionOSONS/50 O Re-submission 1OSONS/50 O Re-submission 2OSONS/50 S=SatisfactoryNS = NotSatisfactory Feedback to the Student:
4 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Assessment Task 3 – Case Report Submission No.ResultScoreDate AssessedAssessor NameAssessor Signature O First submissionOSONS/50 O Re-submission 1OSONS/50 O Re-submission 2OSONS/50 S=SatisfactoryNS = NotSatisfactory Feedback to the Student: Assessment Task 4–Professional Practice Experience Submission No.ResultScoreDate AssessedAssessor NameAssessor Signature OFirstsubmission (booklet) OSONS ORe-submission1 (booklet) OSONS ORe-submission2 (booklet) OSONS S=SatisfactoryNS = NotSatisfactory Feedback to the Student:
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5 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 ASSESSMENTOBJECTIVES Thisunitdescribestheskillsandknowledgerequiredtocontributetothecareofapersonwith chronichealth problemsbyperformingnursinginterventionsthatsupporttheperson’sneeds andassisttheminmaintaininganoptimallifestyle. Thisunitappliestoenrollednursingworkcarriedoutinconsultationandcollaborationwith registerednurses, andundersupervisoryarrangementsalignedtotheNursingandMidwifery BoardofAustraliaregulatoryauthoritylegislativerequirements. Toachievecompetencethefollowingassessmenttasksmustbesuccessfullycompletedinthe timeallocatedwith theessentialresources.Yourtrainer/assessorwillgiveyoutheduedateto submittheassessmentsandprovideyouwithfeedbackafterassessingyourwork. Refer to the table below for the summary of Assessment Task for this unit: Assessment Task Number Assessment TypeNotes 1QuestioningTobecompletedinowntimeand submitted to the trainer/assessor by due date 2ScenarioTobecompletedinowntimeand submitted to the trainer/assessor by due date 3Case ReportTobecompletedduringprofessional practice and submitted to the trainer/assessor within five days of professional practice completing 4Professional Practice Experience Undertakeprofessionalpractice placementat theendofthesemesterinaSCEI approvedhealthfacility Studentsmayneedtospendsomehoursoutsidetheclasshourswithoutsupervision tocompletetheassessments Allassessmenttasksmustbesatisfactorytoachievecompetencyintheunit Alltheunitsofcompetencymustbedeemedcompetenttocompletethequalificationand obtainacertificate TheassessmentrequirementforthisunitarepresentedclearlyintheUnitof Competencylocatedat: ( IntheStudentassessment,youmustbeableto: oAnswer allquestions oCompleteallassessmenttaskswithintherequiredtimeframe oCompleteallskillsassessmentstaskstoasatisfactorystandard Thefollowingresourcesarerequiredforthisassessment: oLemone,P.,2013.Medical-SurgicalNursing(AustralianEdition)Volumes1-3(2e).Australia: Pearsons
6 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Reasonable Adjustment Forinformationonreasonableadjustmentpleaserefertothestudenthandbooklocatedat: Record of Assessment Outcome Afteralloftheassessmentevidencehasbeengatheredfromtheassessmenttasksforthisunit/cluster ofunitsof competencytheRecordofAssessmentstatingyourresultwillbecompleted. Information for the Student Ifyoudonotunderstandanypartoftheunitortheassessmentsyouarerequiredtoundertake, pleasetalkwith yourtrainer/assessor.Itisimportantthatyouunderstandalloftheaspectsof thelearningandassessmentprocessthatyouwillbeundertaking.Thiswillmakeiteasierfor youtolearnandbesuccessfulinyourstudies.
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7 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 STUDENTS RESOURCES Prescribed Resources Nursing e-books Estes,M.,Calleja,P.,Theobald,K.andHarvey,T.(2015).Healthassessmentandphysical examination.2nd ed.Cengage. Brotto,V.andRafferty,K.(2016).Clinicaldosagecalculations.2nded.Cengage. Abbott,B.andDeVries,S.(2016).MonitoringandadministrationofIVmedications fortheenrollednurse. 1st ed.Cengage. Tollefson,J.,Watson,G.,Jelly,E.andTambree,K.(2015).Essentialclinicalskills:Enrolled Division2Nurses. 3rd ed.Cengage. Clarke,L.,Gray,S.,White,L.,Duncan,G.andBaulme,W.(2016).Foundationsof nursing:EnrolledDivision2Nurses.3rded.Cengage. Martini,F.,Nath,J.,Bartholomew,E.andOber,W.(2017).Fundamentalsofanatomy& physiology.11th ed.Pearson. Broyles,B.,Evans,M.,McKenzie,G.,Page,R.,Pleunik,S.andReiss,B.(2017). Pharmacologyinnursing,Australian and New Zealand. 2nd ed.Cengage. Online Resources Websites: CodeofprofessionalconductfornursesinAustralia. standards.aspx Australian Government Department ofHealth Chronic diseases: %20disease Review the Joanna Briggs Institutes Health Topics: Palliative Care: Continencecare: plan National health priorityareas Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions: arthritis Asthma: index.htm Cancercontrol: JournalArticles Cardiovascularhealth: cardio Diabetesmellitus: Injuryprevention: pubhlth-strateg-injury-index.htm Mental health: %20Health%20and%20Wellbeing-1 Obesity: hlthwt-obesity.htm Pleasenotethatyouwillneedaccesstoacomputerwithinternetandawordprocessing softwaresuchasMicrosoftWordinordertocompletethisassessment.
