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Recruitment and Selection in Social Firms


Added on  2020/06/06

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This assignment focuses on the crucial aspects of recruitment and selection processes within social and health care firms. It emphasizes the need for managers to carefully consider various factors when planning these processes. The document also highlights relevant legislation that must be taken into account.

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Managing human

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Explain the factors to be considered when planning the recruitment of individuals to
1.2 Explain how relevant legislative and policy frameworks of the home country influence the
1.3 Evaluate different approaches that may be used to ensure the selection of the best
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Explain theories of how individuals interact in groups in relation to the types of teams
2.2Evaluate approaches that may be used to develop effective team working in Health and
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6
3.1Explain ways in which the performance of individuals working in Health and Social Care
3.2 Assess how individual training and development needs can be identified......................7
3.3 Analyse different strategies for promoting the continuing development of individuals in
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8
4.1Explain theories of leadership that apply to the Health and Social Care workplace.........8
4.2 Analyse how working relationships may be managed.....................................................9
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4.3 Evaluate how own development has been influenced by management approaches
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................10
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Human resource management is term that denotes formal system of management of
individuals within a firm. It is framed to enhance performance of employees for attaining the pre
determine objective along with it is also concentrated on policies and system (Aladwan,
Bhanugopan and Fish, 2014). Manager of human resource has responsibility majorly on three
grounds as staffing, defining or designing work and workers compensation or benefits. This will
provide help to firm in completing all types of business actions sin time and at the same time
provide support in having better services to their customers. It is a very complex task to recruit
new individual in a health care organisation. Health and social care firms needs that types of
persons who can use all existing resources and can be able to offers effective quality services to
their customers. This is report is based on King's collages hospital which is located is South East
London. The factors included in recruitment is given along with laws and policies of HR and
some approaches too.
1.1 Explain the factors to be considered when planning the recruitment of individuals to
work in Health and Social Care
Recruitment is also known as one of the most important part of every industry. It is very
prominent that it needs to be done in an sound and effective manner as this will make direct
effect the success and growth of company. In reference of health and social care there are various
numbers of factors that are required to be determine while recruiting or at time of planning the
recruitment process. There are more different internal and external factors which makes effects
on recruitment planning or process. The very first factors which needs to be consider at time of
employment plan is the sole aim of recruitment and what the firm wants to attain. For an
example if organisation preforms recruitment due to frame of new job at work station
(Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). That is it very essential that firm should have a clear
understanding about the ability, quality, experience and education of individual that organisation
wished to recruit.
More over, company needs to determine the presence of current workers, which complete
the requirement of a job that either performing with company(internal recruitment) or outside the

