
Unit 4: Research Project Data collection Assignment


Added on  2021-02-19

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Data Science and Big Data
Submission Front Sheet
Project Code: AB807H4TG
Programme: BTEC Higher National Diploma in Hospitality Management
Unit Title and Number: Research Project (Unit-4)
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Word Counts (5000-6000)
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Unit 4: Research Project Data collection Assignment_1

Unit 4: Research Project Data collection Assignment_2

Service Quality considers as the most important factor within hospitality industry, to gain
sustainable and competitive advantages. It provides a great chance to hotels to gain the high
satisfaction and retention of their targeted audience, to run business profitably. For this purpose,
the two major hotels of UK that are Marriott and Hilton, use a number of strategic tools for
measuring their service quality, that their customers willing to pay for. This would help in
evaluating the gap between expected and actual performance of company, so that necessary
changes can be created to fulfil the same. Through the present research, it has been cleared that
by measuring the quality of services timely, efficiencies of outputs has been much increased.
This would make able both hotels to remain in competition and gain high sustainability as well.
Main intent of conducting this investigation is to analysis various number of
measurement ways via which hospitality industry can improves their service quality. For
achievement of this, different activities or tasks have been done by researcher. Literature review
is most essential section of research which have been completed by analysing point of view of
different authors about the research aim and objectives. Research methodology is another
important section which have been done by using different methods such as qualitative and
qualitative research, sampling method, primary and secondary methods of data collection,
research approach, strategies, philosophies etc. These were used by researcher which helped
them in completion of research systematically. Data analysis have been done by using thematic
analysis which helped an investigator to achieve better outcomes for research. Conclusion and
recommendation is last activity of research project and in which research aim and objectives
were addressed in systematic manner.
Unit 4: Research Project Data collection Assignment_3

Unit 4: Research Project Data collection Assignment_4

Unit 4: Research Project Data collection Assignment_5

“To identify ways through which an organisation can measure service quality within
Hospitality Industry”. A case study of Marriott Hotel and Hilton Hotel in London
Overview of the research
Service quality plays a main role behind success of every organisation that deals in
hospitality industry. Here, management of such companies focuses more on understanding what
their targeted customers want, with purchasing power of them. This would help in offering better
quality of services to customers, on reasonable price rates. In context with hotels, with increase
in competition within given sector, it becomes highly important for them to measure their service
quality for getting retention of customers. An enterprise that mainly deal in hospitality and
service sector to give better services to the customers (Dedeoğlu and Demirer, 2015). For this
purpose, a number of tools can be used, in terms of assurance-responsiveness, reliability,
tangibility and empathy. In light of these aspects, the present research is going to make a
discussion on possible managerial implications taken by hotel industries, for increasing the
efficiencies of service-quality.
Conceptual framework of Research
There are different chapters which will be explain for completing this research project in
systematic manner. These are determine as under:
Chapter 1: Introduction: It is a first activity which will be includes research aim,
objectives, questions, overview of the research , background of an organisation, rationale etc.
These will helps an investigator to do next chapter in systematic manner.
Chapter 2: Literature review: Main purpose of this chapter is to find out conflicts in
previous study. In this section, different number of books, articles, publication research will be
used by researcher for identifying opinion of authors about the research aim and objectives.
Chapter 3: Research methodology: It is another main section of research project which
includes different methods such as primary and secondary method of data collection, qualitative
and quantitative research, sampling method etc. Theses will support a researcher to collect
accurate information and perform research in more systematic and effective manner.
Unit 4: Research Project Data collection Assignment_6

Chapter 4: Data analysis and interpretation: In order to analysis accurate data about the
current study, quantitative method of data analysis will be apply by researcher. As in this method
different tables, graph etc. will be develop by researcher.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation: It is a last chapter of research project
which will helps an investigator to address each objectives of research systematically and
Background of the organisation
Marriott Hotel is a brand of high-tech services that was founded by J. Williard Marriott in
1957 (Marriott Hotels, 2019). While the global brand i.e. Hilton Hotel & Resorts was founded in
1919 by Conrad Hilton. Hilton Worldwide Holdings is one of the biggest hospitality companies
in the world (Hilton Worldwide Holdings, 2019). Both are consider international brand in accord
the world. As the main objective of present research is to measure the service quality of hotels as
per different perspective of customers, therefore, a case study is done on two biggest hotels of
UK that are – Hilton Hotel of London and Marriott Hotel. Both of these hotels offer a number
of services such as amazing discounts on leisure and luxury services, various amenities like
digital check-in and check-out process, keyless entry, Wi-Fi etc. to enhance the experience of
customers. In order to gain sustainability, Hilton Hotel concerns more on evaluating its
performance in terms of service qualitative via social listening method, which refers to a process
of data collection from social stage. It would help in analyzing where the performance lack and
what its targeted customers mostly willing to pay. This method is the process of collecting data
from social stage and on the chosen topic. Using this model, social know how is made such as
what people thinks about anything, what is their perception along with what are their reaction
after retrieval of the services. Also, collected data is used to be analyzed to ascertain trends along
with helpful perception. This is useful to influence wide scope of activities such as operations,
product issues and solving, changes into the services delivery or management along with
building of the advertising approaches. In context with Marriott Hotel, to evaluate where it fails
to gain desired performance of business, its management gives priority to apply Service Quality
Gap Model, for measuring its effectiveness and make improvement in the same (Quality in
Hospitality – Marriott Hotels case study, 2018). If the customer perceives that a service meets
their expectation, then they would be satisfied. It’s a gap method for purpose of service quality
measurement, which is the tool which can be useful by product manager across the industries.
Unit 4: Research Project Data collection Assignment_7

This model provides a framework which can be used to understand what customers are actually
preferred, to purchase services of respective hotel. Therefore, by identifying the gap between
expected and current performance, its management make changes accordingly.
Research aim
Main aim of this research is “To identify different ways through which an organisation can
measure service quality within Hospitality Industry”. A case study of Marriott Hotel and Hilton
Hotel in London
Research objectives:
Research objectives are the aim which is set to carry out by researcher to conduct
research effectively along with purpose and aim in mind.
To determine the concept of service quality measurement in hospitality industry
To identify areas of improvement within Marriott and Hilton Hotel to improve service-
To determine the impact of service quality on customer loyalty in hotel sector.
To identify strategies by which better service quality of hotels can be measured and
Rationale of the research
The main aim behind selecting the given research topic i.e. service-quality of hotel
industry, is to evaluate how such organisations improving their services to gain high profitability
and retention of targeted customers. By making an investigation on given topic, researchers can
enhance their skills and level of knowledge within hospitality industry, behind their success
(Dedeoğlu and Demirer, 2015). Moreover, the purpose or say point reason such as service
quality, its effective fulfilment along with solving issues to bring reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, tangibility and empathy in terms of the hotel services. Also, reason behind carry out
the research is the continuous going of problem being occurred into the hospitality industry and
which as simply led to burden on its performance or continuous operation to be undertaken.
Unit 4: Research Project Data collection Assignment_8

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