8 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – QUESTIONING Instructions for completion YouarerequiredtoanswerallquestionscorrectlyinAssessmentTask 1–Questioning Responsestothequestionscanbeeithertypedorhandwritten WrittenresponsesmustbelegibleandinpenNOTpencil Useofcorrectgrammarandspellingisrequiredtodemonstrate foundationskills,sopleaseensuretoproofreadyouranswersprior tosubmission. wordlimitnomorethan100wordsforeachquestion. UseofAPAreferencingmustbeusedwhereoriginalsourceshave beenused.Donotcopyandpastetextfromanyoftheonlinesources. SCEIhasastrictplagiarismpolicy andstudentswhoarefoundguiltyof plagiarism,willbepenalised.PleaserefertoAPAreferencing guide %20Referencing.pdf Writeyourname,studentID,theassessmenttaskandthenameof theunitofcompetencyoneachpieceofpaperyouattachtothis assessmentdocument Youarerequiredtosubmitthisassessmenttoyourtrainer/assessorby theduedate DUE DATEThe trainer/assessor will inform you of the due date
9 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 1.Listtwo(2)clinicalmanifestationsforeachofthefollowingchronichealthconditions. a.Congestive heartfailure:Heart failure can be ongoing (chronic), or the condition may start suddenly (acute). Heart failure signs and symptoms may include: Shortness of breath (dyspnea) when you exert yourself or when you lie down Fatigue and weakness Swelling (edema) in your legs, ankles and feet Rapid or irregular heartbeat Reduced ability to exercise Persistent cough or wheezing with white or pink blood-tinged phlegm Increased need to urinate at night Swelling of your abdomen (ascites) Very rapid weight gain from fluid retention Lack of appetite and nausea Difficulty concentrating or decreased alertness Sudden, severe shortness of breath and coughing up pink, foamy mucus Chest pain if your heart failure is caused by a heart attack b.Osteoarthritis:Osteoarthritis symptoms often develop slowly and worsen over time. Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include: Pain.Affected joints might hurt during or after movement. Stiffness.Joint stiffness might be most noticeable upon awakening or after being inactive. Tenderness.Your joint might feel tender when you apply light pressure to or near it. Loss of flexibility.You might not be able to move your joint through its full range of motion. Grating sensation.You might feel a grating sensation when you use the joint, and you might hear popping or crackling. Bone spurs.These extra bits of bone, which feel like hard lumps, can form around the affected joint. Swelling.This might be caused by soft tissue inflammation around the joint. c.Eczema :Eczema is usually itchy. For many people, the itch is usually only mild, or moderate. But in some cases it can become much worse and you might develop extremely inflamed skin. Sometimes
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1 0 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 2.Define chronicpain. WhatarethedemographicsofchronicpaininAustralia? Mentionthree(3)etiologicalfactorsforLum the itch gets so bad that people scratch it until it bleeds, which can make your eczema worse. This is called the “itch-scratch cycle.” What to look for: Dry, sensitive skin Red, inflamed skin Very bad itching Dark colored patches of skin Rough, leathery or scaly patches of skin Oozing or crusting Areas of swelling d.Stroke:Vertigo, like the room, is spinning. Imbalance One-sided arm or leg weakness. Slurred speech or dysarthria Double vision or other vision problems A headache Nausea and or vomiting e.Systemic lupuserythematous:Each person with lupus has slightly different symptoms that can range from mild to severe and may come and go over time. However, some of the most commonsymptoms of lupusinclude painful or swollen joints (arthritis), unexplained fever, and extreme fatigue. A characteristic red skin rash-the so-called butterfly or malar rash-may appear across the nose and cheeks. Rashes may also occur on the face and ears, upper arms, shoulders, chest, and hands. Because many people with lupus are sensitive to sunlight (calledphotosensitivity), skin rashes often first develop or worsen after sun exposure. Chronic pain is pain that is ongoing and usually lasts longer than six months. This type of pain can continue even after the injury or illness that caused it has healed or gone away. Pain signals remain active in the nervous system for weeks, months, or years. Some people suffer chronic pain even when there is no past injury or apparent body damage. Chronic pain is linked to conditions including: Headache Arthritis Cancer Nerve pain Back pain Fibromyalgia pain The presence of other diseases:Many diseases can cause or contribute to back pain. These include various forms ofarthritis, such asosteoarthritis,rheumatoid arthritis, andankylosing spondylitis, and cancers elsewhere in the body that may spread to the spine. Occupational risk factors:Having a job that requires heavy lifting, pushing, or pulling, particularly when this involves twisting or vibrating the spine, can lead to injury and back pain. An inactive job or a desk job may also lead to or contribute to pain, especially if you have poor posture or sit all day in an uncomfortable chair. Cigarettesmoking:Althoughsmokingmay not directly cause back pain, it increases your risk of developing low back pain and low back pain withsciatica. (Sciaticais back pain that radiates to the hip and/or leg due to pressure on a nerve.) For example,smokingmay lead to pain by blocking your body’s ability to delivernutrientsto the discs of the lower back. Or, repeatedcoughingdue to heavysmokingmay cause back pain. It is also possible that smokers are just less physically fit or less healthy than nonsmokers, which increases the likelihood that they will develop back pain. Furthermore, smoking can slow healing, prolonging pain for people who have had back injuries,back surgery, or broken bones.
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January20191 1 3.Provideadefinitionandtwo(2)clinicalmanifestationsofthefollowing: a.RheumatoidarthritisRheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect more than just your joints. In some people, the condition can damage a wide variety of body systems, including the skin, eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels. An autoimmune disorder, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks your own body's tissues. Signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis may include: Tender, warm, swollen joints Joint stiffness that is usually worse in the mornings and after inactivity b.Motor neuronediseaseMotor neuron diseases are a group of conditions that cause the nerves in the spine and brain to progressively lose function. They are a rare but serious and incurable form of progressive neurodegeneration. Early symptoms depend upon which body system is affected first.Typical symptomsbegin in one of three areas: the arms and legs, the mouth (bulbar), or the respiratory system. They include: a weakening grip, making it hard to pick up and hold things fatigue c.Parkinson’sdiseaseParkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Symptoms start gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. Tremors are common, but the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement. Parkinson's signs and symptoms may include: Tremor.A tremor, or shaking, usually begins in a limb, often your hand or fingers. You may a rub your thumb and forefinger back-and-forth, known as a pill-rolling tremor. Your hand may tremor when it's at rest.