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firm (external recruitment). At time when firm feels the lacking of such types of ability in their
employee then they required to determine the financial applications in relation with training and
development workers needed at different level and firm can provide incentives to workers to
develop skills and capabilities. In addition to it, different kinds of demands for health care needs
and availability of finance or budget required to be determine by an organisation at time of
planning the recruitment. In order to have more profits of recruitments, it is very important that
individual and specification of job needs to be consider by health and social care firm. After it, it
is important for a firm to consider how they will capture the right person for available job at
1.2 Explain how relevant legislative and policy frameworks of the home country influence the
selection, recruitment and employment of individuals
Each and every process of selection has some legal guidelines. The legislations and
policies are very important and crucial also have major influence on the procedure of
employment. All of the laws are created to ensures the workers rights are protected and they
don't have any prejudice and harassment at their work station. All of the policies and legislations
are launched by local government of a UK. Different various laws are ensures that the
recruitment procedure is appropriate and fair (Batt and Colvin, 2011). Some of major acts are;
Equality act 2010, Employment right act 1996, industry care standards and race relation act
2000. all of them are launched to reduce the discrimination on the basis of gender, race, belief,
religion and disability with process of recruitment. Through the help of laws all recruitment
process is proceeding in effective manner to offers opportunity of recruitment and long age of
every persons. These legislations helps in creating labour policies more fair and flexible at the
same time it will provide support authorities in order to develop more sound policy related with
Along with it, health and social care firms also have their certain policies to look after
the process of recruitment and selection such policies are having different more factors like anti-
discrimination. For example, Council of General social care,2010 launches a code of exercises
for social care management. This exercises is created for supporting legislative frameworks that
is been framed by government that highlights the needs for members of social care. With the
help of this policy, management if social care firm are responsible to ensures that persons are
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comfortable to enter as an workforce, all of the procedure and rules are in written to ignore
exploitation and discrimination of workers at work station.
1.3 Evaluate different approaches that may be used to ensure the selection of the best
individuals for work in Health and Social Care
Process of selection is having various types of approaches generally it follows a
submission of CV by the individual after all of that manager will review all the application or
requests and short list some of suitable persons who shows desired level of knowledge, skills and
training which requirement of a task and job at work place. After it that particular person will
invited for a face to face interview. During this session different types of question will be asked
by individual and in some cases quality result given by person is evaluated, a score at end of
interview is offered and the person grab higher level of score will liable to get the job (Chatterji
and Patro, 2014).
To select the best person some times health and social care firm conduct some of more
job test to choose the suitable and appropriate individual for the right job. One of the prominent
advantages of additional job test is that. It will provide help to management or interviewer in
order to determine the potential talent and quality of a persons but on the other side this process
is time consuming and costly.
Using of peer staff member is the process of selection is the next approachs that can be in
health and social care firm to short list the best person. Major advantages of using it is that peer
provide help in determining the individual that will be best, suitable sand can preform all the
roles and duties related with certain job task in effective manner. The disadvantages of this is
having some biasses of peer that may leads to bad decision.
The other approach for selection and recruitment is assessment centres, in it numbers of
practises are perform numbers of job role. These can be in the form of structured capability
question, psychometric tests, group practises or one to one role task. Form all these tests will
observe the activity of every person and on the basis of that predict the aptitude of individual for
the exiting job role.
Some of approaches are-
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Advertising and assessment requirement- Firstly, firm will gives their requirements
through advertisement such as external advertisement across the public service. Then HR
manager will assess all the comparisons on the basis of arrived application to firm..
Number of vacancies- Recruitment approach is consider by the numbers of vacant
positions as it is important to for hiring to have suitable numbers of empty positions.
Features of the role- Each and Every vacancy has their own role and features, every post
is advertise with their role so that applicant will be able to short list suitable job for them.
Resources- it is important to have appropriate resources like budget and finance to
provide need of recruitment and helps in analysis of application (Daley, 2012).
Diversity and inclusion- In recruitment planning, it is important to have more different
segments which provide discrimination in recruitment and selection process.
Recruitment and selection advertisement for the King's Hospital.
Job description
Organisation name
King's collage and hospital.
Job profile
Reports to
HR administrative
ï‚· Welcome visitors and students with appropriate greeting and render them proper and
adequate information regarding with their query towards hospital and collage.
ï‚· Address every customers whenever they come up and set up their meetings with suitable
ï‚· Attend calls of clients effectively and timely manner and supply them adquate

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Qualification required
ï‚· Graduation in any field.
ï‚· Soft skills.
ï‚· Capable to handle pressure.
ï‚· Effective and pleasant personality traits.
Experience required
2-3 years.
Initial remuneration of 6 to 8 pound per annum.
Related CV;
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Jones Mark
Address: XYZ
Phone Number: +44-xxxxxxxx
E-mail Address:
Career Objectives:
Looking for a job to find the opportunity to grow up with organisation where may put efforts
and abilities to its maximum level.
Academic Qualification:
ï‚· Bachelors in Business Administration.
Career Experience:
ï‚· 2years of experienced in a Davic hospital, UK
Personal Skills:
ï‚· Excellent communication skills and Team handling ability.
ï‚· Capability of maintaining coordination between different department of finance to
balance economic condition of company.
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Declaration: I hereby declare the above mentioned information is accurate and real in the bast
of my knowledge.
Date: 22/march/2018
(NAME) Jones Mark
Place: London, UK
2.1 Explain theories of how individuals interact in groups in relation to the types of teams
that work in Health and Social Care
In today's working environment of business of a certain team provide different various
profits to an organisation. Firstly, it confirms the maximum uses of all available resource of a
firm and provide help in offers effective products and services to final buyers. In health and
social care firm, working of a team play a significant role. Various different theories related to
how person will perform or makes interaction in an group are there (Decker, Riley and Siemer,
2012). One of the major and famous theory in relation with group working is a modal which is a
Tuck-man's model. Team work is very important for the group of a firm. The term go through
different stages hence the theory considered is known as Tuckman theory. This theory is for
group development and the same is relevant in health and social care organisation. As per this
model the team interaction is divided into four phases that are considered as Forming, Storming,
Norming and performing.
Forming- This is very first step which is about framing of group. In this phase, all
members are begin knowing each other so that they can meet and understand their roles and
expectation of them hence leader needs to guide the team.
Storming- This is a stage on which team members will begin to determining themselves
as the past of the team. Here, the competition and conflicts are builds up among team members.
Different various function starts forming between them or in the team and each and every one
can be able to contending for the posts with in the team. The best way to deal with it is to hear up
the others and negotiate with another members of team.
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Norming- in this phase, all teammates are start recognizing contribution of each other
and begin adjusting with other's behaviours. A team bond begin developing and thought are
shared. Problem are starts dissolving. The members of group tend to be more concentrated on
the targets of the group.
Performing- in this stage, members of team can be able to work very efficiently and tend
to be more competent. They are performing towards attaining target and goal of team. Through
this loyalty will begin to build up with in the team member. There is clear image of role and
creativity is at its high or peak.
Adjuring- it is the last phase of team development. The group in this stage completes
their project and disbanded. The team members are taking step forward and get moved to
different project
The relations of employees in the King's collage are sound hence they are performing
with their mutual understanding. It helps in reducing conflicts and issues in between them.
2.2Evaluate approaches that may be used to develop effective team working in Health and
Social Care
Different various approaches are there, that will be used by staff of King's collages hospital in
order to creates, develop and promote effective and sound group at work station. Generally, there
are some of the theories of leadership which can be imposed to health and social care firm.
Behavioural leadership theory: The theory of leadership reflects the major thing that leadership
can be learned. By learn some particular responses for certain situations so the any person can be
a leader. This theory shows that leaders required to have strong personality, self confidants and
needs to have some sound and positive attitude. Leader can be either task oriented and person
oriented (Guest, 2011). This theory of leadership can be imply in the health and social care firm
as different various decision are needs to be consider and to have right decision every team is
needs strong leader who can provide help and support to team or reach effective conclusion.
Situational leadership theory: As per the stated theory of leadership, an effective and sound
leader is the one who are capable to change their behave on the basis of sophistication level of
employees of as per the several situation that happened at the work place. This theory can be
imposed to health and social care firm as different various conditions are arises in the firm and

