
Impact of Rewards on Employee Motivation at Hilton


Added on  2020-01-15

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Impact of Rewards on Employee Motivation at Hilton_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSTASK 1.................................................................................................................................................31.1 Formulation and recording possible research project outline specifications..............................31.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection.........................31.3 Undertaking a critical review of key references.........................................................................41.4. Producing a research project specification................................................................................51.5 Providing an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification................7TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................82.1 Match resources efficiently to the research question..................................................................82.2 Undertaking the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and process........................................................................................................................................82.3 Recording and collecting data from participants from the questionnaire...................................9TASK 3...............................................................................................................................................153.1 Using appropriate research evaluation techniques with justifications......................................153.2 Interpretation and analysis the results in terms of original research specifications.................153.3 Recommendation and further research areas............................................................................18REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................20APPENDIX........................................................................................................................................222
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TASK 11.1 Formulation and recording possible research project outline specificationsThe research project specification section is one of the important parts of the researchproposal that provides brief information about the whole study. In the context of the presentinvestigation, some major project outline specifications are as follows: Research TitleTo critically determine the effectiveness of rewards strategies in enhancing motivation levelof employees: A study on Hilton Hotel, UK.Aim “To critically determine the effectiveness of rewards strategies in enhancing motivationallevel of workforce: A study on Hilton Hotel, Manchester, UK”.ObjectivesTo understand effectiveness of reward strategies as a motivator per the theoretical views. To identify the different types of rewards strategies that use by Hilton Hotel to motivate theworkforce. To determine the relationship between the reward strategies and level of motivation of staffsof Hilton Hotel. To suggest new reward motivational strategies in order to improve motivation level ofemployees of Hilton Hotel. Research Questions 1.What is the effectiveness of reward strategies as a motivator per the theoretical views? 2.Which types of rewards strategies that use by Hilton Hotel to motivate the workforce? 3.What is the relationship between the reward strategies and level of motivation of staffs ofHilton Hotel? 4.Explain new reward motivational strategies in order to improve motivation level ofemployees of Hilton Hotel. 1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selectionAt time of selection of the research topic, there are various factors that influence theresearcher to choose the right subject for investigation. From the past few years, the scholar hasemployed in a hotel as an assistant HR manager. During the work, the investigator has known aboutthe different rewards strategies that use by his organization to motivate the employees. In order touse the working experience in practical manner, the researcher has decided to select the currentresearch issue. On the other hand, in order to get the good opportunity of growth in the career, the3
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author has decided to carry out the study on the selected subject. Along with this, there are differentpieces of research have been conducted on the role of motivational strategies on employeemotivational level in various industries context (Daniel and Sam, 2011). But there is less evidencehas been found rewards strategies on the motivational level of the workforce in the organizations.So, to overcome that research gap, the researcher has decided to conduct the investigation on thefollowing subject. 1.3 Undertaking a critical review of key referencesConcept of motivation and its role to motivate the employees in an organizationAccording to Armstrong and Taylor, 2014, “motivation term derives from the word motivewhich means moving into action” (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). It forces the people to act in a waythat ensures the people to fulfil their needs with time. In the organizational context, motivationrefers to a planned managerial process that inspires individual to work to according to theircapabilities so that unfulfilled needs can be complete. Bratton and Gold, 2012 has stated that “itgenerates a psychological phenomenon in the person that motivates him to meet his objectives”(Bratton and Gold, 2012). With the help of this, it becomes easy to develop physical and mentalcapabilities of the employees in a company. When the organization motivates it staff member then itincreases their productivity. Along with this, it has provided opportunities to the enterprises tocreate a good market image in the context of the employment. On the other hand, Bruce andNyland, 2011 asserted that “motivation is an important aspect of an organization because it helps inovercome resistance to change and negative attitude of the employees” (Bruce and Nyland, 2011). Ithas facilitated the management to increase the level of satisfaction of the staff members to takeinterest in the organizational goals and manage the changes according to it. Different types of rewards strategies that use by hospitality industry to motivate the workforceAs per the view point of Gannon and Boguszak, 2013, “the rewards strategies can be dividedinto Extrinsic and Intrinsic rewards” (Gannon and Boguszak, 2013). The aim of these strategies isto increase employees’ willingness to work in company and enhance their productivity. Bonus isone of the reward strategies that mostly use by hospitality industry to motivate the employees in theright direction. With the help of this, it becomes easy to motivate the staff members in the rightdirection. On the other hand, Guha, 2010 has stated that “Salary raise is the most effective rewardstrategies that is currently use by hospitality organizations with the aim pt motivating the workers”(Guha, 2010). This type of reward is beneficial because it stimulates employees in developing theirskills and competence so that they can increase their productivity and performance. In the contrastof the above statement, Hendry, 2012 has noted that “Gifts are the major reward strategy that has4