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January20191 2 Slowed movement (bradykinesia).Over time, Parkinson's disease may slow your movement, making simple tasks difficult and time-consuming. Your steps may become shorter when you walk. It may be difficult to get out of a chair. You may drag your feet as you try to walk.
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HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January20191 3 4.Listtwo(2)commonclinicalmanifestationsseenineachofthefollowing: apatientwithapermanent tracheostomyandapatientwitha temporarytracheostomy Permanent tracheostomiesTracheostomy (tray-key-OS-tuh-me) is a surgically created hole through the front of your neck and into your windpipe (trachea). The term for the surgical procedure to create this opening is tracheotomy. Medical conditions that require the use of a breathing machine (ventilator) for an extended period, usually more than one or two weeks Medical conditions that block or narrow your airway, such as vocal cord paralysis or throat cancer Temporary tracheostomy A tracheostomy is a medical procedure — either temporary or permanent — that involves creating an opening in the neck in order to place a tube into a person’swindpipe. The tube is inserted through a cut in the neck below the vocal cords. This allows air to enter thelungs. Breathing is then done through the tube, bypassing the mouth, nose, and throat. A tracheostomy is commonly referred to as a stoma. This is the name for the hole in the neck that the tube passes through. injury to thelarynxorlaryngectomy injury to the chest wall 5.Identifyfour(4)commonanatomicalsitesthatmayundergomalignantchanges The increasing trend of malignant melanoma for both, males and females, in sun exposed anatomical sites compared to the flat trend of non sun exposed malignant melanoma confirms an association between sun exposure and the development of malignant melanoma of the skin. The gender specific anatomical site of sun exposed malignant melanoma may represent the exposure differences and may have important relevance for prevention campaigns. The progressive decrease in the crude incidence of malignant melanoma of the eye and adnexa could be explained by a change in coding or disease definition but it could have another clinical reason which is more likely due to the gradual reduction of incidence. The wider use of sun glasses might be a contributing factor 6.Listfour(4)commonsymptomsofchronicobstructiveairwaydisease(COPD). COPDsymptoms often don't appear until significant lung damage has occurred, and they usually worsen over time, particularly if smoking exposure continues. For chronic bronchitis, the main symptom is a daily cough and mucus (sputum) production at least three months a year for two consecutive years. Other signs and symptoms ofCOPDmay include: Shortness of breath, especially during physical activities Wheezing Chest tightness
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January20191 4 Having to clear your throat first thing in the morning, due to excess mucus in your lungs 7.Describetheaetiology,pathogenesis,clinicalfeaturesandmanagementofChronic BronchialAsthma AetiologyAsthma is associated with mast cells, eosinophils, and T lymphocytes. Mast cells are theallergy-causing cells that release chemicals likehistamine. Histamine is the substance that causes nasal stuffiness and dripping in a cold orhay fever, constriction of airways in asthma, and itchy areas in askin allergy. Eosinophils are a type of whitebloodcell associated with allergic disease. T lymphocytes are also whiteblood cellsassociated withallergyandinflammation. Clinical signsBronchial asthma triggers may include: Smokingandsecondhand smoke Infections such ascolds,flu, orpneumonia Allergens such as food,pollen,mold,dust mites, and pet dander Exercise Air pollution and toxins Weather, especially extreme changes in temperature Drugs (such asaspirin,NSAIDs, and beta-blockers) Food additives(such as MSG) Emotional stress andanxiety Singing, laughing, or crying Perfumes and fragrances Acid reflux
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January20191 2 8.Listanddescribethree(3)clinicalmanifestationsofapatientwithchronicrenalfailureorch kidney disease stage-5 9.DefineandclassifyDiabetesmellitus.Outlinefour(4)mostcommonsymptomsoftype2D Mellitus 10.StateatleastTWO(2)clinicalfeaturesthatapatientwithchronicnerveinjurymaypresent with: 11.Definepersistentvegetativestate.OutlineTHREE(3)clinicalmanifestationsthatareobserved inpatientssuffering with thisailment A condition in which a medical patient is completely unresponsive to psychological and physical stimuli and displays no sign of higher brain function, being kept alive only by medical intervention.However, a person in a vegetative state doesn’t show any meaningful responses, such as following an object with their eyes or responding to voices. They also show no signs of experiencing emotions nor of cognitive function. VS/UWS patients’ eyes might be in a relatively fixed position, may track moving objects (visual pursuit), or move in a completely unsynchronised manner. Sleep-wake cycles may resume or patients may appear to be in a state of chronic wakefulness. They may grind their teeth, swallow, smile, shed tears, grunt, moan, or scream without any apparent external stimulus. VS/UWS patients do not respond to sound, hunger, or pain. Patients cannot obey verbal commands and lack local motor responses. Additionally VS/UWS patients cannot talk in comprehensible terms and may become noisy, restless, and hypermobile. Loss of appetite Nausea or vomiting Headaches Being tired Being unable to concentrate Itching Making little or no urine Diabetes can be classified into the following general categories: 1.Type 1 diabetes (due to β-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency) 2.Type 2 diabetes (due to a progressive insulin secretory defect on the background of insulin resistance) 3.Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) (diabetes diagnosed in the second or third trimester of pregnancy that is not clearly overt diabetes) 4.Specific types of diabetes due to other causes, e.g., monogenic diabetes syndromes (such as neonatal diabetes and maturity-onset diabetes of the young [MODY]), diseases of the exocrine pancreas (such as cystic fibrosis), and drug- or chemical-induced diabetes (such as in the treatment of HIV/AIDS or after organ transplantation) Frequenturination. Excessive thirst. Unexplained weight loss. Extreme hunger. Gradual onset of numbness, prickling or tingling in your feet or hands, which can spread upward into your legs and arms.
