Article 1: Ferreira, N. and Coetzee, M., 2010. Psychological career resources and organisational
commitment: Exploring sociodemographic differences. South African Journal of Labour
Relations, 34(2), pp.25-41.
Article 2: Alias, N.E., Noor, N. and Hassan, R., 2014. Examining the mediating effect of employee
engagement on the relationship between talent management practices and employee retention in the
Information and Technology (IT) organizations in Malaysia. Journal of Human Resources Management
and Labor Studies, 2(2), pp.227-242.
? Read through the above articles.
? Write a review (or summary) on each article by making use of the guidelines and
template below. (It also indicates the approximate length of each section.) Do not write
anything new; just use the information in the articles.
? Apply the Harvard method of referencing.
? It is important that you read through the article carefully and make notes and highlight key
words/points as you go along.
? Ensure that the main ideas ar