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used by different hospitality organizations in order to motivate the workers” (Hendry, 2012). Itworks as a token of appreciation for an achievement with the aim of boosting the self esteem of theworkers in the right direction. Relationship between the reward strategies and level of motivation of staffs of hospitality industryAccording to Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman, 2011, “there is a strong relationshipbetween the rewards strategies of hospitality industry and the motivation level of the staff”(Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman, 2011).When different types of rewards tactics have combined;it has made greater impact on the motivation level of the employees. It has increased theengagement of the workforce in the different business related activities. On the other hand,Kremerand Hammond, 2013 has asserted that “the effective rewards strategies of hospitality sector haveenhanced the employment relationship between the management and employees” (and Hammond,2013). It has created the awareness in the workers to attain the objectives of the business. In thiscontext, Maslow, 2013 has stated that “rewards strategies of the hotel organizations havecommunicates effectively the value of the whole reward package” (Maslow, 2013). This hasincreased the satisfaction level in the employees which leads to enhance their productivity. New reward motivational strategies in order to improve motivation level of employees of HiltonHotelAccording to Noltemeyer, Bush and et.al., 2012 “Hilton Hotel has used the effective rewardsstrategies with the aim of motivating the employees(Noltemeyer, Bush and et.al., 2012). Still thereis a need of improvement in this area so that it becomes easy to effectively motivate the workers.With the help of proper feedback process, a clear guidance to employees can be easily provided.This will help in developing a bond and adds value to the relationship of management and the staffmembers. On the other hand, Sandhya and Kumar, 2011 has stated that “by giving recognition tothe works and efforts to the employees, rewards strategies of the cited organization can beimproved” (Sandhya and Kumar, 2011). It leads to boost self-esteem and happiness of the workerswhich motivate them to increase their efforts level. With the help of above stated methods, itbecomes easy for Hilton Hotel to improve existing motivational strategies in order to improvemotivation level of employees1.4. Producing a research project specificationResearch project specification is an important part of an investigation because it reflects howa study has been carried out to attain the research objectives. In the context of present research, theresearcher has been used various research methodologies which are as follows:Research philosophy: A right selection of research philosophy helps in understand the5
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various factors that can influence the outcomes of the investigation. There are two types of researchphilosophy: positivism and interpretivism research philosophy (Fiegen, 2010). When the wholestudy is based on the subjective concept which aids the researcher to understand the findings of theother similar research studies then interpretivism research philosophy takes into the consideration.On the other hand, when there is a presence of the research objectives in the investigation thenpositivism research philosophy can be used (Flick, 2011). The present study is based on determinethe effectiveness of rewards strategies in enhancing motivational level of workforce in Hilton Hotel.In this study, the scholar has been prepared some research objectives that helped in carried out theresearch in the appropriate manner. For this, positivism research philosophy has been selected. Withthe help of this, the different objectives have addressed in effective way (Garner and Scott, 2013). Research approach: It is used to find the solution of the define research problem either byusing theory or testing hypothesis. This can be divided into inductive and deductive researchapproach (Research approach, 2015). When the study is carrying out from specific to generaldirection than inductive research approach is taking into the use (Gay, Mills and Airasian, 2011).But when the investigation is moving from particular to general discussion than it comes under thedeductive research framework. In the context of the present research, the researcher has beenselected inductive research approach because the study has started with the general discussion overthe motivation concept and end with the relationship between the rewards strategies andmotivational level of employees of Hilton Hotel (Kriz, Gummesson and Quazi, 2013). Research design: It is the most important part of the research design which can be dividedinto two parts: exploratory and descriptive. In the exploratory research design, the researcher tries toexplore the new theory on the basis of the outcome (Kumar, 2014). For example, why rewardsstrategies of Hilton Hotel has affected motivation level of its employees. From this, the reason offollowing statement determines by the scholar. On the other hand, in the descriptive researchdesign, the investigator tests the existing theory on the similar situation (Choosing appropriateresearch methodologies, 2015). For instance, to determine the effectiveness different rewardsstrategies in the employees’ motivational level. Here, the scholar tries to prove his research problemwith the help of motivational theory. In the context of the present investigation, the researcher hasused descriptive research design to test its research objectives by using motivational theories. Research type: It can be divided into two parts: qualitative and quantitative. Under thequantitative research type, the researchers use the previous research outcomes on the similar topicto complete the entire investigation (Research Methodology, 2015). In this, the whole study is basedon both primary and secondary data analysis where new data and old data are taking into theconsideration. On the other hand, in qualitative research type, the scholars consider the primary data6
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