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HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January20191 3 12.ListatleastFOUR(4)Chronicconditionsaretheleadingcausesofillness,disabilityanddeathin Australia. COPD, Cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and dementia 13.DEFINE: Continuum of chronicdisease. Continuum of Careis a concept involving a system that guides and tracks patients over time through a comprehensive array of health services spanning all levels and intensity ofcare. TheContinuum of Carecovers the delivery ofhealthcareover a period of time, and may refer tocareprovided from birth to end of life. 14.Listfour(4)lifevariablesthathaveanimpactonhealthandwellbeing Income and social status - higher income and social status are linked to better health. The greater the gap between the richest and poorest people, the greater the differences in health. Education – low education levels are linked with poor health, more stress and lower self-confidence. Physical environment – safe water and clean air, healthy workplaces, safe houses, communities and roads all contribute to good health. Employment and working conditions – people in employment are healthier, particularly those who have more control over their working conditions Social support networks – greater support from families, friends and communities is linked to better health. Culture - customs and traditions, and the beliefs of the family and community all affect health.
1 3 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 15.DescribeatleastONE(1)impactofchronicdiseasesonanindividualforeachofthefollowing a.Sociallife b.Emotionalstate c.Physicalstate d.Psychologicalstate e.Financialstate ANSWER: Social lifeChronic illness increases the disease burden and limits the ability of the person to maintain optimal level of social interaction. This leads to poor social life Emotional stateChronic illness and the associated disease burden impacts the emotional well being and contributes to depression and stress Physical stateThe impact of chronic illness leads to poor physical health and reduced ability to cope with symptoms Psychological state Impact of chronic illness effects the psychological well being of the patient and contributes to trauma Financial stateThe treatment of the progressive disease elicits pressure on expenses and serves as a financial burden 16. a.Definethefollowingmodalitiesofrehabilitation.Foreachmodality,stateexamplesofthe equipmentinvolved and techniquesused. ModailtyDefinition and/ or Technique involvedEquipment used PhysiotherapyThe treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery. NordicTrack. Treatment Tables. Ultrasound. Isokinetics. Electrical Muscle Stimulation. Exercise Bike. Exercise Balls Occupational Therapy Occupational therapy is a client-centred health profession concerned with promoting health and well being through occupation. The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life. A walking stick, walking frame or a wheelchair. electric can openers or electric toothbrushes. knives with large handles and chunky pens (if you have difficulty holding small objects) A non-slip mat for the bath. A special keyboard or mouse to help you use
1 4 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 a computer. HydrotherapyHydrotherapy,orwatertherapy,istheuseofwater(hot,cold, steam,orice)torelievediscomfortandpromotephysicalwell- being. hydrotherapy therapiesemploy mineral baths, underwater massage baths, water jet, whirpool bath and dry massage equipment PilatesA system of exercises using special apparatus, designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, and posture, and enhance mental awareness. PilatesMachine PilatesTable PilatesChair PilatesRing Exercise Ball PilatesMat PilatesBolster Clothing MassageThe rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the body with the hands, especially to relieve tension or pain MassageChair and Table. MassageOils, Lotions, and Creams. Towels and a Portable Towel Cabinet. Stones and a Heating Device. Relaxation CDs, a CD Player, and Candles. Training. Art and Music therapy Art therapy is a unique opportunity for people of all ages - children, teens and adult - to express themselves creatively while dealing with stress, grief and loss. Music therapy is a creative opportunity for patients and families to express emotions within an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. Therapy room Paint Canvas Music player CDs, DVDs
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1 4 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 b.Brieflyoutlinetheimportanceofwheelchairs,scooters,walkingaidsandprostheticsin rehabilitationofapatient Wheelchairs are used by people who should not put weight on their lower limbs or who are unable to walk. They can be more suitable than walkers for people with severe disabilities or when travel over greater distances is required. Mobility scooters are beneficial for those without the upper body strength or flexibility to use a manual wheelchair. Many scooter usersreporta positive impact on their lives due to their choice of mobility aid.Walking aids are devices designed to help people who have problems moving around enjoy greater freedom and independence.If a patient is missing an arm or leg, an artificial limb can sometimes replace it. The device, is called aprosthesis, can help a patient perform daily activities such as walking, eating, or dressing. Some artificial limbs let them function nearly as well as before 17.Define and describe palliativecare? Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life- threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual. 18.Discusstheprinciplesandpracticesofpersoncentrednursingcare Patient-centered care is the practice of caring for patients (and their families) in ways that are meaningful and valuable to the individual patient.It includes listening to, informing and involving patients in their care. The IOM (Institute of Medicine) defines patient-centered care as: “Providing care that is respectful of, and responsive to, individual patient preferences, needs and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions.” The researchers found that there are certain practices conducive to a positive patient experience and their findings form Picker’s Eight Principles of Patient-Centered Care.Respect for patients’ values, preferences and expressed needs, Coordination and integration of care, Information and education, Physical comfort, Emotional support and alleviation of fear and anxiety, Involvement of family and friends, Continuity and transition and Access to care. 19.ListatleastTHREE(3)strategiestoaddressandmanagemostchronicdiseases. The three strategies to address and manage most chronic diseases include the following: Adapt patient centred care approach Implement pain relief intervention Impart health literacy and self-management strategy to accelerate recovery 20.ListanddescribethefourcomponentsintheWHOchronicdiseasemodelofcare?