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behave of leaders according to the situation helps employees in order to have suitable decision in
the favour of its customers.
Democratic leadership style: this is a different other style of leadership in that leaders inspire the
participation of workers in the process of decision making and bring the valuable opinion. This
style of leadership is also determine as the style of participative leadership. In this, every person
is having equal right to permit and share their opinions and thought or ideas. The advantages of it
is, this helps in encouragement of employees and provide help in making better decision.
3.1Explain ways in which the performance of individuals working in Health and Social Care can
be monitored
Looking after the performance of employees is very essential for an organisation. This is
not only monitoring but also analysis that reflects the person that are capable for incentives.
Monitoring the working of a person can be conducted through different various manner
(Sharma, Sharma and Devi, 2011). the first stage includes identification of exiting performance
level after that determining the areas for improvement can be framed. After all these, the phase
comes where an agreement will be made up in between employee and manager that decide how
will all these improvement can be created in the organisation. In order to create the determined
improvements, it is very important for manager to link all the enhancement with their core aims
and objective of the group. This will provide support to persons in order to understanding their
certain task, role and behave with in the team (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). monitoring
performance of workers can be completed with the help of observation and also by the
collection of feedback for other ones. The appropriate manner used through firms for analysing
the performance of the individuals is also known as the performance appraisal. In the process of
performance appraisal, the department of human resource management of the company set the
goal, and objective of persons on the basis of their targets. After that at the least phase employees
will be measured on the base of that certain criteria. Manager provide rating to the staff members
which are working under them and then top or major performers will have awards, bonuses and
salary or non- performers needs to be provided training in order to enhance their performance.
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More over, manager also provide criticism to all employees in order to boost up their
performance in the up coming year. This is also facilitates motivation to employees to perform
very well. Other side, community care should framed up a software at work station that will
attain all that job and task that are performed by employees and at the end of every year that
software will provide information which is completed by workers and performance of employees
will be monitored and analysed.
3.2 Assess how individual training and development needs can be identified
Training and development is a major and very important segment of human resource
management in every organisation. Training and development requires of workers can be
determined on the basis of evaluation of the workers who are not working well at the work
station. In health and social care firm, it is noted that the group dynamic is missing, this result in
the lack of coordination among all the members of group (Aladwan, Bhanugopan and Fish,
2014). because of all this persons fails to works on their expected job and role or responsibility.
The issues can be resolved only with the help of proper training and development. It is also noted
that workers are not having sound and effective level of knowledge hence manager will fails to
manage them in an very adequate manner. All this will be enhanced by providing training to all
members or subordinates. Training not only help persons to work their responsibility and role in
a very effective manner but also boost up the knowledge about the change took place in the
health and social care industry. This will provide support to persons in order to enhance their
skills and level of performance in according to changes. Suitable assessment by the manager of
employees working is very important and signifying to ensure that training is needed or not. In
addition to this, to analyse the training and development requirement of individuals can be begin
by health and social care firm.
ï‚· Review goals and objectives of business.
ï‚· Analyse the performance quality.
ï‚· Determine the areas of issues.
ï‚· Evaluate the weakness and lacks of subordinates
3.3 Analyse different strategies for promoting the continuing development of individuals in the
Health and Social Care workplace
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Employees of an organisation needs to be motivated by top manager on regular basis to
build their knowledge and skills. One of the major and prominent profit of this is that it will be
helpful for both persons and firm also. One of the major element that needs to encourage
employees for continuous enhancement is appraisal in an organisation and incentives (Decker,
Riley and Siemer, 2012). It is very essential that members of staffs should have regular
development is alien with the financial profits they will get form the company and this will boost
up their satisfaction and motivation.
For promoting regular development of workers it is very important for health and social
care firm to make and arrange culture of learning and system as this helps in providing support
to professional development of a person on regular basis. Moreover a training budget needs to be
framed by organisation and appraisal programmes required to be generated at work place on
time to time manner. Adequate mentoring and coaching required to provide a offer to workers
so they can perform well and can be able to perform their duties and roles in an efficient way
(Chatterji and Patro, 2014). Concept of benchmarking can be utilise through the health and social
care firms as this will provide help to manager in order to determine the gap between current and
actual performance of employees and also facilitates help to manager in order to identify the
training needs of workers.
4.1Explain theories of leadership that apply to the Health and Social Care workplace
Leaders are playing an significance role in order to manage and supervise workers and
management at workplace in context to conforming the effective performance of every worker in
health and social care, it is that appropriate and suitable style and approach of leadership required
be used at workstation. Various number of leadership theories are there that can be imposed to
health and social care organisations in order to promote effective environment of working.
leadership theories can be either transformational or transactional.
Transactional leadership is the one in that leader keeps their eyes on performance,
supervision and organisation. In this style of leadership, leaders will promote cooperation by
followers through both rewards and punishment. Transformational leaders are those who are not
change friendly as they are not in favour of change happen in the future, they tend to keep the
things same as past. Transactional leaders pay attention to the working of their followers to find

