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Impact of Online Platforms on Individuals and Society


Added on  2023/04/21

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This article discusses the impact of online platforms, such as social media, on individuals and society. It explores the positive and negative effects of using these platforms, including the influence of influencers, the marketing strategies of marketers, the behavior of celebrities, and the political promotion by politicians. The article highlights the effects on business, market, moral values, and political divisions.

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People are using online platforms like Facebook, twitter, instagram for fame or
for money in different ways which can have both positive and negatives impact to them and to
the society. We can see this through some examples as follows; Influencers use online for
marketing services and opening online shops to sell their products ( Dicks 258). These
influencers always try to get large number of followers in order to increase the number of clients
for their products, example, Huda Kattan has 15.9 million followers on instagram and she has
large number of clients for her beauty products.
On the other side, some marketers use social media as a platform to con their unsuspecting
customers and sell low quality products to their clients which makes clients lose faith on online
sold products (Kaufman and Sumerson 71). At the end this destroys the market for those who
sell quality products due to presence of counterfeit products in the same market. Online
marketing and shops always attract many clients and it would be good is businesspeople sell the
quality products as expected and in return get high profits and create a brand out to the world.
Celebrities use online to get fame where they post all their day to day activities to the
world to see, some goes to an extend of posting their naked pictures just to get more followers on
all their social media platforms. This on the other hand gives pressure on youths who want to
emulate them or became celebrities like them. Some of the celebrities go to extra miles to change

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their bodies by undergoing surgeries to have the perfect bodies to attract many people while
some engage in drugs. Most youths finds some of these activities done by celebrities to be fun
and will try to do them which leads to moral decay in the society. Some celebrities will use the
social media platform to do charitable activities like helping the needy around the world or in
their countries (Shulman 89). This will attract many followers who may be interested in joining
them as the charitable programs will be shared in different social media pages. Social media has
been a useful platform for many people, it wil be good for celebrities to maintain their dignity
and stop posting their naked pictures to the world to see or encouraging use of drugs but use it as
a platform to create awareness on drug abuse, sexual harassment or start charitable programs to
help the less fortunate in the society.
Politicians use social media to promote their political interests and for fame. They use
abusive words to refer to their opponents or when they disagree on the opinion poll which leads
to political divisions and create hatred among citizens (Shulman 160). This mode of
communication always brings unto them a lot of disgrace and portrays a negative image to the
society, this is contrary to people’s expectations of politicians been role model to the youths and
creating oneness instead of creating political difference and promoting hatred among the citizens.
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Work cited
Kaufman, James C., and Joanne B. Sumerson. "Editors' introduction: Psychology of Popular
Media Culture." Psychology of Popular Media Culture, vol. 1, no. 2, 2012, pp. 71-71.
Shulman, Stuart W. "Editorial Board EOV." Journal of Information Technology & Politics, vol.
10, no. 4, 2013, pp. ebi-ebi.
Shulman, Stuart W. "Marketing and Marketing Assessment (RLE Marketing)." 2014.
Dicks, Henry W. "Environmental Ethics and Biomimetic Ethics: Nature as Object of Ethics
and Nature as Source of Ethics." Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, vol. 30,
no. 2, 2017, pp. 255-274.
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