1 5 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 The Chronic Care Model (CCM) is a multifaceted, evidence-based framework for enhancing care delivery by identifying essential components of the health care system that can be modified to support high-quality, patient-centered chronic disease management.1The CCM provides a systematic approach to practice transformation. Interrelated elements of the CCM include: Health systems, including culture, organizations, and mechanisms to promote safe, high-quality care Decision supportbased on evidence and patients’ preferences and needs Clinical information systemsto organize patient and population data Patient self-management supportto enable patients to manage their health and health care In addition to the above, it also includes: Community resourcesto mobilize patient resources Delivery system designfor clinical care and self-management support, including team care 21.Defineincontinence.Howdoesthismanifestinapatientwithchronicdisease? Incontinenceis a term that describes any accidental or involuntary loss of urine from the bladder (urinaryincontinence) or bowel motion, faeces or wind from the bowel (faecal or bowelincontinence).Four patterns of chronic conditions emerged with differences by urinary incontinence type and severity. Within three of the four clusters, the most prevalent chronic conditions linked with increased cardiovascular risk—such as hypertension and high cholesterol—were associated with increased urinary incontinence risk. Also, pulmonary disease—specifically asthma—affected all of the women in a single cluster. 22.Listthree(3)varioustreatmentmethodsfordiabetesmellitustype2. Management of type 2 diabetes includes: Weight loss Healthy eating Possibly, diabetes medication or insulin therapy 23.Identifytwo(2)waysanenrollednursecansupportaclientwithchronicrheumatoid arthritistomaintaina positive liferole. Firstly, the enrolled nurse can educate the patient about rheumatoid arthritis so that the patient is aware about the risk factors that could worsen the disorder. Secondly, the nurse could help the patient with appropriate footwear so that the patient is able to walk and perform daily living activities with convenience. 24.Identifytwo(2)behaviouralchangesrequiredforaclientwithchronichistoryof diabetesmellitusovertime The two behavioral changes would require the following: Modification of diet to include healthy nutrients Modification of sedentary lifestyle to include physical activities 25.Identifytwo(2)positiveattitudinalandbehaviouralchangethatcanbeestablishedbya patientwithchronic renalfailure. The two behavioral changes would require the following: Modification of lifestyle such as quitting smoking which would worsen the symptoms of the disorder Inclusion of a healthy diet that is low in fat and creatinin
1 5 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 26.Accessandconsiderbelowmentionedlinksregardingresourcesforthecorestandards fornurseswho supportpeoplewithdisability(NSWFamilyandCommunityServices) andanswerfollowingquestions: 1. and-complex-health-care-needs-Practice-Package.pdf 2. 3. Dev-of-Health-Care-Plans-Practice-package.pdf A.TRUE orFALSE TheNursingandHealthCareCoreStandardscanbeusedforanynursesupporting peoplewithdisability,givingthemthebasicrequiredknowledgetobeableto dotheirjobandbeableto demonstrate this. (TRUE/FALSE) True B.Followingarethecorestandardsfornursingandhealthcarewhosupportpeoplewith disability(NSWFamilyandCommunityServices).Circleonecorrectanswer. i.Person-CenteredHealthCareAssessmentsandtheDevelopmentofHealthCare Plans ii.Communication and BehaviorSupport iii.WorkingwithPeoplewithChronicandComplexHealthCareNeeds: iv.Mealtime Management forNurses v.All ofabove C.Circleonecorrectanswer.Thecorestandardsmaterialsandresourcescanbeusedina varietyofways-forexample: i.Professional education andtraining ii.Knowledgetranslationandappraisalofcorestandardsinpractice iii.Inductionofnewstafforstaffnewtotheareaofdisability iv.Asareferencepointinsupervisionormentoring v.Usewithstudentsonplacementorwithinlearninginstitutions vi.All ofabove D.“Nursesworkswiththemultidisciplinaryteaminthemanagementofchronicand complexhealthcareneedsofclients.ThemultidisciplinaryteammayincludeaSpeech Pathologist,Dietitian,Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Gastroenterologist and Physician”. Considering this statement and the websitelinksprovidedabove,answerthe followingquestions. QD1:Chooseatleastfourofprovidedchronicandcomplexhealthcareneedsandexplaintheir management/treatment. QD2: list at least four factors considered by a nurse during its (condition) management. Medication for symptom management, management of weight for weight management, proper self-management practices to help cope with illness and respiratory support for clearance of airway QD3:Nameatleast3multidisciplinarymembers/peoplewillanursebeworkingwithin ordertomeetcareneedsofclientsandwhy.(250-300words) Dietician, physiotherapist, physician and occupational therapist Chronic and complex health care needs are:
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1 6 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Management of Chest Infection / AspirationPneumonia RespiratoryHealth Management of Type 2Diabetes ManagementofOsteopeniaandOsteoporosis, Management of chronicpain Managementofbowelproblems:Colostomy,Ileostomy.
1 6 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 E.InregardtoPersonCenteredHealthCareAssessmentsandthedevelopmentofHealth CarePlansCore StandardforPractitioners.Answerfollowingquestionsconsideringthe thirdweblinkprovidedabove. ExplainthepurposeofPersonCenteredHealthCareAssessmentsandthedevelopment ofHealthCarePlansCoreStandardforPractitioners.Explainwhatdoesthismeanfor inyournursingpractice. Person centred Health Care Assessments refer to the overall assessment of the patient’s holistic needs in order to devise an effective care plan. The Health Care Plans Core standard for practitioner’s refers to the ethical standards in that should be complied with while delivering care to the patients. Nursing care professionals must abide by the standards in order to deliver a culturally safe, patient-centered and effective care delivery.