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their deviations and faults. It is true that this type of leadership is effective in urgent situations
and also in the task that needs to be bring out in a specific manner. Transactional leaders helps in
encouraging workers in order to perform well by exchange rewards. Transformational leader
generally goes beyond arranging routine task of an organisation and frame strategies for moving
the company to the next level. This style of leadership concentrate on motivation, collaboration
and team building with employees at different various level.
4.2 Analyse how working relationships may be managed
Manage relationship with employees is very crucial and essential for an organisation . In
health and social care firms, relationship can be kept up by them only but human resources
department of organisation is rolling a effective role in it as this can provide them a lesson in
order to hold up relationship in health and social care sector. Leader of team is playing a
momentous role in respect to maintain relationship as they are the one who divides all resources
and job to every individual. It is very essential that every person needs to be aware about their
roles and obligation as it will help in reducing the field of rising conflicts at workstation.
In addition to this it is very important that trust is requirement among all workplace as it
provides in order to creates relationships in health and social care sector.
It is important to for all the employees to be aware for their all responsibility as it helps to
reduce the chances of conflicts at the work station. If one of the services provider is not on the
ground then it is important that there needs to be other person who can be able to perform their
job task in effective manner. Every employee working in an organisation needs to provide them
some respect more over it is also essential that there needs to be strong communications at the
work stations as it helps the manager in order to playing clear roles and responsibility of every
4.3 Evaluate how own development has been influenced by management approaches
encountered in own experience.
On the basis of my own experience, I can depicts that I have faced various management
approaches that makes affect the development of firm and persons too. I discovered that if health
and social care firm as King's collage opt right and suitable strategy then it will provide help in
order to make a positive dynamics, all resources are divided properly or efficiently and feedback
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or opinions of workers will have value. Approach used by management is directly make
influences on improvement of workers at workplace.
It provide helps in enhancing my confidants on my professional level. If management
opts a autocratic approach then it may mark impact on me in a negative manner. In this condition
I might have feel of disconnections for the firm. Hence cause of all it is very essential for an firm
to follow a strong and effective management.
From the given project report, it can be concluded that human resource management is
very important part in an organisation as The purpose of HR is to boost up productivity by
optimum uses of worker's effectiveness in an organisation. This is also focusing on industrial
relation and organisation change. In a health care organisation human resource is paying vital
role cause entire firm is relaying on their staff member hence manager of HR is having essential
duties therefore, recruitment and hiring needs to be done is effective manner. In this report
number of factor are there which needs to be think by manager of social and health care firm at
time of planning the recruitment and selection of workers along with it some of legislation are
also listed.
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Books and Journals
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