1 8 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 ASSESSMENT TASK 2 – CASE STUDY Instructions for completion Readthescenariosprovidedandcompletethequestionsthatfollow You must answer all questionscorrectly Pleaseensurethatthewordlimitforeachanswerisnomorethan100 words Responsestothequestionscanbetypedorsubmittedhandwritten Assessmentrequirementsmaybeeithertypedorhandwritten Ifhandwritten,thewritingmustbelegibleandinpenNOTpencil WrittenresponsesmustbelegibleandinpenNOTpencil Useofcorrectgrammarandspellingisrequiredtodemonstrate foundationskills,sopleaseensuretoproofreadyouranswersprior tosubmission UseofAPAreferencingmustbeusedwhereoriginalsourceshave beenused.Donotcopyandpastetextfromanyoftheonlinesources. SCEIhasastrictplagiarismpolicy andstudentswhoarefoundguiltyof plagiarism,willbepenalised.PleaserefertoAPAreferencing guide %20Referencing.pdf Writeyourname,studentID,theassessmenttaskandthenameof theunitofcompetencyoneachpieceofpaperyouattachtothis assessmentdocument Youarerequiredtosubmitthisassessmenttoyourtrainer/assessorby theduedate DUE DATEThe trainer/assessor will inform you of the date and time of the examination
1 9 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Scenario One MrsPaulaJonesisa68-year-oldladywhowasadmittedtothewardforaleftbelowknee amputation.PaulahasType1Diabetes,insulindependent,whohashadchroniclegulcersonher leftshinforelevenmonthsthatarenothealing.Shehasglaucomaandcataractsinbotheyes, leavingherwithpooreyesightandperipheralneuropathy.Paulaisnon-compliantwithher diabeticdiet,sheeatswhatshelikesanddoesnotregularlycheckher blood sugarlevels. Paulalivesalonebutissupportedbyhertwosonswholivenearby.Herhusbanddied fouryearsago.Her extended family live in NewZealand. Paulaisrecoveringinthewardposttheamputation.Sheisveryupsetabouttheamputation andnotacceptingof it. Sheisresistanttoadheringtoadiabeticdiet,despitetheeffortsofthe dieticianandnursingstaff.HerBSL’s fluctuateasaresultandsheisonherregularinsulinwitha slidingscale. PaulaismanagingherpainwithParacetamolandIbuprofen,whichiseffective.Herleftstumpis bandagedandfreefrom infection. She is not sleeping well, making her tired during the day and reluctant to commence physiotherapy. PaulawillbedischargedtoarehabilitationcentretoimproveherindependencewithADL’spriortogoing home. Scenario 1: Part A 1.Developanursingcareplanforheradmissionusingthenursingprocess.Thecareplan mustcontainatleast two (2) nursinginterventions The two nursing interventions include: Imparting health literacy to the patient to make her aware about the seriousness of the health condition and the adverse events that could follow Teaching her self-regulation of BGL level using glucometer strip so that her BGL level can be monitored 2.OutlineahealthteachingplanforPaulathatpreparesherfordischargetorehabilitationand thenhome. The teaching plan would comprise of the risk factors that could interfere with the recovery process and the rationale for recommending a strict diet regimen so as to ensure that her BGL level is controlled. 3.Explaintheways/strategiesthatyoucanimplementtoevaluatePaula’sunderstanding ofherchronicproblemsinconsultationwithinterdisciplinaryhealthteam. Paula’s response to the teaching plan and her adherence with the medication can help in understanding her level of awareness in relation to the chronic health problem Scenario 1: Part B 1.IdentifyanddescribePaula’sconditionandchronichealthproblems.Researchand describethepossible impactofatleasttwo(2)oftheidentifiedconditionsonbody systemsandexplainhowthesecanaffectaperson’sabilitytoperformdailyliving activities. Peripheral neuropathy could lead to numbness and interfere with her normal ability to walk Glaucoma could lead to blurred vision which could make her susceptible to falls 2.Listanddescribeatleasttwo(2)clinicalmanifestationsofdiabetesandrheumatoid arthritisandtheirlong-term effects onthe body’s systems. Clinical manifestations of Diabetes include: loss of body weight and frequent urination. Clinical symptoms of Rheumtoid arthritis
2 0 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 include: stiffness and swelling in joints and anemia and fatigue 3.ExplainthreeavailableresourcesandsupportservicesavailabletoPaulauponher dischargefromtherehabilitation centre tohome. Referral to domestic help, referral to an occupational therapist, referral to home care nursing 4.Discussthephysical,psychological,emotional,socialandfinancialimpactPaula’schronic healthproblemsandrecentamputationhasonherADLsandherfamily The recent amputation would reduce her independence and ability to perform ADLs which would affect her physically, emotionally, socially and financially on account of the excess expenditure. Her sufferings would affect her family psychologically and financially as she is a dependent family member. Also, the disease burden would deteriorate the family’s social life as the family members would need to be extra careful about Paula.
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2 0 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Scenario Two MrShaneGillespieisan80-year-oldmale,admittedtothewardviaA&Ewithexacerbationof COPDandabrasionstohisleftshinandelbowandacuttotheforeheadfollowingafall. Shanelivesaloneandupuntilnowhasmanagedwiththeassistanceofhomehelp(cleaning services)andmealson wheelsforlunch.Hiswifehasdementiaandlivesinanursinghome withinwalkingdistancefromhishome.Hehastwoverysupportiveneighbourswhovisit daily,bringhimthenewspaperandstayforachat.Hehasone daughterwholives interstateandanotherwholives1.5hoursaway. Shaneisemaciatedandadmitshedoesnotlikepreparingmealsandonlyeatsthelunch deliveredbymealson wheels.Hehasadosetteboxforhismedication,butheisincreasingly forgettingtotakethemormixingupthedays andtimes. Shanehasrecentlyfounditdifficultwithactivitieslikeshoweringanddressingandwalkingto theletterboxdue toexperiencingshortnessofbreath.Hehasbeenunabletovisithiswifefor afewweeksduetohisincreasingshortness ofbreath. Shaneisanex-smokerof25cigarettes/dayfor46years,hestoppedsmoking20yearsago. Hehasahistoryof chronic asthma (since childhood) andepilepsy. Onarrivalhisvital signsare: RR–30 bpm HR–100 bpm BP–190/100 mmHgSpO2– 87% Temp – 38.3oC Questions 1.Briefly describe Shane’s condition and chronic health problems including chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease and chronicasthma. Shane is diagnosed with COPD and Asthma. The symptoms of the disorder is linked to coughing and increased shortness of breath which has deteriorated his quality of life and has hindered with his independent ability to perform activities of daily living. 2.ListanddescribefiveclinicalmanifestationsofCOPDandlong-termeffectsonthebody’s systems. Five clinical manifestations of COPD and it’s long terms effect on body systems include the following: Chronic cough Shortness of breath while doing everyday activities (Dyspnea) Frequent respiratory infection Production of lot of mucus and wheezing 3.Listfive(5)andexplaintheroleofthehealthcareworkerswhowillbeinvolvedinhiscare Physician, Pulmonologist, Physiotherapist, Nurse and Occupational therapist
2 1 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 4.Discussthephysical,emotional,socialandpsychologicalaspectsofcare. Physically the patient will become weak which would affect the independence to perform activities of daily life, emotionally the patient would experience depression for not being able to cope with the disease, the patient’s social life would be compromised and psychologically the patient would be experiencing hopelessness for not being able to cope with the disease burden.
2 1 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Assessment Task 2 – Scenario Marking Guide StudentNameStudentID Marking Guide YesNo Satisfactory response:ReferencingisAPA - consistent and satisfactory Correct and sufficient response is provided by student to all questions ofAssessment task 1 Usedcorrectgrammarand spelling Unsatisfactory:Notenoughorincorrect responseby student. Assessor Feedback AssessorNameDate AssessorSignature
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2 2 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 ASSESSMENT TASK 3 – CASE REPORT Instructions for completion Readthecasereportdetailsprovidedandcompletetheassessment instructions Responsestothequestionsmaybetypedorhandwritten Ifhandwritten,writingmustbelegibleandinpenNOTpencil Useofcorrectgrammarandspellingisrequiredtodemonstrate foundationalskills UseofAPAreferencingmustbeusedwhereoriginalsources otherthanyourownhavebeenused–toavoidplagiarism Writeyourname,studentID,theassessmenttaskandthenameof theunitofcompetencyoneachpieceofpaperyouattachtothis assessmentdocument Youanswerallquestionscorrectlytoachieveasatisfactoryresult Submittoyourtrainer/assessorbytheduedate Wordlimitlessthan100wordsforeachquestion Due DateTobesubmittedtothetrainer/assessorwithinfivedaysofprofessional practice concluding. YouarerequiredtodiscussevidencedbasednursingpracticeforONEpatient,withchronic healthproblems, you cared for during your professional practice. You will be required to access the patient’s medical records to prepare for your case report for both patients. Please maintain patient’s anonymity at all times Use a pseudonym name for the patients that is not identifiable and state this in your case report Be careful not to include any information that my identify the patient including places, dates, time, events ThecasereportshouldincludeinformationrelatedtoonlyONEpatient(wordlimitless than70words each): 1.Brief introduction (oneparagraph) The case study of the patient deals with caring for a chronic illness and the involvement of the multidisciplinary team of professionals in caring for the patient 2.Presentingcomplaint,assessmentdataanddiagnosis The patient’s presenting complaints included increased shortness of breath, frequent coughing and blurred vision 3.Pastmedicalandhealthhistoryincludingmedications The patient had a past medical history o Diabetes 4.Discusstheclinicalmanifestationsofthechronichealthproblemsonthebodysystems The clinical manifestations included, coughing with wheezing, shortness of breath and bluish tinge on face 5.Identifytwo(2)actualandtwo(2)potentialhealthissuesofthepatient
2 3 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Actual health problems appeared to be the symptoms of COPD, potential health problems included psychological stress and trauma 6.Explaincurrenttreatmentsfortheidentifiedchronicproblems.Nameandexplaina fewresourcesandsupportserviceswhichcanbeutilisedtomeetpatient’scare needs. The treatment interventions comprised of administering bronchodilator medication, referral to optician and teaching simple breathing exercises to facilitate clearance of airway 7.Answerfollowing: a.Identifytwo(2)nursinginterventionsyouperformedbasedonthepatient’s needsaccordingtocontinuum of chronicdisease I taught the patient simple breathing technique and assisted the patient to maintain Fowler’s position to facilitate airway clearance b.Discussthepatient’s(asappropriate,withfamilyorcarertoconfirmtheir) understandingoftheconditions and itsimpact. The patient stayed alone and was divorced with a son living in the United States. Therefore no carer was involved in the treatment process c.Listotheragenciesandinterdisciplinaryteammembersinvolvedinsupporting patient’scare. The patient was referred to an optician as it was suspected that the patient was suffering from Glaucoma and was affected with Diabetes Mellitus. In addition to this, a nutritionist was involved in the care process for proper diet planning 8.Formulateanactionplanforthepatientwhichincludesreferraltocommunity supportservicesorrehabilitationservicesorothersupportservicesasneeded As the patient stayed alone and was affected with a chronic illness, the patient was referred to mental health community services so as to ensure mental health wellness and a positive recovery of the patient. References: Postma, D. S., & Rabe, K. F. (2015). The asthma–COPD overlap syndrome.New England Journal of Medicine,373(13), 1241-1249. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1411863 Fletcher, M. J., & Dahl, B. H. (2013). Expanding nurse practice in COPD: is it key to providing high quality, effective and safe patient care?.Primary Care Respiratory Journal,22(2), 230.Retrieved from:
2 4 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 9.Explainhowyouactivelyinvolvedthepatientinthedevelopmentofstrategiesto managetheircondition.Writewhatprogressnotesdocumentationyoudidforthis patient. 10.Explainhowdidyouidentifyandmeetownroleandresponsibilitiesincommunicating andreportingtheperson’s response to nursinginterventions. 11.Enlistatleastanytwovariationsinperson’sneedsandexplainyourresponsetothese variationsinthecontext of a coordinated serviceapproach. 12.Explainwhatandhowyouidentifiedthelevelandtypeofcontributionandsupport madebyfamilyorcarer. Supportyourcasereportwithreferencetocurrentliterature.(Minimum2literatureand maximumof4literature).
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2 5 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Assessment ChecklistS = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory Case report includes all following:SNS 1 = Introduction 2 = Current admission diagnosis and medications 3 = Past medical history including medications 4=Discussionofclinicalmanifestationsofthepatient’schronichealth problems 5 = Discussion of two actual and potential health issues 6=currenttreatmentsfortheidentifiedchronicproblems,few resourcesand support services 7=Nursinginterventionsaccordingtocontinuumofchronic disease,patent’ understandingoftheconditionsanditsimpact. 8 Formulate an action plan 9 = Actively involved the patient Academic writing and Referencing OVERALL RESULT: Trainer’s comments: Trainer’sNameTrainer’sSignature_ Date:_ Learner’sNameLearner’sSignature Date:
2 5 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 Assessment Task 3 – Case Report Marking Guide StudentNameStudentID Marking Guide YesNo Satisfactory response:Student provided correct and sufficient responsetoquestions’ expectations(Q1-Q12 of care report). Successfullysubmitall requirementsas statedinassessmentchecklist andQ1-Q12. ReferencingisAPA- consistentandsatisfactory Correctandsufficientresponseis providedbystudenttoall questionsofAssessment task1 Usedcorrectgrammarand spelling Unsatisfactory:Notenoughorincorrect responseby student. Assessor Feedback AssessorNameDate AssessorSignature
2 6 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January2019 ASSESSMENTTASK4 –PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Instructions for completion Youarerequiredtoundertakeprofessionalpracticeexperience (PPE)atthe completion of the theoretical component ofsemester three Youmustachieveasuccessfulresultinallthetheoreticaland practicalskills assessmentsforallocatedunitsofcompetencyprior tocommencingprofessionalpracticeexperience AllPriortoplacementallocationandcommencementyouwillbe requiredto undergoafinalpre–placementassessmentwhich willbeconductedbyyourtraineraswellastheclinicallab assessor. TheSCEIworkplacementcoordinatorwillarrangeyourprofessional practicetoensureitisundertakeninaSCEIapprovedand supervisedhealthfacility YoumustcompleteallrequirementsofthePPRECORDbooklet Thisassessmentisgradedassatisfactoryorunsatisfactory.An unsatisfactory resultwillmeananoverallunitofcompetency outcomeasnotyetcompetent Due DateTheworkplacementbookletmustbesubmittedtothe trainer/assessorwithin five days of completion of the work placement Priortoattendingprofessionalpractice,youwillbeissuedwithaprofessionalpracticebooklet.This willoutline: therolesandresponsibilitiesofyou(thestudent),thenurseeducatorandhostorganization theskillsyouwillbeobservedandassessedperforming Assessmenttaskstocompletepriortoworkplacementandduringprofessionalpractice. Itisexpectedduringtheprofessionalpracticeplacementthestudentwillconsistentlydemonstrate achievementoftherequiredskillsandknowledgeassetoutbelow.Pleaserefertothe professionalpracticebookletfor furtherdetailsoftheprofessionalpracticeandthe assessmentrequirements. There must be evidence that the candidate has: UndertakennursingworkinaccordancewithNursingandMidwiferyBoardofAustralia professionalpracticestandards, codes andguidelines Analysedhealthinformationandtheclinicalpresentationof1personintheworkplace orsimulated environmenttoreachanaccurateconclusiononpossiblenursing interventionsrelatedtotheirchronichealthproblems,inconsultationwitha registerednurse
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HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012–Version3 January20192 8 S no. There must be evidence that the candidate has:SatisfactoryUnsatisfactory 1Undertakennursingworkinaccordancewith NursingandMidwiferyBoardofAustralia professionalpracticestandards, codes and guidelines oo 2On Two (2) Clients with chronic health problems: Perform healthassessment GatherandAnalysehealthinformation Assess signs andsymptoms Plan nursinginterventions Providenursingcareandsupport oo OVERALL RESULT:oo Trainer’s Comments: Trainer’sNameTrainer’sSignature Date: Learner’sNameLearner’sSignature Date:
Student Assessment Assessment Task 4 – Professional Practice Experience Marking Guide StudentNameStudentID Marking GuideYESNO Satisfactory response: Successfullyundertakennursingworkinaccordancewith NursingandMidwifery Board of Australia professional practice standards, codes andguidelines Successfullyanalysedhealthinformationandtheclinical presentationof1 personintheworkplaceorsimulated environmenttoreachanaccurate conclusiononpossible nursinginterventionsrelatedtotheirchronichealthproblems, inconsultationwitharegisterednurse Efficientlyperformednursinginterventionsintheworkplaceto contributetothesupportof2peoplewhohavechronic healthproblems. Unsatisfactory:Above mentioned requirements not performed/completed during professional practice Assessor Feedback AssessorNameDate HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing HLTENN012 – Version 3 January 2019 28